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Zhou Jinrui10.29/30Futures gold, silverTDSuggestions for US crude oil trading operations

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  goldMarket trend analysis
Message analysis: Friday(10month29日)国际金价承压,因美元指数自上日录得的9month27Daily low93.277反弹。美股及美债收益率大幅上涨限制了金价涨幅。但欧洲央行转鹰、美元走软且数据显示美国经济增速降至一年多来最慢,提振了对避险黄金的需求。总的来看,金价上涨遭遇了一些阻力,但上行趋势仍未被破坏,未来或继续震荡走强。

From4小时来看,当前macd粘合于零轴附近,灵动指标sto快速向下修复,短期指标显示震荡偏弱。而下方支撑在均线MA60和下轨对应1785-1782一线。小时线当前指标显示弱势,而蜡烛图运行到中下轨,结合短周期均线的空头,所以小时线震荡偏弱。短期关注小时线均线MA60Support for1790一线。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议高空为主,低多为辅,上方重点关注1810-1815Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1770-1775Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, with more real-time market analysis and timely operational strategies added.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr8527)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.

Operation suggestions

  ①1808-10Nearby empty, loss1815, look at the goal1795-1787

  ②1776-78There are many nearby areas, causing damage1771, Objective1793-1798
GoldTDtechnical analysis
GoldTD:goldTD继续偏强震荡,上方再次冲击373元压制,但还是回落下来,难以突破。在大方向上,笔者还是看好能再次下跌。因为,尽管近期金价反复,但从日线上看,360The first line rebound is only a correction during the decline process, and the previous second starting point of decline373The suppression has not been broken through. and373The yuan is the key, and if bulls want to gain momentum and further rise, they must break through here, otherwise they will still have a slight advantage for bears. But at the same time, bears only have to fall below the previous rising point, namely365-366的支撑,才能打开下行空间。可惜本周的多次下行,始终无法跌破366一线的支撑。短线震荡严重,方向不明,今天建议可以继续持有部分373的空单,待下周利率决议后或将有大波动。
SilverTDTechnical analysis:
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Analysis of crude oil news: Friday(10month29Japanese oil company hovers around82.66dollar/桶附近;油价周四触及两周来最低80.58dollar/桶,因此前伊朗表示,将在11月底之前恢复与世界大国就其核计划的谈判,且美国原油库存增加,但因OPEC及其盟友预计第四季度全球石油市场将收紧,美油收涨超1%。但因对伊朗核谈判的预期涨幅有限,油价短期主要受伊核谈判相关消息的影响为主,日内或继续震荡。
  原油技术面:原油日线收得一带有长下影线的阳线。日线结构上,在前一日大阴线影响下,美油显然是延续了回修趋势,但是基本面再起风云,也束缚了空头的调整力量,不过油价回弹尚未突破5、10日线,整体技术形态依然还是有承压的,且前一日大阴线的影响力也还是存在的,包括日线级别指标来看,短线行情调整动能并未释放完全,所以日内美油或将延续回修,但在基本面的反作用下,短线行情又很有可能反复,出现上抬力量,故日内行情可能会围绕83-80区间争夺,甚至可能缩减至82.5-81之间震荡。目前1小时图显示回弹已经完成三波,4小时、日线都有触压信号。日内可参考83.5附近轻仓短空,至83.8Nearby light warehouse filling, with unified stop loss measures84Above, look down at the target81.7-5附近先做减仓改保本止损,回撤81附近再做减仓。如果能回撤至81-80.5一带,可以尝试短多。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注84.0-84.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below80.0-80.5Frontline support. At present, friends who have nested orders in their positions are unable to provide corresponding unwinding strategies due to the author Zhou Jinrui's lack of knowledge about the location of your nested orders and the specific situation of your positions. Friends who need to unwind can use a single linezjr8527obtain.

Operation suggestions

  ①80.6-80.3There are many nearby areas, causing damage79.7, Objective81.4-82-82.6-83.2

  ②83.3-83.6Nearby empty, loss84.3, look at the goal80.7-80

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