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Zhou Jinrui10.7原油还会涨吗?黄金原油价格走势分析操作建议

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  goldMarket trend analysis
  技术面:黄金日线收得一带有下影线的阴线,收于均线带之间,表明震荡状态。从上半周黄金震荡的结构来看,短线市场提前进入了紧张情绪下的震荡状态。以目前黄金处于均线带夹层中,上有20Daily line1765压力,下有10Daily line1747附近支撑,短线行情略显偏弱,但暂时也没有进行明确的方向选择。

  1、4小时图上,黄金表现也基本呈现区间内的震荡状态,1小时图上震荡区间高点在下移,低点未有变动,表明短线结构重心有一定的下移,可能会增加日内行情再度下修风险。而4小时图上,均线交叉向上,行情基本处于均线带上方运行,整体状态又略显偏多。1、4小时图虽均是震荡结果,但倾向性出现出现不统一,也需要多加防范,或可能使得日内行情的变数风险加大。结合日线以及1、4小时图,日内下方依旧着重关注1750-47支撑测试,如果此位不破,则短线行情还有回弹希望,但上方压力重重,1770、1780都会带来进一步的技术压制。而如果行情跌回1750-47以下,则短线行情重回弱势下跌的概率加大。日内操作上,则继续围绕1770—1747区间内进行短线低多高空。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议高空为主,低多为辅,上方重点关注1775-1780Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1740-1745Frontline support.
GoldTDtechnical analysis
From the daily chart, goldTDReceived a 'little yang line' and received it20The suppression of the daily moving average indicates that goldTDTo fall. However,KDJThe three line tick of the indicator is upward and also arranged in multiple positions, indicating goldTDThere may still be an increase. From the one hour chart, goldTDShake down and suffer5Day10The suppression of the daily moving average indicates that goldTDTo fall. However,KDJThe three line tick of the indicator is upward and also arranged in multiple positions, indicating that goldTDThere is a possibility of an increase. In summary, today, goldTDOverall, it tends to oscillate. Operational strategy suggestion: If goldTDLower rupture361element/Ke, you can short lightly. Due to the uncontrollable trend of the holiday season, if there are holdings, there is a high risk after the opening. It is recommended to have short positions during the holiday season. Wishing everyone a happy National Day.
SilverTDTechnical analysis:
SilverTDFollow Above4650element/Kilograms, and4760element/Resistance near kilograms; Follow Below4545/Support around kilograms, and4400/Kilogram support; Shanghai Bank2112Follow Above4660element/Kilogram resistance, and4740element/Kilogram resistance; Follow Below4590element/Kilograms, and4500/Kilogram support;
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
  原油技术面:原油昨日高位整理后进一步放量走高,继续突破新高。日线见顶,形成冲高回落,短线破高后延续慢跌。日线连续三十字K线之后昨日中阳线中继上涨。原油4After breaking the high point in the hour, the form of waves extends, and at the same time, the movement is forced to rise slowly while organizing. After each high point, it will fall into a long period of consolidation. After breaking through yesterday, today's short-term trend will still see a slow continuation after the horizontal consolidation.4The critical point of the current multi head step is73.10.此位失守才能短线转空。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注78.5-79.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below75.0-75.5Frontline support.

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