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Tang Jinzhao:5.9How to grasp the market trend of gold and crude oil next week? Next week's market trend analysis

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Article Summary:5.9How to stir fry for beginnersgoldTDcrude oil?5.9goldTDWhat to do with losses on crude oil investment?5.9Analysis of the Trend of Gold and Crude Oil.Recommendations for Operation of Gold Crude Oil.5.9goldTDCrude Oil Strategy.Investing in international gold, crude oil, and silverTDHow does Tang Jinzhao analyze the market situation?5.9Today's Gold, Crude Oil, SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free?5.9How to recover losses from investing in spot gold?5.9goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line?5.9What are the current gold resistance and support levels?5.9Novice investing in gold and silverTDHow should I make the order?5.9Will London gold prices continue to rise today? silverTDWill it still fall?5.9What recent news will affect gold and silverTDTrend?5.9What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold?5.9Gold, crude oil, silverTDAnalysis of today's market trend and operational suggestions.5.9Will spot gold continue to rise today? US crude oil silverTDWill it still fall?5.9International Gold and SilverTDHow to operate today?5.9International gold, gold and silverT+DTechnical Analysis of Shanghai Gold, Shanghai Silver, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, and US Crude Oil.

  投资圈,也是一个江湖。在这个江湖中,有人烧香、有人算命、有人获得千百倍收益、有人血本无归、有人能制造风口、扭转乾坤,但更多的人只能顺势而为。大部分人都是摸着石头过河,不知道什么是路,什么是坑。市场不能改变,但是交易可以,看待趋势的眼光,在很大程度上决定了交易会有怎样的走向,优秀的交易者并非与生俱来带着光环,只是在交易的选择上,都对自己有所要求,不因臆想而散漫固执,不因辛苦而放弃追求。在投资方面有操作上面的问题可以添加来笔者交流,态度决定一切,细节决定成败。文章只能给出一个暂时的方向和想法,至于具体的进场点时机,请关注唐金召指导QQ:45643168(WeChat account number) will be provided in real-time.
   Tang Jinzhao:5.9How to grasp the market trend of gold and crude oil next week? Next week's market trend analysis912 / author:Tang Jinzhao / PostsID:1603504
  ---Golden News---

Friday(5month7日)黄金价格连续第三天走高,此前报告显示美国就业增长出人意料放缓,为持续的经济刺激和低利率提供了理由。COMEX 6Monthly goldfuturesIncome increase0.9%Report1831.30dollar/盎司,本周累涨约3.6%。美国劳工部的数据显示,4月份非农就业人数增长26.6万,而分析师的预期中值为100万。由于风险偏好减弱和美元走软,美国国债收益率也下跌,提振对黄金作为另类资产的需求。由于就业数据远逊预期,收益率将下行,美元也下跌,令金价上扬;金价涨势可能短暂,因下个月就业数据可能显示“大幅”增长。年初因美元和美债收益率上涨而表现不佳的黄金已经取得反弹。这两个因素目前都暂停,而在大宗商品繁荣时期,通货膨胀预期上升,提振了黄金作为避险工具的吸引力。


  周五日图来看,金价延续上一交易日涨势,亚欧盘突破布林带上轨后涨势放缓,晚间非农数据爆冷,多头再次发力,一度突破1840关口后有所回调,目前MACD金叉,红柱动能逐步增强,KDJ金叉,布林带三轨向上发散,金价后市有望延布林带上轨向上运行,上方阻力暂时关注2month3Daily high point1845,若该为被突破,将使金价回到2021year3月低点的上升趋势线之上,这也将进一步巩固黄金的看涨预期,进一步阻力看向200Daily moving average1852.8as well as1month29Daily high1875。整体来看,随着金价强势突破布林带上轨并进入1831-1845Regional and market sentiment is bullish, but given the significant short-term increase in gold prices and the fact that they have not yet broken through1845Nearby resistance,KDJThe random indicators are further approaching the overbought area, and at the same time, it is necessary to be vigilant about the rebound of trading during the rise of gold prices, providing initial support for the upward trajectory of the Bollinger Bands1821and1959-1677Interval50%Retreat position1818For further support, focus on daily lows1812If it unexpectedly breaks down, the short-term bullish signal will be weakened, and the gold price may return to a new direction1800关口寻求支撑。综合来看,黄金下周一操作思路上唐金召建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期关注1845-1850Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1817-1812Frontline support.
   Tang Jinzhao:5.9How to grasp the market trend of gold and crude oil next week? Next week's market trend analysis493 / author:Tang Jinzhao / PostsID:1603504
  ---Crude oil news surface---

Friday(5.7日)美原油震荡,在印度和其他地区感染病例上升的压力下逆转早前涨幅,不过一天前一份报告称,美国原油库存降幅大于预期,为油价提供了一些支撑。总体来看,美国上周初请失业金人数降至50万以下,劳动力市场复苏进入了一个新阶段。随着疫苗接种持续,以及被压抑的夏季驾车出行继续释放,使得汽车燃料需求保持强劲,并提升市场对于复苏题材的信心,都利于油价,德商银行上调油价预测,预计布伦特原油价格将于年底达到70dollar/桶,预计2021In the United StatesWTI原油的平均价格为62dollar/Barrel,2022Year is67dollar/Bucket.


  原油周K线连续收阳,震荡上行,低点不断在抬高,高点也在不断刷出新高。日K线有一个规律,踩着中轨,踩着均线MA60稳步当车,震荡上行,不断爬楼梯。所以每逢回撤,必是多单进场机会。目前连续大阳线攀升,50均线显示值64附近,均线支撑已久坚挺着,回撤到位直接多进去就可以,原油四小时k线继续破位前期高点,多头趋势明显,明显的位于上升通道中,回撤64一线可以直接多进去,布林带轨道明显向上倾斜,开口继续一路加大,大阳线目前全部位于50均线上方,均线支撑明显,多是不用怀疑。综合来看,原油下周一短线操作思路上唐金召个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注66.5-67.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below63.0-63.5Frontline support.




When you understand what trends are, trading is no longer lost. When you understand what is important and what is secondary, it shows that you know how to weigh the pros and cons. Trading is the consideration of the human heart. If you fall, you want to lower yourself, but if you rise, you want to higher yourself. Every failed case is human greed, and every successful case is a rational reward. In the face of a trend, all operations that go against the trend will bury one's own funds, while those that go with the trend are afraid to take action. If they fall for a long time, they will go long, and if they rise for a long time, they will go short. Many people follow this approach in trading, but they do not know that this approach has any technical basis.

This article is written by Tang Jinzhao【QQ:45643168(WeChat account) Contributor, with years of practical experience in gold and crude oil, focusing on investment philosophy, trend analysis, risk control and other fields, has unique insights into market trends. The operation suggestions are for reference only, and the specific operation is subject to the actual offer!

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