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Wang Tianbao:5.6-5.7黄金,白银、原油实盘独家操作建议

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  交易讲究的不只是多空交易,当然,很多投资者过于现实的看每一单的盈利情况,其实任何布局和进场都蕴含着很深的交易理念。王添宝通常跟实仓客户强调三个交易原则,第一,做单必带止损;第二,仓位必须轻;第三、电话保持畅通避免联系不上错过进出场点位,这是一种交易习惯。做交易指导的通常都是老师,而你之所以多想无非单子损了,无非在想怎么老师总是给反单。到最后,能为你做指导决定的还是那位老师,所以你除了交易中听从指令,自己更应该去弄清楚进出场理由,一边学习一边小仓位慢慢做着。如果长期处于亏损中,资金不断缩水,可以重新建立投资计划方案,选择老师再慢慢操作,重拾信心很重要。goldcrude oil做单不理想?做黄金经常亏损?做黄金原油拿不住利润?可以过来和王添宝聊聊,或许能给你帮助,王添宝相信,每一个正在交易的人都想盈利,这是毋庸置疑的,但前提你要找对方向,如需帮助可添加王添宝官方指导获取实时指导

Analysis of the Latest Gold Market

Wednesday(5month5During the Asian period, spot gold remained stable at1778附近。周二(5month4日)金价冲高回落,因美财长耶伦建议,美联储可能必须升息以避免经济过热。美元时隔一天后再度走强及欧美疫情逐步缓解也给黄金带来压力。不过,贸易帐数据的低迷及纳指的大跌给金价一定的支撑。耶伦讲话后,黄金从近两个半月高点1799.11回落,一度下跌逾1%to1771美元,美元走强也降低了黄金对其他货币持有者的吸引力。不过渣打银行分析师Suki Cooper表示:“鉴于现货市场下行风险缓解,交易所交易产品(ETP)的资金外流已开始放缓,美联储发出的鸽派信息使风险继续偏向上行,我们继续认为第二季黄金的均价料为每盎司1775美元。”日内重点关注美国4monthADP就业人数,另外还有ISMPMI' target='_blank'>Non manufacturingPMI出炉,数据可能显示美国劳动力市场显着复苏,或对黄金利空。

  黄金技术面分析:从日线来看,目前日线指标macd金叉缩量震荡,灵动指标sto勾头向上修复,短期价格还是震荡偏强,但是也缺乏太大的力度。目前日线下方支撑在均线MA5andMA10Adhesive position of1781-82一线,其次是中轨附近1768一线,日线上方阻力就是前期的联排顶部1797-98frontline.4Hour presentmacd金叉放量运行,说明4小时还是震荡偏强。但是目前4小时下方强支撑在中轨和附近的均线粘合位1776-1780一线,所以今日该位置是最好的多单进场位。小时线macd金叉高位缩量粘合,灵动指标sto勾头向下修复,所以短期小时线属于震荡偏向回落走势。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上王添宝建议回调做多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方重点关注1785-1790Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1770-1765Frontline support.

Analysis of International Crude Oil Market Trends

Wednesday(5month5day)国际油价上涨,延续隔夜涨幅。此前公布的行业数据显示,美国上周原油库存降幅远超预期,这提升了全球最大燃料消费国的需求前景。策略师表示:“根据API数据,油价似乎受到原油和汽油库存大幅减少的提振。全球能源需求前景因美国和英国部分地区放松出行限制措施而变得光明,这有助于抵消对印度和日本需求下降的担忧。即将到来的夏季驾驶季节可能进一步提振燃料需求并支撑油价。”分析师表示:“美国不断放松出行限制,消费需求增长预期利好市场。欧洲和英国也迹象也表明,将很快对已接种疫苗的外国游客开放入境旅游。”总体来看,美国截至4month30Day and WeekAPI原油库存数据的减少助力油价上涨,随着美国多地寻求放松疫情控制,以及欧盟计划向接种疫苗的外国游客开放,燃料需求回升的前景正在支撑油价,但印度疫情依旧不容乐观或打击需求,拖累油价的涨幅。

  原油从技术面来看,原油昨日下探回升收高,惯性下探62.90低点快速启稳回升收复失地,诱探后的上涨收复,最终日线收在高位,收成一根中阳线,收复了上周五的回调失地。昨日的收盘比较关键,收高则是继续上涨,那么上周的回调只是回踩修正蓄势,多头趋势中的修正手法,反之收低则会继续回调。而随着日线的收高,今日短线回调依托昨日低点顺势看多即可。4小时回踩布林道底轨启稳回升。站上中轨后短线震荡偏多。小周期两次在63.0-62.90构造成平台支撑,短期此平台支撑不失守,短线维持看多。平台支撑形成短期多头临界点。目前在支撑点之上,而破高点63.80转换成支撑。综合来看,今日短线操作思路上王添宝建议以回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注66.8-67.3Resistance, short-term focus below63.3-63.8Frontline support.


Step 1: Clarify goals. The so-called clear goals refer to planning the amount of funds you plan to invest in gold and crude oil trading, how much profit you can earn, and the approximate range of losses you can bear. Only through these basic goals can you make a reasonable fund management plan. However, we also need to remind the general publicforeign exchangeInvestors, although foreign exchange is a low-cost and high-yield investment with a hundred times leverage to gain, they should also pay attention to cost control and avoid frequent transactions that increase costs.

Step 2: Plan the steps, such as what trading mode to use to gain profits, whether you are good at frequent short-term trading or prefer a long-term fishing model to make orders, how much trading to stop every day, how much money to withdraw from the market when losing, and how much money to close positions when earning, all of which need to be well planned.

Step 3: Test the plan. No matter how perfect the theory is, it cannot be determined whether it is effective without combining it with practice. After roughly formulating your trading strategy, you can use the mini account provided by the platform to test whether the formulated strategy is available and see if it can bring stable profits to yourself.

Step 4: Strictly implement. This step is the core of the entire plan, and the losses caused by any random operation can be fatal,Foreign exchange transactionsUnable to withstand any deviation. Planned trading is necessary to better control risks, accurately follow market trends, and achieve profits. Investment carries risks, and caution is necessary when entering the market!

  文者/Wang Tianbao

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