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5.9Happy Mother's Day, analysis and suggestions on the trend of gold, silver, and crude oil next week

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Wen/Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin/Idealism:fj963177

5.9Happy Mother's Day, analysis and suggestions on the trend of gold, silver, and crude oil next week273 / author:Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin / PostsID:1603509
Market information:4月非农远不及预期,料令观察者对此前过度乐观的经济与就业目标产生怀疑。4月非农就业报告显示就业人数增加26.6万人,远不及预期的100万人,失业率上升至6.1%。每小时薪资同比仅增长0.3%但好于预期的下降0.4%。现货gold跳涨超20USD to1842.96dollar/盎司。失业率上升,制造业就业岗位下降。 这是一份比预期弱得多的报告,真正改变了当前关于经济重新开放的说法。我们现在将看到一场更加激烈的辩论:延长的、增加的失业救济是否让人们呆在家里,而不是找工作。我们也看到关于疫苗的犹豫和持续的大流行是否阻碍了经济复苏的讨论。

  黄金方面:黄金整体来看,随着金价强势突破布林带上轨并进入1831-1842Regional and market sentiment is bullish, but given the significant short-term increase in gold prices and the fact that they have not yet broken through1842Nearby resistance,KDJThe random indicators are further approaching the overbought area, and at the same time, it is necessary to be vigilant about the rebound of trading during the rise of gold prices, providing initial support for the upward trajectory of the Bollinger Bands1821and1959-1677Interval50%Retreat position1818For further support, focus on daily lows1812If it unexpectedly breaks down, the short-term bullish signal will be weakened, and the gold price may return to a new direction1800关口寻求支撑。操作上孙权建议上方阻力关注1840-1842First line, support attention from below1825-1827Frontline, breaking through and following1812-1818frontline.
5.9Happy Mother's Day, analysis and suggestions on the trend of gold, silver, and crude oil next week652 / author:Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin / PostsID:1603509
  获取最新投资咨询,实盘操作建议,在线解套。请添加孙权分析师团队唯心:fj963177.A focus on the investment market8An analyst with years of experience! Provide one-on-one trading guidance and personally customize a detailed trading profit plan and risk control plan!

  白银方面:白银和黄金类似,但相对上涨幅度较小。日线级别依托下方均线支撑收大阳线看涨信号,价格站稳布林带上轨,MACD快慢线继续向上,多头量能增加。1小时级别,价格强势突破突破前期震荡区间回踩不破继续看涨,MACDThe fast and slow lines are on0轴上方。所以,白银走势多头向上为主。等待价格回落至下方向上趋势线附近看信号布局多单。目标上方向上趋势线附近。下周操作上孙权建议回调27.1Nearby, stop loss26.4, Objective27.8-28.3
5.9Happy Mother's Day, analysis and suggestions on the trend of gold, silver, and crude oil next week96 / author:Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin / PostsID:1603509
  crude oil方面:原油日线来看,收上影线的中阴线,形成2The pattern of continuous yin is slightly stronger in this pullback, but it has not formed a pattern of yin swallowing yang. There has been a trend change in space, but in reality, the daily distribution belt continues to open upwards, showing a fluctuating upward trend in recent times,KThe line runs along the upward trend line,k线保持在日线单边均线之上发展,日线周期内的走势还是多头。4Looking at the hour line,KThe line continues to close at a high level and close at a low level66.7美元的高位后,反弹高点不断下移,局部形成头肩形态,虽然整体的上行通道没有被破坏,是时间换空间的走法,整体依然偏强,但还是需要谨防高位回落引发深度回调。所以下周操作上孙权建议上方关注66.-66.5One line of resistance, pay attention below63.5-63Frontline support.
5.9Happy Mother's Day, analysis and suggestions on the trend of gold, silver, and crude oil next week454 / author:Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin / PostsID:1603509


Editor in charge: Sun Quan's analyst team/All-round cooperation and idealism:fj963177

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