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Zhou Jinrui5.7原油还能涨吗?原油黄金白银走势分析操作建议

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  goldMarket trend analysis
Message analysis: Thursday(5month6Spot gold continued to fluctuate. As the United States launches unprecedented spending measures to support the economy's recovery from the virus pandemic, Federal Reserve officials continue to downplay the risk of rising inflation rates. In addition, the decline in bond yields andSPDRThe increase in gold holdings provides support for the rise in gold prices. However, the strong economic data and the record breaking US stock market have limited the room for gold prices to rise, and there have been continuous calls in the market for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates early.
  技术面:黄金在无数次试探1800之后,行情还是选择突破了。而目前行情连续的上攻去说做空其实是非常不好的,但是价格突破1800之后的急涨,指标上出现背离和布林带的多个周期的脱轨,价格后面回档一次1800-1810的概率还是比较大的。那么下一个强压区域是1718-1723-1729位置,那么如果说要做空的话,第一次触及1720上下的位置可以尝试,看回撤的1810-1800区域,目前价格波动过大,也就是需要1830的防守,看10-20个点的回撤。而如果保守的话,黄金价格突破1800是一个后期看涨的信号,可以下一次回撤到1800下方形成顶底转换再去继续的跟多。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议回调做多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方重点关注1830-1835Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1790-1795Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, with more real-time market analysis and timely operational strategies added.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr8527)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.
Shanghai Gold2106Technical analysis:
Shanghai Gold2106:沪金今天震荡走强,日线收阳站上中轨和MaAbove the moving average,macd金叉有放量的趋势,Ma向上勾头,沪金在五一前回踩367.8区域探底回升,目前延续上涨趋势,重点关注上轨378/380阻力突破,或将扩大涨幅,下方关注373/370区域支撑,可背靠此区域做多。四小时,沪金下探回升,于布林下轨获得支撑反弹,当前价格站上中轨,各指标多头趋势保持良好,macdThe golden fork is pointing upwards,K线运行在上涨趋势线上方,说明沪金处于上涨趋势中。沪金2106建议回撤373.5Long nearby, stop loss371, look at the goal377/378.
Shanghai Bank2106Technical analysis:
Shanghai Bank2106:今天沪银震荡上涨,并刷新高点至5569区域,日线收中阳线在Ma5/10均线上方并突破布林上轨走强,Ma向上勾头,布林通达打开,macd金叉二次放量,说明沪银多头强势,跟随国际白银走强,重点关注5600关口压制,若是突破有望延续多头势能。K线同样是形成“头肩底”形态,四小时,沪银突破5500-5330震荡区间破位拉升,K线两根大阳突破中上轨走强,各技术指标多头排列,macd死叉转为金叉开口,红柱扩大,说明沪银多头强势,操作建议逢低买入为主。沪银2106建议回撤5480/5450Regional long, stop loss5530Next, look at the target5580/5600区域。目前仓位有套单的朋友,由于笔者周金瑞不知道你们套单的点位以及仓位的具体情况,不好给出相应的解套策略,需要解套的朋友可单线zjr8527obtain.
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Analysis of crude oil news: Thursday(5month6日)美原油小幅下跌。在全球正处在大宗商品热潮之际,石油市场上的一些人正在为原油价格达到每桶100美元做准备。交易员现在持有在三个关键月份以每桶100美元购买近200010000 barrels of crude oiloption,并且在过去的一周中,他们的未平仓合约几乎翻了一番。尽管油价回升至三位数显然并非市场共识,而且期权这种衍生品仍然主要是针对价格飙升可能性的避险工具,但它们也提醒人们,很少有人预计原油的价格上涨会很快退潮。总体来看,油价涨势亮眼,尽管对汽油库存有些失望,但石油需求正在回升,而且势头正在增强,投资银行预测,随着欧洲和许多其他地区摆脱封锁,以及洲际航空开始回升,原油价格可能在今年下半年达到80-85美元,但需注意印度或爆发第三轮疫情的担忧或限制油价上涨空间。
  原油技术面:日线收阴,K线在布林带中轨上方呈V型形态,且阴线部分收在前期起涨阳线的上方,那么短期仍有回调的需求。小时线同时踩着布林带中轨和50均线上涨,大阳线一路强势拉升,布林带轨道明显的向上倾斜,开口继续加大,明显的向上倾斜,尽管在新高66.7附近受阻回落,但是K线守住布林带中轨继续上行,典型的回踩确认支撑的走法,小时线呈明显的多头走势。整体来看,原油在周初的回踩确认底部之后,不仅收复了上周的跌幅,还创下新高,目前上行通道保持完整。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注67.0-67.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below63.5-64.0Frontline support.
This article is contributed by Zhou Jinrui. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only, and I bear the risk. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

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