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Zhou Jinrui5.6Will crude oil continue to rise? Suggestions for Analyzing the Market of Crude Oil, Gold, and Silver

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  goldMarket trend analysis
Analysis of Gold News: Tuesday(5.7日)现货黄金持续震荡。因美元走疲与国债收益率下降,令黄金在经历上周跌势后振作起来,美国经济数据的疲软令黄金进一步获得支撑。纽约联储主席约翰·威廉姆斯表示,“我们现在看到的数据和状况要使联邦公开市场委员会改变其货币政策立场还远远不够。他表示,“我的预期是,一旦经济重开带来的物价反转和短期失衡耗尽,明年的通胀率将回落至2%左右。”威廉姆斯的言论暗示美联储离缩紧货币政策还很遥远,这与达拉斯联储主席卡普兰上周五的鹰派表态截然相反。货币宽松政策有望继续支撑黄金价格上涨。不过,股市的上涨及欧洲疫情的缓和将打击市场的避险情绪。
  黄金技术面:黄金日线出现大涨收出不错的阳线,日线目前处于短期线上方运行,5Japan and Japan10日均线粘合偏向上,中期线粘合,MACDRun up,KDJ向上运行,指标看涨。黄金目前就剩下1800关口了,只要这几天继续向上拉升新高,那就是完成了高位震荡蓄势,要继续开启上涨模式了,日线继续以低多为主,今天突破1800关口前不要追多,耐心等待回调低多,日内关注1798-1800Pressure, following below1775-1780Nearby support.
  4小时图上看,黄金拉升上涨,目前处于短期线上方运行,短期线向上运行,中期线偏向上运行,MACDRun up,KDJRunning upwards, indicators are bullish.4小时上涨拉升冲击到1798一线接近1800关口,目前稍微有所回落,不过还是保持在高位强势。今天日内关注是否继续冲高考验1800关口,只要能突破站稳1800那肯定就会打开上方空间,摆脱高位震荡区间进一步走出一波不错的上涨趋势,继续低多为主。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议回调做多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方重点关注1800-1805Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1765-1770Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, with more real-time market analysis and timely operational strategies added.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr8527)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.
Shanghai Gold2106Technical analysis:
Shanghai Gold2106: Shanghai Jinyu375Pressure drop, minimum test367.8region370The pass was missed, and the short-term market was volatile and bearish. The daily performance was characterized by a bearish bearish candlestick falling below the Bollinger Bands and falling lower,MaHigh dead fork opening,macdThe depletion of the golden cross potential energy turns into a dead cross opening, and the short-term Shanghai gold market is in a downward trend of oscillation, with a focus on the weekly trendMa10average368Support, there is still a demand for rebound even if the price does not break through the short term, while paying attention to whether the price can break through and stabilize again370Only through the critical points can we further strengthen, please pay attention from above373/375Resistance suppression. Four hours later, Shanghai Gold opened downwards under the pressure and oscillation of the medium rail,MaShort positions on the moving average,macdThe dead cross has increased its trading volume twice, with weak short-term volatility in the Shanghai and gold markets, and there is still a risk of a decline. During the day, the main focus is on high trading, with low trading as a supplement. Shanghai Gold2106Suggest on364Long, stop loss362, Objective371/373Test above373Short selling, stop loss375, look at the goal366.
Shanghai Bank2106Technical analysis:
Shanghai Bank2106Shanghai Bank opened low and fell below the limit5400Gate minimum test5300The region is also a daily line, with a central track and a weekly lineMa5.70Strong support temporarily stopped the decline, and then the price rebounded to5400Nearby, and the bulls were unable to continue, dayKThe line is represented by the pubic column,Ma5.70Forming a dead cross downward hook,macdThe potential energy of the golden cross is depleted, and a divergence from the top is formed. The short-term trend of Shanghai and silver is volatile and the market is weak, and there is still a downward risk. Key attention should be paid to this5260Gains and losses of support at the checkpoint. If this level does not break, it is expected that there will be limited space below. Be cautious in chasing short positions. We can go long before this level, and pay attention to the upper level5400/5.70Test this area for short selling, today's range is tentatively set5260-5.70Internally. For friends who currently have hedging positions, as I, Zhou Jinrui, do not know the specific positions and situations of your hedging positions, it is difficult to provide corresponding hedging strategies. Friends who need to unwind can opt for single line hedgingzjr8527obtain.
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Analysis of crude oil news: Tuesday(5.7US crude oil hovers around64.0美元上方的高位区间,油价攀升,因投资者对发达国家和Z国今年下半年燃料需求强劲反弹的乐观情绪,盖过了对印度全面封锁而不断升温的担忧。总体来看,油价短期受到经济数据的利好和需求的乐观预期提振,但印度疫情对油价的影响或将持续一段时间,整体燃料需求较疫情前的2019year4月下滑约7%,印度3月燃料需求原已接近疫情前水位;ING分析师报告称,基于印度病毒疫情看来仍未触顶,我们预期5月燃料需求进一步下跌,这将限制油价上涨空间。
  原油技术面:日线收阴,K线在布林带中轨上方呈V型形态,且阴线部分收在前期起涨阳线的上方,那么短期仍有回调的需求。小时线同时踩着布林带中轨和50均线上涨,大阳线一路强势拉升,布林带轨道明显的向上倾斜,开口继续加大,明显的向上倾斜,尽管在新高65.7附近受阻回落,但是K线守住布林带中轨继续上行,典型的回踩确认支撑的走法,小时线呈明显的多头走势。整体来看,原油在周初的回踩确认底部之后,不仅收复了上周的跌幅,还创下新高,目前上行通道保持完整。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注65.0-65.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below62.0-62.5Frontline support.
This article is contributed by Zhou Jinrui. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only, and I bear the risk. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

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