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Zhou Jinrui9.11/12Will crude oil continue to rise? Suggestions for predicting the trend of gold and silver

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  goldMarket trend analysis
Message analysis: Friday(9month10日)现货黄金交投于1800下方。美元追随美债收益率走低,欧洲央行宣布缩减购债也令美元承压而利多金价,不过,强劲的初请数据及美联储鹰派官员的讲话限制了金价的涨幅。总的来看,金价目前仍然承压于1800一线,多头若无法收复1800关口,后市可能再度下行。
  技术面:周线级别;金价本周在又一次遇阻38.2%回撤线压力后,经过连续的回落,目前在触及2075The trend line of the US dollar down1782Nearby, there has been a stop in the decline, and the signal of the indicator has stabilized. The signal is unclear, but the bullish momentum on the main chart remains unchanged, and the space below will also be limited. Near the trend line50%Retreat position1763附近仍然是不错的入场看涨机会,本周尾延续回落的低点或者下周初低点将需重点关注。

  日线级别:金价在周初连续走低后,周三及周四处于低位连续震荡偏十字,暗示回落有出尽并筑底的迹象,同时也暗示将有回归反弹走高的信号,不过鉴于仍运行在中轨下方,以及众多均线对其造成压力,反弹还需关注阻力的压制情况,多空都有机会。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主,高空为辅,上方重点关注1815-1820Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1780-1785Frontline support.
GoldTDTechnical analysis:
Goldt+dThe gold daily trend closed lower than the Yin Cross Star. From the daily chart, gold fell unilaterally this week, taking back nearly half of its previous bottoming rebound trend. Currently, the gold daily trend is showing signs of contraction, and gold prices are showing signs of stabilizing and temporarily maintaining low volatility. It is recommended to adopt a short-term approach of short selling every high and strictly control risks. goldTDSuggestions,377Short selling, stop loss380Stop profit price370。
SilverTDTrend analysis:
Silvert+dThe silver daily line has closed down the Yin Cross Star and is currently rebounding. The Bollinger mid orbit has successfully supported the rebound.4The hour is currently in a state of oscillation, above60The line runs flat and deviates upwards, and the Bolin track accelerates downwards. Silver is generally weak, but it is still in a volatile rebound in the short term. Yesterday's Little Yin CrossKThere are signs of a stop in the decline, and the daily line has become an important defensive fortress for short-term bulls. Suggested within the day5235Near empty once, stop loss30Point, target50-100Point; Follow within the day5050-5080Multiple tests nearby, stop loss30Point, target50-100Points.
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Analysis of crude oil news: Friday(9month10日)美原油震荡,油价跌至两周最低,亚洲大国宣布将组织投放国家储备原油,美国上周原油库存降幅小于预期,且美国国债上涨,因投资者寻求更安全资产。总体来看,虽然EIA原油库存数据减少,但远不及预期,对油价的提振有限,在亚洲大国投放石油储备,以及经济复苏担忧情绪的影响下,投资者抛售原油寻求安全资产,使得油价再次转跌,多重因素影响下,油价下行风险增加;临近周末,留意飓风相关消息,以及伊朗核谈判有关消息。
  原油技术面:原油日线收阴,油价虽然走出过山车,但是最终空头胜出,价格在下降趋势线压制,短期形成小的头肩顶形态,一旦破劲线将进一步打开下跌空间,辅助指标MACDAlso starting to turn the corner, the four-dimensional chart price is close to the daily line going up, the main line going down, and the empty signal is established. Once the strength line is broken, there is a lot of room, so we choose high altitude for the day and lock it up above69.3-69.6Frontline layout, breaking through66.65Backward suction with extra space, look64.7Frontline. Overall, the short-term operation strategy for crude oil today was recommended by Jinrui last week, with high altitude as the main approach and low altitude as the secondary approach. Top short-term focus70.0-70.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below66.0-66.5Frontline support.

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