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Midline band5.5The continuous upward trend of crude oil has taken shape, and gold is once again under pressure at high levels...

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A beautiful day, starting with my greetings! If you want things to change, you must first change yourself. Only by changing yourself can you change the world. The biggest enemy of people is not others,But oneself, only by defeating oneself can we overcome difficulties!Defeat one's own thinking, execution, and mindset. When others don't understand, you understand; when others understand, you act; when others act, you succeed; when others succeed, you become rich. This is: extraordinary thinking, foresight! Choose more than effort, follow the right people, and do the right things.

Every time I write an analysis, I always hope to see friends who can gain something. In this market, under calm performance, the dark waves are actually surging, and many investment friends easily enter, often covered in bruises. Every day, many friends come to me for help, but most of them just quickly find the next article to continue reading after reading the analysis. I hope I can help more people, just like my own positioning for this job is service. People are mutual, and trust is the beginning of cooperation. If you are confused or confused on the investment path, you can talk to me. Perhaps this will make your investment journey much easier.



  基本面:美国财长耶伦表示,由于大规模财政支出,未来某个时候利率水平可能有必要升高以阻止任何经济过热。她没有透露具体时间表。耶伦周一在接受the Atlantic采访时表示,“利率可能有必要提高一点点,从而保证经济不会过热”。巴克莱首席美国经济学家Michael Gapen表示,鉴于美国政府酝酿的两个支出方案的巨大规模,长期利率走高不足为奇,不是通过经济走强就是通过市场加息预期而被推高,符合市场的观点。


  1hourk线来看,基本消除了前期对于小型头肩顶形态的忧虑,并且局部有望重新转化为双底形态,现阶段价格处于1778附近徘徊,预计日内还需要进一步测试多头的延续性,可以重点关注欧美盘时段的节奏,而下方的均线组支撑也需要结合参考,尤其是目前MA10的位置,操作上李潇翰建议回调做多为主,下方重点关注1773-1775Support, attention from above1795-1798阻力。破位阻力区域和支撑区域顺势而为即可,不破位维持高位大幅震荡洗盘格局。李潇翰唯一指导微/Letter:lxhq281 Welcome to the platform for consultation, real-time strategy guidance, and market exchange and discussion!

SilvertdMarket trend analysis:

  白银走势持续震荡,近期白银tdPrice remains at5300-5465The consolidation of interval fluctuations, with multiple highs and lows in the session, indicates that there is still strong resistance suppression above. In the short termMa10The moving average has gained support, and all indicators remain bullish overall,macdThe golden cross is operating, and the market is still in a correction and rebound trend, with short-term attention range breaking. silvertdFollow Above Today5420element/Kilogram resistance, and5450element/Resistance near kilogram;Follow Below5300element/Kilograms, and5260千克支撑。李潇翰唯一指导微/Letter:lxhq281 Welcome to the platform for consultation, real-time strategy guidance, and market exchange and discussion!

Analysis of the price trend of paper and silver:

  周线来看自5.578fall to5.03To form by bottoming outVForm up, fromK线结构上来看未能打破前期高点5.57On5.57形成双顶下跌,4小时周期目前处于震荡趋势中,目前5.54Narrow range oscillations are mainly unfolding nearby, and paper and silver are currently facing early highs5.57Nearby pressure level, break through to see5.64-5.78Short or stepped back, follow below5.38-5.33,后市能否再度拉升将是多空争夺之关键,破位短线跟进即可,不破依旧区间思路对待。短线操作区间5.57-5.38High selling and low slag, the middle line can be located5.5Short selling nearby, target5.38减仓持有。李潇翰唯一指导微/Letter:lxhq281 Welcome to the platform for consultation, real-time strategy guidance, and market exchange and discussion!

  crude oil涨跌价格分析:

  基本面:更强势的美元和美国财长耶伦的鹰派立场不足以减缓油价的反弹,因美国更多州份放宽封锁,欧盟寻求放宽游客入境,这将有助于抵消印度新冠疫情恶化导致的燃油需求疲软。过去几周,原油库存的变化比较温和,李潇翰预计截至上周的原油库存将大幅下降。API原油库存减少了768.8Ten thousand barrels, for1月以来的最大降幅,与预测一致。欧洲重启旅行的前景为全球原油需求继续上升提供了乐观情绪。


Daily lineMACDGolden fork,KDJ金叉,油价近期呈现震荡上行趋势,短线需警惕 KDJ 顶背离信号,这暗示上方空间可能有限。短线来看,周一油价向上突破 61.8% Retreat position 63.88,多头略占上风。中长线来看,K 线沿上行趋势线运行,后市只要不跌破趋势线的支撑,上涨趋势将有望继续维持。

  4小时回踩布林道底轨启稳回升,站上中轨后短线震荡偏多。小周期两次在63.0-63.8构造成支撑,短期此支撑不失守,短线维持看多。综合来看,原油不破下方支撑63.8-64.1支撑区域,上方阻力关注66.4-66.7Line resistance.李潇翰建议今日回撤低多为主的策略,具体点位在65.6附近。空单建议反弹66.4Entry, target64.1Nearby, stop loss66.8.Li Xiaohan's Only Guidance Micro/Letter:lxhq281 Welcome to the platform for consultation, real-time strategy guidance, and market exchange and discussion!




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