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5.6Gold bottoming signal? Is crude oil at its peak? How about the eve of non agricultural data on gold and crude oil...

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  goldPrice fluctuation analysis:

  基本面:美国4monthADP就业数据:4月私营企业就业人数大幅增加,因企业在需求激增的情况下纷纷提高产量,表明美国第二季度初的经济增长势头进一步加强,这同时也受到政府大规模援助和新冠疫苗接种人数不断增加的推动。4月份就业人数激增与近期劳动力市场状况的改善也相吻合,其中包括失业救济金申请人数下降至2020year3The lowest level since the beginning of the month.

  技术面:黄金日线收乌云盖顶,价格回破100日均线。美国经济的预期乐观,不排除消化小非农的可能,同时下方1770中轨附近的支撑将是本次黄金上行的关键点,若间隔重回下方,金价将面临进一步的下跌,若出现持续企稳则有望继续挑战1800Gateway.4小时的震荡箱体下沿未破,均线缠绕,后期继续震荡的概率较大。目前价格处于中轨附近震荡,技术指标短期偏弱,同时价格有承压在MA10Daily line1785的趋势,下方若出现金价欧盘走低在中轨下方则可能继续走弱,下方支撑带关注1770,其次在下轨1762Follow above1785短期阻力,破位继续看1800。综合来看,李潇翰建议关注下方1765-1769美元区域的支撑,关注上方1795-1800美元区域的阻力。文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtaining guidance quota

Shanghai Gold2106Technical analysis:

Shanghai Gold2106: Shanghai Jinyu375Pressure drop, minimum test367.8region370The pass was missed, and the short-term market was volatile and bearish. The daily performance was characterized by a bearish bearish candlestick falling below the Bollinger Bands and falling lower,MaHigh dead fork opening,macdThe depletion of the golden cross potential energy turns into a dead cross opening, and the short-term Shanghai gold market is in a downward trend of oscillation, with a focus on the weekly trendMa10average368Support, there is still a demand for rebound even if the price does not break through the short term, while paying attention to whether the price can break through and stabilize again370Only through the critical points can we further strengthen, please pay attention from above373/375Resistance suppression. Four hours later, Shanghai Gold opened downwards under the pressure and oscillation of the medium rail,MaShort positions on the moving average,macdThe dead cross has increased its trading volume twice, with weak short-term volatility in the Shanghai and gold markets, and there is still a risk of a decline. During the day, the main focus is on high trading, with low trading as a supplement. Shanghai Gold2106Suggest on364Long, stop loss362, Objective371/373Test above373Short selling, stop loss375, look at the goal366.The operation suggestions in the article are for reference only, and specific suggestions are given at the current price of the actual offer. Friends who are not ideal in operation or cannot grasp the market direction can add Li Xiaohan's official WeChat account:lxhq281Obtaining guidance quota

Shanghai Bank2106Technical analysis:

Shanghai Bank2106Shanghai Bank opened low and fell below the limit5400Gate minimum test5300The region is also a daily line, with a central track and a weekly lineMa5.30Strong support temporarily stopped the decline, and then the price rebounded to5400Nearby, and the bulls were unable to continue, dayKThe line is represented by the pubic column,Ma5.30Forming a dead cross downward hook,macdThe potential energy of the golden cross is depleted, and a divergence from the top is formed. The short-term trend of Shanghai and silver is volatile and the market is weak, and there is still a downward risk. Key attention should be paid to this5260Gains and losses of support at the checkpoint. If this level does not break, it is expected that there will be limited space below. Be cautious in chasing short positions. We can go long before this level, and pay attention to the upper level5400/5.30Test this area for short selling, today's range is tentatively set5260-5.30内。文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtaining guidance quota

  crude oilPrice fluctuation analysis:

  基本面:美国至4month30Day and WeekAPI原油库存大幅下跌768.8万桶,创下近期新纪录,或许正如市场评论所言:全球原油库存正走向平衡。一扫前值带来的阴霾。美国至4month30Day and WeekAPI汽油库存再次大幅下跌530.8万桶,连续三个统计周期下跌,经济复苏带动原油消费能力的蓬勃上升,或许这是市场最期待的。


  技术面:原油日线已临近前期价格高点,也有超买迹象。日线收大阳,K线在布林带中轨上方呈V型形态,且阳线部分收在前期起涨阳线的上方,那么短期会有回调的需求。4小时收高位流星线,STOCH有高位死叉可能。同时踩着布林带中轨和50均线上涨,大阳线一路强势拉升,布林带轨道明显的向上倾斜,开口继续加大,明显的向上倾斜,在新高66.7附近暂时受阻,但是K线守住布林带中轨继续上行,典型的回踩确认支撑的走法。综合来看,李潇翰建议关注上方66.7-67.3美元一线的压力。短期内原油难改变强趋势,下方关注65.2-64.5一线的支撑。李潇翰建议新一轮做多点位在64.3-64.5区域。文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtaining guidance quota

How should beginners correctly invest in gold and crude oil

  1Control emotions - Investors must be calm and control their emotions. They must calmly respond to sudden changes in the market, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities due to indecision. It is best to be prepared to deal with various possibilities before entering the market, so that when encountering sudden changes in the market, one may not feel too surprised and at a loss.

  2Starting with small-scale trading - For beginners in the market, it is necessary to start with small-scale trading, gradually grasp trading patterns and accumulate experience, and then gradually increase positions.

  3Avoid being eager for quick success and instant benefit - there should be no desire for quick success and instant benefit in transactions. Investors should not enter the market based on their subjective desires in trading. Successful investors generally strictly separate their emotions from trading activities, and bear heavier risks based on the opposite market trend and personal wishes.

  4Be prepared to accept failure at any time - Gold investment carries risks, and trading failure is inevitable throughout the entire transaction. It is also an important way for investors to gradually learn from and accumulate experience. When faced with investment failure, only by carefully summarizing can investors gradually improve their investment ability, avoid risks, and strive for profitability.

  5Better miss than make mistakes - opportunities are always present, and seizing them requires a pair of bright eyes rather than quietly waiting for an empty opportunity.

  6Develop investment plans that are suitable for oneself - life requires planning, investment requires planning, and investment is not an overnight process. Only by strictly executing can one profit from it. So how to become a profiteer in the gold investment market is crucial.

When making investments, reading articles is not just about analyzing the market and providing operational suggestions. The market is constantly changing, and most articles have a lag and timeliness from analysis to completion. The specific operation still needs to be based on real time market positioning, and the amount of investment funds varies, so the methods of making orders will also vary. Therefore, when reading the article, the focus should be on learning, understanding why the market needs to be analyzed in this way, and determining the operational approach. In order to integrate and learn from oneself in practical operations to form one's own operating methods, so that one no longer relies on others and can operate independently! Acquaintance is fate, acquaintance is fate. I firmly believe that it is fate to meet for a thousand miles, and it is fate to wipe our shoulders without a share. The journey of investment is long, and temporary gains and losses are only the tip of the iceberg along the way. You should know that a wise man who has a thousand worries will have a loss, and a fool who has a thousand worries will have a gain. No matter how emotional you are, time will not stagnate due to you. Pick up the boredom in your heart and stand up again to pack up and move forward. At this moment, being able to read here indicates that you and I are destined. As long as you are willing to share your gains and losses with me, I will be happy to help you overcome difficulties and become your confidant on the investment journey.


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