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Zhang Jukai:12.1黄金冲高回落,原油行情走势分析及操作建议

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Dailygold,Silver,crude oilInvestment strategy: If you are confused, unable to grasp the market trend, and easily tempted to take orders, the accuracy rate is high99%(Add Zhang Jukai's personal guidance on WeChat):jc64648 QQ:2317258291)

  Zhang Jukai:12.1黄金冲高回落,原油行情走势分析及操作建议168 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1606159
  当你看到我这篇文章的时候,张钜楷就能明白,你正在寻找一位能够带领你稳定赚钱的老师,在复杂市场的突发事件和机构砸盘是我们无法预知的,但是我们能做的是做单上严格进行止损,保持平常心去对待,有张钜楷在,不会让你心存侥幸的去扛单,不会让你在无法判断行情的时候旁徨失措。行情突变不可怕,可怕的是你不能快速的作出反应,一味等待,甚至做出错误的判断,最后错过了挽回损失的最佳时机,甚至导致了进一步亏损,也错过了顺势而盈的机会。时间如流水,稍纵即逝,抓住眼前,切勿被惶恐和惊喜冲昏头脑。单子解一套需要耐心,更需要有适合你套一单的专属解一套方案,而你需要的方案在张钜楷这里全部都有!不要坐以待毙!再厉害的诸葛也需要刘备的寻觅,张钜楷只需要一个良好配合和一份信任,还有一颗不服输心,就够了,就是这么简单。如果因为对于行情没有把握而不敢自己下手的朋友,张钜楷就是你最好的引路人!本人张钜楷《官微:jc98948  》会一直在,但如果你连手都不伸,我又怎么帮的了你呢?


Analysis of Gold Market Trend

Wednesday(12month1日)亚市早盘,金价基本持稳于1777附近,前一交易日,金价一度冲高回落,原因是美联储主席鲍威尔暗示,美国收紧货币政策对遏制通胀和维持供应链运转是必要的,这让市场措手不及。市场对于美联储提前加息预期升温,金价下跌。同时,鲍威尔讲话后,美元指数收复了稍早的大部分失地,也令金价承压。随着经济复苏强劲,劳动力增长受制,且高通胀预计将持续到2022年中期,周二,美联储主席鲍威尔表示,该行将将在12月讨论是否结束债券购买计划。这比预期提前了几个月。鲍威尔的鹰派口吻让一些分析人士感到意外,他表示等到12month14Solstice15日的政策会议,美联储将更详细地了解新毒株带来的经济风险,但无论如何,这一风险都远低于2020年春季疫情爆发时的水平。日内重点关注美国11monthADP就业及ISMmanufacturingPMI,另外美联储还将公布经济状况褐皮书。每日黄金,Silver, crude oil investment strategy. If you are confused, unable to grasp the market trend, and prone to placing orders, the accuracy rate is high99%(Add Zhang Jukai's personal guidance on WeChat):jc64648 QQ:2317258291)


Gold4小时布林道开始平行收口,上下轨区间在1778-1805,下轨的低点也是趋势线的防守点,此位是多空关键,从4小时的结构来看,如若以1877高点的下跌做一浪下跌,那么上周五的反弹只是局部修正,后市不再破1815。则会依托1815高点做第三浪的起跌高点,破低1778后形成下跌浪形延续。目前在横向整理当中,久攻不破高,反复收低使得下破的机率在增大。日内短线操作依托1815做防守尝试去高空,中性位置在1800-1805.也就是布林道收敛区间的上轨处,靠近上轨先行短空,破位1778后顺势跟进。综上所述,黄金今日操作思路上个人建议回调做多为主,上方重点关注1805-1810Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1765-1760一线支撑。每日黄金,Silver, crude oil investment strategy. If you are confused, unable to grasp the market trend, and prone to placing orders, the accuracy rate is high99%(Add Zhang Jukai's personal guidance on WeChat):jc64648 QQ:2317258291)
  Zhang Jukai:12.1黄金冲高回落,原油行情走势分析及操作建议518 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1606159

