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Xie Hongyuan:4.27黄金涨跌难辨怎么操作,黄金走势分析

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goldFundamentals: Tuesday(4month27During the Asian session, spot gold slightly declined and traded in1774附近,周一(4month26Rising gold prices in Japan0.24%Mainly boosted by lower than expected economic data from the United States, and the surge in the Indian epidemic has also led some funds to seek gold investment as a safe haven. However, the strength of Bitcoin and the stock market has limited the bullish trend of gold. On Monday, there was little fluctuation in the yield of the US dollar and US bonds. Short term gold prices need to break above38.2%Retreat position1784The pressure is expected to further challenge1800One line, if it falls below3月底以来的上行趋势线则涨势可能遭到破坏。周四凌晨将迎来美联储利率决议,尽管预计不会出现重大政策调整,但投资者将密切关注鲍威尔在会后记者会上的讲话。鲍威尔料被问及,劳动力市场改善和新冠疫苗接种推进是否会促使其撤走宽松货币政策,但多数分析师预计,他会说这种讨论为时过早,这将给美国国债收益率和美元造成下行压力。

黄金技术面:短期金价仍企稳于日线移动平均线技术指标支撑位价格上方,整体日线移动平均线呈粘合向上交叉偏多震荡技术指标形态,短期金价区间震荡回落仍面临较为密集技术指标支撑位价格。从4小时来看,短期金价冲高回落,当前金价处于日线移动平均线技术指标支撑压力位价格区间,4小时移动平均线呈粘合收窄形态,维持短期偏震荡趋势指引消化,短期金价震荡维持或难改变围绕4小时技术指标整理走势。谢鸿远认为当前金价高位回落幅度逐步扩大并未表现出明显单边下行延续,维持偏震荡走势。昨日尾盘二次起涨点在1772-1773位置,四小时上行趋势线支撑在1775Nearby, daily line10The daily moving average is supported by1770附近,所以今日下方关键支撑就在1770-1775位置。上方短线压制在昨日高点1783-1784位置,同时日线5日线,四小时20日线的压制也在此位置。若能突破站上此压制,继续看上行测试1799-1800位置的压制。综上所述,黄金今日短线操作谢鸿远建议逢高做空,回调做多为辅,上方关注1800-1805Under pressure from the US dollar, follow below1760-1755One line support for the US dollar.

Xie Hongyuan:4.27黄金涨跌难辨怎么操作,黄金走势分析818 / author:Xie Hongyuan / PostsID:1602798

crude oil方面,国际油价周一走出V字行情,美盘前,美、布两油持续走低,美盘开始回升,一度扭转跌势,但尾盘再次回落。截至收盘,WTICrude oil decline0.26%Report61.95dollar/Barrel; Brent crude oil fell0.33%Report65.79dollar/桶。周一参加欧佩克+Joint Technical Committee(JTC)会议代表表示,该委员会预测,今年全球石油消费量将增长60010000 barrels/日。该委员会估计,疫情期间累积的过剩原油库存中的大部分,到本季度末将得到消化。印度、巴西和日本的新冠疫情反弹可能会对全球经济增长产生不利影响,破坏石油需求的复苏。


  原油操作建议:回调61.8Go long, defend61.3Long, stop loss0.5-0.8USD, target62.5-63.0Nearby, break down and take a look64.2一线,再次破位顺势跟进即可;
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