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Zhou Jinrui9.21原油还会跌吗?国际黄金美原油行情分析指导建议

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  goldMarket trend analysis
  技术面:黄金周线收线蜡烛图偏离均线MA5andMA10,说明价格有反弹的需求。指标macd死叉,灵动指标sto向下修复,说明价格的弱势。目前均线MA5、MA10、MA30粘合形成压制在1788-1792一线。所以从周线上看价格有反弹冲高的可能,当然还是要站稳1762-63-1772一线。日线:目前指标macdandsto也都显示价格偏向弱势。但是黄金下破低点快速反弹,所以有可能黄金已经开启了反弹冲高的模式。目前日线上方压制在均线MA5nearby1772First line, followed by the moving averageMA10nearby1782一线。再次就是中轨和均线MA30as well asMA60Adhesive position1788-1796frontline.
  4小时目前很明显的反弹走势;因为macdLow dead fork shrinkage bonding, flexibility indexsto勾头向上修复,并且蜡烛图也突破了均线MA5andMA10的粘合位。小时线目前很明显反弹走势,不过目前指标已经运行到相对高位,上方短期压制在均线MA60Nearby correspondence1767一线。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议高空为主,低多为辅,上方重点关注1775-1780Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1740-1745Frontline support. At present, friends who have nested orders in their positions are unable to provide corresponding unwinding strategies due to the author Zhou Jinrui's lack of knowledge about the location of your nested orders and the specific situation of your positions. Friends who need to unwind can use a single linezjr8527obtain.
GoldTDTechnical analysis:
Goldt+d:从日线图来看,黄金价格高位遇阻之后展开回落,期间一度企稳维持箱体震荡,不过之后金价低开跳水,打开进一步下行空间,短线波动趋于弱势。操作上,建议短线采取逢高做空的思路,建议372做空,止损价375Stop surplus364。严格控制风险。
SilverTDTrend analysis:
Silvert+d:白银日线再次大阴下跌,脱离均线运行,4小时连阴下跌,各周期均线拐头向下呈空头排列,白银整体偏弱,现在是弱上加弱,小周期虽然略有反弹,也有修复需求,但难改趋势偏弱。建议日内关注5000Short nearby, stop loss30Point, target4800。
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Analysis of crude oil news: Monday(9month20day),国际油价进一步回落,两市均创近三个交易日低位,因美元指数升创逾三周新高,若本周美联储宣布缩减购债规模,则可能会给石油和更广泛的大宗商品综合体带来新的下行压力。且美国钻井平台数量增加,尽管美国墨西哥湾近四分之一的石油产能在两次飓风过后仍处于停摆状态。
  原油技术面:原油周线开盘价格开始下跌。目前周线下方支撑在69.3-68.5as well as66.7一线。周线的头肩顶形态右肩已经形成,静候下跌。日线目前已经开启了下跌,而昨日的大阴柱下跌更能证明回撤的开启。目前日线指标macd二次金叉缩量,灵动指标sto也开始回落,说明日线回落走势。目前日线下方支撑在中轨和均线MA60nearby69-69.5一线,只要日线跌破该点并收线其下方,后面继续看跌。4Hour presentmacdDead fork high-throughput operation, flexibility indexsto向下修复,短期4小时弱势回落。并且价格是跌破71-71.2出现的惯性下跌,所以支撑阻力转换。小时线目前弱势无反弹,今日下跌应该有机会到69.1-3Nearby. Overall, the short-term operation strategy for crude oil today was recommended by Jinrui last week, with high altitude as the main approach and low altitude as the secondary approach. Top short-term focus71.5-72.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below67.5-68.0Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, with more real-time market analysis and timely operational strategies added.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr8527)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.

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