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Zhou Wangjin:5.7黄金多头爆发持续看涨,回落继续干多

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  非农数据终不负笔者期待,数据公布后gold直接暴涨18美金,笔者1819,1817的多单直接暴涨触发止盈。美国4Record of non agricultural employment population after seasonal adjustment266万人,远远低于预期的97.8万人,数据大幅利多黄金,美元指数暴跌,黄金暴涨,结局就是这么美好。

  数据公布后,COMEXMost Active GoldfuturesContract Beijing Time5month7day20:31Instant trading within one minute5043Hand, total value of trading contracts9.23亿美元。大资金加持,黄金自然暴涨。在上一条文章中,笔者强调,不用理会非农数据,不管是利多还是利空,黄金都是涨,区别不过是利空可能会断线回落,利多直接涨。结果是数据利多,金价自然乘势起飞。金价再度创出新高。


  黄金交易策略:回落1825继续多,止损1817, look at the goal1845,1850.


When people are doing things, they are watching. When the order arrives, they are doing it. When the order is not reached, they are watching. It takes courage to make orders, and confidence to hold orders! Do not expect to buy from bottom to top again, sell from top to bottom, quit greed and panic, and obtain profits that can be obtained; Treat every fluctuation of the market with a calm mind, avoid greed and panic, and do not seek to become a top seller and bottom buyer. Just take advantage of the situation, make steady profits, and be safe in your pocket! Those who are worried continue to be afraid, and those who make money continue to make money. Any current situation is a test of our psychological quality, and any market is also following the laws of nature;Survival of the fittest survive, the fittest survive. One thinks, two does, three succeeds, one waits, two sees, three fails. Thinking is the problem, doing is the answer; Lose in hesitation, win in action!This is the market! Do the right thing with the right person, believe me, please keep up with me.

Life is like a chess game, where there is no regret. The glory and success of the past are no longer important. What needs to be done is to take every step at your feet and play every move in front of you. Take every ordinary oneK线都看做是幸福的起点,才能给交易留下最美的回忆,交易中没有那么多来日方长,别在犹豫和后悔中浪费时间。周旺金鏖战市场多年,始终坚持用实力说话,用诚信待人,不管你是亏损了想回本,盈利了想要扩大利润,还是单子被套了想解出来,只要来找我周旺金,那我必定不会让你失望,没有金刚钻不揽瓷器活,旺金期待你的加入。

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