Wednesday(12month1日)亚市盘初,美原油微涨,早间公布的API数据显示库存下降提振油价,现报66.93dollar/桶;油价周二跌破70关口,下跌超4%至两个月以来最低至64.43dollar/桶;因莫德纳执行长对新冠疫苗对抗奥密克戎新变种的有效性提出质疑,引发金融市场恐慌,并加剧了对石油需求的担忧;且美联储考虑加快“缩减”大规模购债的进程也油价增加了一些压力。白宫希望OPEC+成员国在本周的会议上决定释放石油供应以满足需求,并表示,看到原油价格下跌而加油站汽油价格没有相应下降令人沮丧。石油分析师表示,“石油需求面临的威胁是实实在在的,另一波封锁可能会导致2022年首季的石油需求减少多达30010000 barrels/日,目前各国政府将健康安全的重要性置于重启计划之上,从澳大利亚推迟重启到日本禁止外国游客入境,都是明显的证据。”总体来看,在变异病毒奥密克戎在各国传播且疫苗的相关不乐观消息增加了担忧情绪,且伊核谈判乐观,油价空头强劲;日内油价重点晚间EIA数据以及OPEC会议,两大重要基本面影响下,油价或存在进一步下跌风险。

  原油从技术面来看,原油昨日延续下跌收低,亚盘反弹71.22附近直接承压下行,欧盘弱势破掉低点67.40.奠定日内较弱的下跌格局,欧盘弱美盘续。美盘时段进一步创新低64.40.走出了近期的新低位。低位在不断刷新,调整的空间则在进一步扩大。日线和周线仍处于调整形态当中。周线是回调,日线则随着空间的转换,短线走空。4Hourly rebound at the beginning of the week72.90After the correction of the belt, it will accumulate momentum to break through the low and continue the downward trend. Breaking through the low is a continuation of the downward wave pattern, combined with a rebound high point72.90Forming a small-scale three wave oscillation downward. and4小时也是处于台阶下跌通道当中,空间不断放大,反弹的次高点在下移。由震荡下跌转为弱台阶下跌,而周初的高点72.90就是短期临界点。弱势单边跌。4小时短期10均线就是首个压制点,昨晚最后反弹的整理高点也在68.80附近。今日阻力在68.50-69.0附近。操作上反弹择机高空。综合来看,今日短线操作思路张钜楷建议以反弹高空为主,回调低多为辅,上方短期重点关注70-70.5Resistance, short-term focus below64.5-65线支撑。每日黄金,Silver, crude oil investment strategy. If you are confused, unable to grasp the market trend, and prone to placing orders, the accuracy rate is high99%(Add Zhang Jukai's personal guidance on WeChat):jc64648 QQ:2317258291)


  (1)Lock in position and price difference method: After being covered, it indicates that our judgment direction is wrong. The market and our prices in the opposite direction are moving, and when they rebound or fall to a certain height, it is estimated that they will reach a short-term high. We need to continuously increase the funds in the lock in position to ensure that the lock in position is greater than the position in the lock in position. By using this technique of taking advantage of the situation to increase the price difference earned by locking orders, and finally waiting for the total funds to make up for the loss, completing the removal of the bedding and making a profit, and then selling all of it?

  (2)Bottom adding method: After being covered, one should be patient and dare to lock in the position, because of the characteristics of the product, some prices and bottom signals may appear, especially in large cycles such as the weekly chartKWhen there is a rebound signal or a bottom signal on the line, it will be very stable. As long as there is a bottom signal in the large cycle, it is necessary to boldly unwind, buy continuously on dips, increase positions, and once the large cycle rebounds, it can be resolved.

  (3)Lowering the average price method: After being trapped, if you are trapped at a relatively low point in history, there is no need to worry, as there is bound to be room for rebound. At this time, you need to constantly buy on dips and increase positions to buy on dips15%Increase the position once and lower the average price, so that when there is a rebound in gold and silver, it can be eliminated. This technique is also known as the pyramid method.


  Zhang Jukai:12.1黄金冲高回落,原油行情走势分析及操作建议444 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1606159

Under the guidance of Zhang JukaiVLetter:《jc64648  QQ:2317258291》)Establish a fundamental change model to assess market sentiment changes and determine trends. More than ten years of technical analysis and judgment on short-term details. The central line is the main line, supplemented by the short line. I have in-depth and unique insights into major global financial markets such as the foreign exchange market, gold market, oil market, stock market, and bond market. This article is written by Zhang Jukai, who carefully writes every analysis and conveys valuable investment concepts. I hope the price is worth it, and the value is worth it; Due to the delayed nature of the article strategy; Consult Zhang Jukai Obtain the latest real-time market analysis.

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