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     Article Summary:2021year10Month Number27Novice FriedgoldWhat common sense do you need to know?10.27What is the layout of this week's golden medium and long term?10.27What do you think of the bullish trend?10.27Why did gold rise and fall sharply?10.27Does the rise and fall of the US dollar have an impact on gold?10.27crude oil本周多头能否继续上涨?10.27黄金区间震荡后市如何布局?

10.27黄金区间震荡如何精准把握?如何拿住单子锁住利润?336 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605406


10.27黄金区间震荡如何精准把握?如何拿住单子锁住利润?678 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605406







10.27黄金区间震荡如何精准把握?如何拿住单子锁住利润?833 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605406

      Yiheng's Discussion on Gold - Gold MarketTrend analysis and operational suggestions:

     4小时守住布林道中轨上方慢性上扬,局部形成边整理蓄势边收复上涨的走法,节奏比较缓慢,长时间处于整理蓄势,单从4hourK线结构来看,由于中轨的支撑强度较大,而此前的阴吞阳K线形态被收复部分,下方关注低点1783,短线则相对偏多,若是看多,下方1783则是短线多头临界点,此位之上回调多,破位再调整思路。多头空间持续性是一个问题,需要边走边看,短线可能伴随一步一回头的走法,稍微冲个高点就会进行回踩,故看多不追高,震荡节奏对待。回调短线看多。刷新高点后及时落袋,再配合阻力位置适当反手短空。捕捉短线机会。上方关注1808-1810Pressure level, pay attention below1783-1785Support position.

     reference resourcesthinkingone: First rebound1803-1805Short selling, stop loss1809, Objective1797-1790Nearby;

     reference resourcesthinkingtwoagainStep back to1785-1783一线继续依靠昨日给到的点位做多,止损1779, Objective1793-1800Nearby;

     reference resourcesIdea 3若强势回踩至1770-1768Long on the front line, stop loss1764, Objective1777-1785-1793Nearby;

     Experience welfare: For friends who are added to Teacher Yiheng(zyh168zz)Yiheng TeamCan be provided for free based on the current market situation3Call for orders at the current price to verify your strength. In the future, free push can be provided with screenshots of the actual warehouse(A set of practical tactics

10.27黄金区间震荡如何精准把握?如何拿住单子锁住利润?782 / author:Bo Wang's Discussion on Gold / PostsID:1605406

  Speaking from the bottom of my heart:The spot market is different from other gold markets.Financing.Capital is crucial for news management. Without professionals to analyze news and have a relative level of market technology analysis, how many individual investors will not lose money if they enter the market recklessly? But after losing money, we need to find a way. As the saying goes, good failure is the mother of success. In fact, most of us have done business and similar investments, and we have not said that when we first started, we went so smoothly and successfully. I believe that including you who are reading this article now, in the initial stage of doing business, we must have suffered from the ravages of reality, but later because we spent enough time researching. Find ways to do a good job in your business, constantly absorb new information, constantly absorb advice from others, and constantly learn, in order to achieve your current achievements. Similarly, making spot investments is the same. Without entering the market, one is always the winner. Only through the continuous process of profit and loss in the market, can one reflect on their own shortcomings, summarize them, and then correct them is the most important core. In fact, the market is not scary, what's scary is that you're afraid of it. So don't be afraid of the market. If you are not very satisfied with your current order making techniques or your profit and loss ratio, you can come to find Yiheng. Perhaps my advice and theoretical transmission can help you improve your unique self? Isn't there a turning point in this state? So, regardless of whether the viewpoint and strategy of the article are consistent with everyone's opinions or not, everyone can find and explore and learn together with me!

     This article is written by Gold Crude Oil Analyst(Yi Heng Lun Jin)(zyh168zz)Exclusive planning, thank you to the readers for their love and support of Yiheng's article. I hope everyone can gain some insights and insights from Yiheng's article!

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