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ATFXIs it a legitimate foreign exchange platform that can provide you with an authoritative answer

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常言道:选择比努力更重要。这话在foreign exchange交易中同样适用。外汇平台的选择直接关系到投资安全,ATFXAs a well-knownForeign exchange transactions品牌,近年来取得的成就有目共睹,其是否是正规外汇交易平台也被众人所提及。那么今天,就这一问题我们给你个权威解答。


1、监管。目前汇市最受认可的监管机构是英国FCAAnd the United StatesNFA。ATFXHolding UKFCAHighest level regulatory license(730K牌照),权威监管机构效力认可,最高监管牌照加成,双重监管加成,安全可靠值得信赖。

ATFXIs it a legitimate foreign exchange platform that can provide you with an authoritative answer918 / author:atfx2019 / PostsID:1605605

2、品牌。ATFX外汇隶属于AT Capital Group (ATgroup)。基于AT集团在金融、外汇市场十多年的积累和沉淀,ATFX外汇作为全球在线外汇交易平台,以伦敦为核心不断拓展商业版图,业务覆盖欧洲、欧盟28国、中东、东南亚、中南美洲等。ATFX正在品牌之路上不断前行。


4、点差。对于外汇投资者来说,点差越小,交易成本也越小,获利的机会就越大。ATFXForeign exchange adoptionSTP+NDD交易模式,低至1.8的交易点差在众多交易平台中交易成本低,符合投资者的投资预期。

As an internationally renowned foreign exchange trading broker, relying on reliable supervision, good reputation and extensive market attention,ATFXIt has become a highly respected foreign exchange trading broker in the industry.ATFXWe are always committed to providing customers with high-quality and safe trading services, ensuring the high level of operation supervision, ensuring the overall suitability of the trading environment, and never stop to promote the healthy development of the foreign exchange market.

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