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5.4Gold bottoms out and rebounds, gold retreats and bullish thinking, economic recovery, crude oil will continue...

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  《易经》是中华民族最古老的一部经典著作,它广大精微,包含宇宙万象的一切道理,被称为“大道之源” “群经之始”。这样一部对于中国人最为重要的典籍,将人的修养修行及处在人生不同阶段的应对策略讲到了极致。“自天佑之,吉无不利”--《易经系辞上》这句说不是说来自上天的保佑,就可以大吉大利了。“自天佑之,吉无不利”,明白地把“自”放在“天”的前面,就在告诉我们:“自己”先努力,“上天”才会依据自然规律来保佑我们。自然规律也是人生的规律,人生的规律原本就是自作自受,自己必须对自己的言行,负起完全的责任,承担所有的后果。人生在世,最大的幸福莫过于无事一身轻,最大的祸患就是胡思乱想。只有那些整天奔波劳累的人,才知道无事是一种福气;只有那些心如止水的人,才知道多心是多么有害。

Whether it's too late or too early, nothing will stop you from becoming the person you want to be. There is no time limit for this process, and it can start anytime you want. Investment is also a process of accumulation, whether it is accumulating experience or wealth, or accumulating some technical knowledge. However, some friends blindly enter the market and fantasize about how much they can earn before they even start. Little do they know that venture capital, where returns and risks coexist, can help you calm down when you are blind or confused, summarize your own shortcomings, and learn more experience, This way, there will be fewer mistakes in this market, one step at a time, and a steady pursuit of victory.

  goldPrice fluctuation analysis:

United States4月非农就业报告定于周五公布。在3Month increase91.6After ten thousand job opportunities,4The number of employees in the month is likely to reach100万人。李潇翰预计失业率将从6%lower5.8%Newly employed population or reaching97.8Ten thousand people. Other important macro data in the United States before Friday's non farm period include factory orders on Tuesday and Wednesday'sADPNon agricultural employment data andISMNon manufacturingPMIAnd the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits on Thursday.

  技术面:黄金昨日美盘开盘后慢涨上升,延续欧盘破位了周五的分水岭1775一线后继续延续,目前最高已然触及到了1797附近位置,而前期所形成的多次顶部位置也维持于1797一线。从盘面上看,金价向上击穿1798,1790连线的趋势线压制,那么震荡下行的格局也就被打破了,放空的信号也就破了。再结合近期的走势,上周四暴跌,周五迟迟不跌,始终并未跌破1760。而本周周一,强势拉升。那么日K线就在布林中轨支撑止住了跌势,日线图上短期均线是死叉,但是并没有走出加速下跌的走势,附图RSIMaintain at50附近粘合在一起,有往上拐头的迹象。四小时来看,布林带朝上运行,KLine operation and near the Bolin track,MACDThe golden fork is upward, and the green energy column is released twice,KDJ三线粘合运行,行情多头趋势比较强。综合分析,黄金底部筑好,探底反弹,操作上李潇翰建议回落做多为主,上方关注1800-1798短期阻力,下方关注1770-1768一线支撑【李潇翰微信:lxhq281】

  crude oilPrice fluctuation analysis:




  技术面:日线级别油价三连涨,MACD及布林带中轨仍呈现上升趋势,不过KDJ显示一定的超买风险,短线可能迎来回调行情。多头周四升至76.4%Retreat position65.45附近承压回落,多头并没能将价格稳定在65上方,这给空方留了可乘之机。日内行情恰好在3month18Daily high64.88附近遇阻下行,日内可能回踩61.8%Retreat position63.88,多头有望在这一水平附近获得支撑。若油价加速跌破这一线,可能形成看跌吞没形态,如此对多头十分不利。不过鉴于多头目前仍然占据上风,日内触底反弹的机会更大,投资者可以关注下跌后低位的进场机会。整体来看,原油在周初的回踩确认底部之后,基本收复了上周的跌幅,目前呈双底上破走势。所以综合分析操作上建议回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期关注65-65.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below62.5-62一线支撑。原油近期的震荡上行非常折磨人,进三退二的走势要经受大幅回撤,但整体向上反弹的节奏还未改变,日线先考虑回落调整,然后继续低多,可以在63.90附近做多,风控63.50, Objective64.80~65.20【李潇翰微信:lxhq281】


The analysis article is only a description of the possible future of the market, a prediction of the market trend, an analysis of the trend, and preparation for early layout. It is only an expression of opinions and does not serve as a basis for investment decision-making. After all, the market situation is constantly changing. Investment carries risks, and trading must pay attention to reasonable position allocation, fund management, and risk control. No trading without risk control, and do not let trading get out of control! Li Xiaohan's WeChat:lxhq281。

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