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Zhou Jinrui9.29Prediction of bullish and bearish trends in gold; Suggestions for futures crude oil operation and silver unwinding

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  goldMarket trend analysis
  技术面:黄金从日线上来看,日线以大阴线收尾,目前日线处于震荡走势,盘面在短期内多空争夺激烈有来有回,但是目前来看,低位反弹不连续,上涨走势又不是那么明显了,且多次承压ma5/10Daily moving average1760,所以这也表明了近阶段黄金行情并不是筑底反弹走势,而是继续调整,大趋势还是偏向于空头的。

    四小时来看,布林带开始收口,金价承压中轨运行于下行通道中,布林带中轨目前已经成为多空分界线,在此之下维持高空思路,突破在调整方向,所以行情会持续震荡等待再次开口,当前黄金继续下行,短期上方关注1740Nearby resistance!短线下方受到1730位置的支撑,此位置上黄金还是震荡偏空的行情,一旦破位将是新的下跌波段开启!综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议高空为主,低多为辅,上方重点关注1750-1755Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1710-1715Frontline support. At present, friends who have nested orders in their positions are unable to provide corresponding unwinding strategies due to the author Zhou Jinrui's lack of knowledge about the location of your nested orders and the specific situation of your positions. Friends who need to unwind can use a single linezjr8527obtain.
GoldTDTechnical analysis:
Goldt+d: GoldTDPreviously hindered380High level fall back355The position has rebounded and returned380Nearby oscillation. Final pressure bearing380The pressure at the top of this oscillation experienced a significant retreat and fell to360Nearby, its decline is relatively large, confirming that high bearish positions are extremely under pressure. At present, spot gold has reached a new low, while goldTDIt has not yet reached a new low, indicating that short positions are expected to make up for losses. Now follow below353—360Short term upward trend line361Position support, expected to fall below, so in terms of operation, take advantage of the situation and rebound370Continue to be bearish, below355There are many nearby.
Analysis of Paper Silver Technology:
  纸白银继续维持低位震荡,1Hourly moving averageK线粘合横向运行,4小时小周期均线粘合,60线缓慢靠近,横盘通常是市场进入犹豫的区域,而早上回落被快速拉起,说明下方存在买盘,目前来看,只要不跌破昨天开盘价,偏向低多看反弹,若意外跳水,则及时止损或反手,若4.6再破位,去到4.2不是没有可能。下方支撑关注:4.67-4.19附近;上方阻力关注:5.4-5.73Nearby;
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
  原油技术面:原油日线继续收取阳线,均线方面持续扩散,所以原油继续做多就好,原油本周开盘跳空高开后,缺口一直未回补,同时上行通道的下轨也并未和上周四,周五那样去回踩确认,直接来了拉升逼空拉升的节奏,日线第五日收得大阳线,目前日线结构上来看,日线在9.21日回踩中轨后开始大幅拉升,价格受到基本面的刺激连续收得阳线,目前日线布林带开口,均线多头排列,基本面以及技术面的不断推动之下,价格奔前期77高点,但是值得留意的是,在77美元附近不管是今年7月份,还是2018year10月份,均出现较大的回落,所以上方不建议高位追多,目前走势上来看76.8-77可以来布局空单。短线4小时上来看,目前价格均线慢涨,均线平行上行通道技术指标KDJ处于买方力量,MACD动能持续放量,价格超买,短线操作看多不追多。今日唯一需要关注的上方压制就是年线前高压制76.9,一旦能攻破此位,那么后市多头还有望延续,反之若是在此形成年线双顶阻力,极有可能再度上演大阴拉至70-68一线。所以今日做单做好两手准备:第一,首次触及年线压制76.9定会有一次回落,咱们可依托此位率先开空一次,目标不定,第二:关注74一线顶底转换位的支撑情况,此位能守住,咱们跟进开仓多,跌破放弃多单。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注76.5-77.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below73.5-74.0Frontline support.

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