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unlock5.8Gold has made a good start, and non agricultural "explosive cold" has helped gold prices soar1840

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Fundamentals:4月份美国远逊预期的非农就业数据或许能给拜登6万亿美元的经济刺激计划帮上大忙,反驳外界有关其纾困措施和投资活动将诱发通胀的论调。劳工部周四公布的数据显示,上个月新增非农就业26.6万,失业率升至6.1%,和市场预期相去甚远。美债收益率一度暴跌,美股上扬,因为疲软的数据预示美联储暂时不会考虑降低宽松力度。Northern Trustchief economist Tannenbaum表示,政府必然会在今天早上的新闻中找到依据来敦促国会通过“美国就业计划”和“美国家庭计划”。

  最新非农就业数据太糟糕了,以至于投资者可能会认为这只是个意外,对劳动力市场状况的反映并不准确。不过,该数据逊于预期支持了美联储的谨慎论调。渣打银行Steven Englander称:“关键在于判断非农就业数据反映得是否准确,还是说其它地方看到的强劲状况更准确。但我们知道美联储会认为这个数据印证了他们的谨慎,所以更多刺激措施持续更久的观点将推动资产市场,使得美元全线利空”


  技术面:日线级别周四金价强势突破1800The checkpoint has injected strong confidence into gold bulls, and the bullish sentiment in the future will continue. Bulls need to be cautious of the emergence of overbought and deviant signals, which will limit the further upward trend of gold prices in the future. However, at present, there should still be further room for gold prices to rise. Especially with the recent unanimous release of dove signals by Federal Reserve officials, the market has once again confirmed that the Federal Reserve will not take early action,10The yield of one-year US Treasury bonds continues to remain at1.6%以下,这给金价更多的上涨机会。李潇翰认为上行方面,初步阻力关注1837This is1451-2075section38.2%Withdrawal level, further attention61.8%Retreat position1851as well as1month29Daily high1875. In terms of the downward trend, preliminary support is expected1800At the checkpoint, this level has shifted from the original resistance level to an important support level, further looking towards38.2%Retreat position1784Go further down11month30Daily low1764将提供一定的支撑。综合来看,短线操作思路上李潇翰建议回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注1850-1870Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1807-1817Frontline support.

  crude oil价格数据分析:


  技术面:日线级别美原油周四冲高回落,日内可能延续跌势,不过目前受到3month18Daily high64.88一线的支撑。如果日内跌破64.88一线,可能滑向61.8%Retreat position63.88,届时可以关注63.88附近反弹的机会,择机逢低做多。但若油价上攻顶破76.4%Retreat position65.45,则投资者可以考虑入场追多。晚上将出炉非农报告,如果数据强劲可能带动美元指数走高,继而打击原油走势。李潇翰认为上行方面,65.45之后的阻力看向3month15Daily high66.40,再进一步的阻力关注3month8Daily high67.98。下行方面,如果意外跌破63.88,可能进一步下探50%Retreat position62.61,上行趋势线也将提供部分支撑。综合来看,短线操作思路上李潇翰建议以回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注66.8-67.3Resistance, short-term focus below63.0-62.5Frontline support.

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