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Zhou Jinrui11.4黄金操作!黄金白银走势分析黄金、原油纸白银...

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  goldMarket trend analysis
Message analysis: Wednesday(11month3day),美联储维持利率不变,同时宣布计划每月减少150亿美元的资产购买,符合投资者预期;美元下跌,美国股市再创历史新高,美联储虽然宣布减码,但仍然暗示货币政策将保持宽松。现货黄金触底反弹。
  技术面:黄金月线MACD高位死叉放量运行,代表趋势空头;蜡烛目前布林带中轨和均线MA5as well asMA10下方运行,也代表弱势震荡。蜡烛图7/8/9月的联排高点在1834附近压制,而实体部分都在1813-14一线;上月的高点同样是1814附近。所以本月我们首要关注的就是1814阻力位,而该点也和中轨重合。因此我们在该点下方就可以开始布局中线空单,其次才是1830-34附近。而根据月线的菲波拉契回调线组合来看,价格需要跌破1770-1760才能再次去试探1680附近的支撑。月线目前下方支撑在均线MA30nearby1710一线,其次是下轨1653一线。当然我们也需要关注前两月的低点1746-1721。

  黄金周线布林带三轨放平标准震荡走势,上下轨区间1740-1830.indexMACD粘合于零轴,短期均线粘合中轨,代表震荡。目前周线高点逐步下移,并且上方均线MA60压制也逐步下移,所以目前偏向空头。周线前两周高点1813and1810,而目前上方均线MA30Suppress in1800一线,均线MA60And the parabolic turning point is suppressed1813-1818;下方支撑在均线MA5andMA10Adhesive position1756一线。从盘面看价格跌破上周低点1770就会不断试探下方支撑1760-1750until1740一线。因为本周是非农周,基本都是数据行情。这两天价格如果一直维持在1760-1800区间震荡,那么非农跌破支撑将会惯性下跌至1740附近。黄金日线MACD金叉缩量粘合,灵动指标粘合放平,并且均线布林带指标都呈现放平状态,所以日线将以震荡为主。而目前的震荡区间就是均线MA30-averageMA10section1761-1792.从日线菲波拉契回调线看目前支撑在0.50position1757One line, upper resistance0.382position1790as well as0.236position1787First line. gold4hourMACDDead fork high-throughput operation, flexibility indexsto超卖区徘徊,指标呈现弱势。布林带均线长线空头排列。4小时短期压制在1778-1782Frontline. And from4Hour nudity“k”形态看:价格短期在1760-1783区间震荡,下方趋势线支撑1760frontline.

Recommendations for Gold Operations

  1780-82Void1786. Target View1772-1766

  1760-62Loss1757, Objective1770-1777
GoldTDtechnical analysis
GoldTD:goldTDOn the eve of the Federal Reserve's interest rate resolution, it maintained a consistent trend of volatility, mainly in the368The yuan fluctuated slightly up and down. Recently, I firmly stated that in the overall direction, I am still optimistic about another decline. Because, despite recent fluctuations in gold prices, from a daily perspective,360The first line rebound is only a correction during the decline process, and the previous second starting point of decline373The suppression has not been broken through. and373The yuan is the key, and if bulls want to gain momentum and further rise, they must break through here, otherwise they will still have a slight advantage for bears. But at the same time, bears only have to fall below the previous rising point, namely365-366Only with sufficient support can the downward space be opened. Unfortunately, the recent multiple downturns in gold prices have not been able to break through366A frontline support. Today's suggestion is to be patient373Short order, stop loss375On, target365Break hold.
SilverTDTechnical analysis:
SilverTD: Silver daily line and small positive line reporting. In terms of morphology, it continued to run during the session yesterday4900Nearby, step back at night4800On the first line, it entered a fluctuating and falling trend. Compared to previous bearish performance, last night's dynamic negative line pressured the market into a deep adjustment, and further observation is needed within the day4700Can the front line be broken below. Silver is currently entering a stage of decline and selling, relying on4700Stabilizing can consider multiple entry orders. proposal4700Long, stop loss4650, Objective4850-4900.
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Analysis of crude oil news: Wednesday(11month3日)美油尾盘下跌3.8USD, with a decline of4.53%Reporting80.11dollar/桶。布油下跌3.46USD, with a decline of4.08%Reporting81.26dollar/桶。两大原油指标均创7month19日来最大跌幅。此前EIA库存报告显示,截至10month29During the current week, crude oil inventory increased32910000 barrels to4.341Billion barrels, for8月以来的最高水平;精炼油库存增加216万桶,增幅录得2021year7month9日当周以来最大,同时伊朗表示本月将恢复核谈判,致使油价大幅下行。
  原油技术面:原油日线上来看,高位盘整快半月了,没有新的高点,也没有太多的回调,基本维持在区间震荡,上方短期阻力平台已经很明显了。日线级别,布林带开始收口,价格一度冲上轨附近回落,日内更是测试中轨的支撑,之前也说过,日线中轨就是上涨过程中的一道防线,一旦回调跌破中轨,那么上涨过程就要告于段落,日内重点关注中轨80.0附近的破位情况。四小时来看,布林带开始走平,仍有走震荡的趋势,油价在下轨79.6附近暂时获得支撑,此位置不仅是下轨支撑,还是日线中轨支撑,若失守此位置,则将改变近期多头格局,反之油价仍会震荡上行!综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以高空为主,低多为辅。上方短期重点关注82.0-82.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below78.0-78.5Frontline support.


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