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Zhou Jinrui4.30Will gold continue to rise? Analysis and Operation Suggestions for Futures Gold and Silver Market

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  goldMarket trend analysis
Message analysis: Thursday(4month29日)现货黄金小幅上涨。此前美联储维持利率不变,并确认维持宽松货币政策以支撑经济复苏,随后美元和美债收益率下跌。另外,拜公布了1.8万亿美元的“美国家庭计划”,高盛也继续预计未来六个月金价将涨至2000美元,这些都有利于黄金上涨。不过股市继续在高位运行及疫苗接种的推进可能令金价承压。
  技术面:金价本周自回落触及云层下行边支撑后再度反弹,维持阳线走强,不过日内正触及中轨阻力附近,进一步仍受到60周线压力,短线触及或仍有回落,但指标KDJandMACD仍处于较大幅看涨的信号预期,故此回落不破1760美元,仍是逢低入场中长期看涨的机会。日线级别;金价探底回升,目前再度反弹,指标的空头信号也有所减弱,但力度上未有较强延续,上方100日均线仍在对其产生看空预期,本周难以产生较大性突破,故此多空都有不错的空间机会。下方关注1760Near the US dollar, and1755美元附近支撑;上方关注1785Near the US dollar, and1792美元附近阻力;综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议回调做多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方重点关注1780-1785Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1740-1745Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, with more real-time market analysis and timely operational strategies added.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr8527)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.
Shanghai Gold2106Technical analysis:
Shanghai Gold2106:昨天沪金测试375附近承压回落,日K线表现为阴柱跟随国际黄金回调,运行在Ma5/10Below the moving average,Ma向下勾头,macdGolden Cross Shrinkage andK线背离,短线沪金有回调风险,关注中轨370多空强弱分界线支撑,测试这个区域可做多。四小时,沪金于上轨承压回落,大跌中轨扩大回调空间,MaHigh dead fork opening,macd死叉运行,目前价格跌破趋势线向下回调,在375下方震荡偏弱,不过预计回调空间不会很大,关注370区域支撑得失,此位不破保持看涨思路。沪金2106建议测试367Long, stop loss365, look at the goal374/375Test above375.5Short nearby, stop loss377, Objective372/371.
Shanghai Bank2106Technical analysis:
Shanghai Bank2106:隔夜沪银高开低走在测试5500区域承压回落,今天开盘延续空头势能修正回落,并跌破5400关口,日K线表现为长下影阴柱,价格再次于5500关口承压,大跌Ma5/10均线走低,macd金叉势能耗尽,快慢线粘合和K线背离,说明白银短线空头承压明显,有回调风险,重点关注5300支撑。四小时,沪银于5500上方形成三重顶回落,也上轨承压,当前价格跌破中轨走低,运行在中轨和MaBelow the moving average,macd死叉二次放量,短线有进一步回调的趋势,关注下轨5300附近支撑,可背靠此区域做多,上方关注5550/5700区域阻力。沪银建议回撤5300Regional long, stop loss5270, look at the goal5430/50Test above5550Short nearby, stop loss5600, Objective5380/5350.目前仓位有套单的朋友,由于笔者周金瑞不知道你们套单的点位以及仓位的具体情况,不好给出相应的解套策略,需要解套的朋友可单线zjr8527obtain.
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Message analysis: Thursday(4month29日)美原油震荡上行,数据显示,美国上周精炼油库存大幅减少,炼厂生产活动加速至一年多来的最高水平,提振了外界对这个全球最大石油消费国燃料需求上升的希望。总体来看,EIAThe positive inventory data and optimistic demand expectations provide some upward momentum for oil prices, and institutions are optimistic that oil prices will hit a barrel in the next six months80The US dollar cannot be ignored, but the impact of the Indian pandemic may seriously affect demand. In addition, the Iran nuclear negotiations are also a focus of recent attention. If the US lifts sanctions on Iran, Iran will provide more crude oil to the global market, which may further drag down oil prices.
  技术面:从周线图上看,原油近期围绕5weekMA做震荡,布林带中轨持续上行,日线周期,保持了均线系统的多头排列,低点在不断的抬高。从日线来看收盘小阳线。日线经过此前的整理轻微启稳,站上弱势临界点之上,短线继续看摸高。4小时此前两次在60.60构成支撑稳固,突破62.4-62.6颈线后,稳固了小双低点的支撑。4小时看涨。小时图昨日开盘即慢涨上扬,最低在62.0.今日操作依托此位先行顺势看多,上方继续去看摸高64.0上方。短线回踩顺势多。建议:62.4There are many nearby, defense61.9, Objective63.5-64.0.综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注66.7-67.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below63.0-63.5Frontline support.
This article is contributed by Zhou Jinrui. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only, and I bear the risk. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

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