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5.6Be vigilant at the 108th checkpoint in the golden evening, while crude oil remains bullish Attachment and release

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Wen/Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin/Idealism:sq4893

The market is a big stage, not all market trends can be stated. People need some kind of belief to motivate and restrain them. People can be calm and stable after peace, and past fluctuations can only be beautiful with a smile after no regrets;The success or failure of a game depends on the smile after the harvest, making it more colorful;The ups and downs of funds, smiling after doubling, are only exciting! Don't fantasize that every transaction is round and perfect, profit and loss need to be balanced, and gains and losses also need to be felt. Investing in the market is like traveling, always in a hurry, with so much confusion and confusion. Only by calming down can one dispel the clouds and mist that envelop one's eyes;静静地品一杯清茶,才会发觉有许多机会就在眼前。下面本人孙权为你带来简单的一篇文章,希望可以帮助你。
5.6Be vigilant at the 108th checkpoint in the golden evening, while crude oil remains bullish Attachment and release565 / author:Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin / PostsID:1603352
  5month6Daily, spotgold价格继续反弹,因美元指数早盘冲高后回落,未能升破上日录得的4month19Recent highs91.436。投资人等待本周稍晚将公布的美国4月非农就业报告。从市场跟随美联储非常鸽派的的节奏来看,预料上测1800美元的时点只会提前不会延后。

Thursday(5month6day),现货黄金价格继续反弹,因美元指数早盘冲高后回落,未能升破上日录得的4month19Recent highs91.436。投资人等待本周稍晚将公布的美国4Monthly non farm employment report.

  黄金方面:黄金昨日下探回升收高,下探1770一线启稳回升,两次触及同一低点止跌反弹收高。日线伴随阴阳循环震荡,单阴回撤后快速转阳反弹收复,回调不连阴,趋势还是整体看多。伴随着下探回升的走法。短线在蓄势进一步冲高,回调拉锯是为了拉动指标向上。日线依托此前的破高颈线做临界点继续看涨,目前黄金价格在1798一线形成双顶形态压力,1770一线形成双底形态支撑。将是近期的一个宽幅震荡区间。黄金只有上破1798/1800才能打开上方空间向1820/1830运行,下方下破1770一线则打开下方空间向1740/1730Run. from4小时来看,轻微启稳回升,大阴线之后没有进一步连阴下行。而布林道开始收口,昨日从下轨处反弹收盘在中轨,今日短线先看摸高上轨。短线暂时围绕在1770-1798区间酝酿突破,由于此前两次上探1798.此位也是一个关键位置,突破才能进一步打开空间,否则短线还是拉锯,介于周五有非农数据,今日行情还是倾向于区间震荡拉锯。操作上孙权建议回调做多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方关注1800-1805One line of resistance, pay attention below1770-1765Frontline support.
5.6Be vigilant at the 108th checkpoint in the golden evening, while crude oil remains bullish Attachment and release587 / author:Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin / PostsID:1603352
  获取最新投资咨询,实盘操作建议,在线解套。请添加孙权分析师指定唯心:sq4893.A focus on the investment market8An analyst with years of experience! Provide one-on-one trading guidance and personally customize a detailed trading profit plan and risk control plan!

5.6Be vigilant at the 108th checkpoint in the golden evening, while crude oil remains bullish Attachment and release200 / author:Sun Quan's Discussion on Jin / PostsID:1603352
This article is written by Sun Quan on Jin [official WeChat:sq4893】供稿,本人解读世界经济要闻,剖析全球投资大趋势,对crude oilGold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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