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5.4-5.5Gold's bottoming out and rebound once again challenge the thousand eight mark, and crude oil bulls are adding to the market...

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Preface: Hello all investment friends! I am Li Xiaohan, who is still active in the market. Some people, due to greed, want more things but lose everything they have now. Greedy hearts are like barren fields in the desert, absorbing all rainwater but not breeding plants for the convenience of others. Stay away when you can't see clearly, learn to be calm, don't hesitate when you understand, and learn to affirm yourself. If your funds are still shrinking, please find the reason why/Dan or Tao/Single, in addition to losses or losses, please be sure to contact us/Tied to Li Xiaohan, even if we lose everything, there is at least one expectation waiting for you. I believe success can start from our acquaintance!

Accurate strategy, market to verify! I always say that there is no unprofitable market, the key is to grasp the trend of the market, and the key is to control the points! It is obvious that Li Xiaohan has this strength! In investment, professional matters still require professional guidance. If you have the funds, I have the strength, and cooperation can lead to mutual benefit! Without further ado, Li Xiaohan has already provided the current price point in the article. As for whether to follow or not, the choice lies with you. Next, Li Xiaohan will analyze today's detailed market situation for everyone:

  goldPrice fluctuation analysis:

Tuesday(5month4day)欧市盘中,全球市场风险情绪急剧降温,欧美股市多数下挫,且盘中一度加速杀跌,汇市方面,美元全面反弹,最高触及91.39;欧元、英镑等G10货币悉数下挫;现货黄金延续此前自逾两个月高位下跌的势头,目前徘徊于1785附近。分析认为,在全球经济复苏之际,市场忧虑在央行超级宽松的货币政策之下,通货膨胀(“通胀恶魔”)可能会突然袭击,尤其是近期大宗商品价格飙升,这也引发投资者的担忧情绪。追踪23种原材料价格变动的彭博商品现货指数(Bloomberg Commodity Spot Index)周一上涨0.7%。该指数处于2012年以来的最高水平。随着全球最大的几个经济体从疫情中复苏,各市场出现越来越多的短缺迹象,从铜、石油到木材,所有商品的价格都大幅飙升。彭博(Bloomberg)汇编的数据显示,对冲基金连续三周加大了对大宗商品futures的看多押注。本周,市场聚焦美国4月非农就业报告,以及英国央行超级星期四等事件。


Short line1小时中,昨天在涨破周五形成的震荡三角形上轨阻力后单边上涨,形成了完整的上行结构,但是经过昨天一天的上涨后,短线的上涨出现乏力的现象,面临技术面的回调需求,日内操作方面,需要注意1小时走的是回调,还是已经见顶,日内如果二次测试前方高点,则要注意会不会形成顶部,或者是冲高回落的现象,1795上下可以考虑尝试空单操作,支撑方面,初步支撑在1788一线,此位置是突破的前期高点,同时自1755Since the rise23.6回调位也在此位置,进一步支撑在顶底转换位1782-1780frontline.

  综合来看,金价短线仍存在进一步走高的趋势,所以黄金今日操作思路上李潇翰建议仍以回调低多为主,逢高做空为辅,上方短期关注1798-1800Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1783-80Frontline support. Li Xiaohan's Only Guidance Micro/Letter:lxhq281 Welcome to the platform for consultation, real-time strategy guidance, and market exchange and discussion!

  crude oilPrice fluctuation analysis:


  技术面分析:日线图中,油价上周五以及昨天完成了破位后的回踩动作,日线上涨结构完整,63.3顶底转换位支撑有效,今天油价小幅调整后破位上行,已经刷新近期高点,最高触及65.7一线,来到了日线上行通道上轨阻力位置,通道上轨的突破只是时间问题,突破后的上涨目标可以看至3月初的历史高点67.8一线,日线反弹还在延续,依托顶底转换位布局多单即可,今天日线突破上周五的高点64.8后,顶底转换位便从63.3移动至此位置,而由于现在已经到了日线关键阻力,所以李潇翰不建议盲目追多,待回落之后跟进多单即可。李潇翰唯一指导微/Letter:lxhq281 Welcome to the platform for consultation, real-time strategy guidance, and market exchange and discussion!

We all know that long-term trading is the most profitable way, but why can't the vast majority of people take advantage of long-term trading? That's because first, the long-term test of human nature is too great. As I once said, forcibly distorting human nature cannot last long. Smart people should find a way that suits them. The second point is that there should be strong psychological support in the long term, and where does this psychological support come from? It's impossible to rely on ideas.

We know that transactions require reasons, either technical reasons or fundamental reasons. Without fundamentals as a backing, relying solely on technology is not enough to become a professional trader with the psychological support to resist long-term fluctuations. So, those who can't hold onto the list don't need to be upset because they can't hold onto the list. You just need to hold onto the list within your own tolerance.

After many people make a profit and exit, the market does not reverse, but continues to move forward, they will be very depressed and feel that they have made less money. It is precisely because of this despondent mentality that they will once again chase up and down, or even touch the top to copy the bottom. The way people think is not the way they win.

This article is written by Li Xiaohan (micro\Letter:lxhq281)Exclusive and original by an analyst. I have always been passionate about the gold and crude oil markets. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at my own risk. Please indicate the source for reprinting

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