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Wang Decheng: Be optimistic about the long-term layout of ethylene glycol! Short term market analysis of glass fuel and silver

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      在投资市场中,最公平的就是行情。所有的投资者面对的都是一样的行情。然而,面对同样的行情,投资者必然会做出不同的选择。我们在交易中盈利和亏损是常有的事,但是想要在长期的交易中保持盈利,除了对市场和交易足够熟悉以外,更需要对自己情绪的把控,保持理性的思考并养成良好的交易习惯。对于每个交易者而言,没有完美的策略,只有完美的纪律;There is no best method, only the most suitable one for oneself. When establishing our trading system, we must make some choices and not attempt to cover all aspects or seize every so-called "opportunity". Instead, we should focus on our own trading system, strictly abide by discipline, and constantly improve and improve it. In this way, you can better grasp yourself and better see the market.

Wang Decheng: Be optimistic about the long-term layout of ethylene glycol! Short term market analysis of glass fuel and silver111 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1602583


Wang Decheng: Be optimistic about the long-term layout of ethylene glycol! Short term market analysis of glass fuel and silver880 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1602583

   今日玻璃整理走强上涨30Multiple point reporting2265小阳线走势,国内浮法玻璃现货市场成交重心延续上行,企业积极提涨,场内交投气氛尚可,全国浮法玻璃均价在2243element/吨,环比上涨0.39%。华北沙河市场企业库存低位,今日长城价格再次上调1element/重量箱,德金、金宏阳计划明日继续上调价格,贸易商整体走货尚可,下游多有备货,刚需补库为主;华东市场延续上行走势,原片企业产销向好,现货低价难寻,下游加工厂接盘积极性尚可,多数对后市仍存上涨预期;华中湖北地区企业价格普涨1-2element/重箱,市场成交向好延续;华南区域部分厂家报盘价格继续上调,企业产销均在平衡以上,下游仍刚需补货为主;西南西北地区价格依旧稳中有升,大部分厂家产销基本平衡,个别厂家价格小幅上调。

  燃油高位承压弱势整理下挫30Multiple point reporting2472小阴线走势,需求端,尽管大多数供应商称3月低硫船用燃料的销售量较2月会有所改善,但目前来看改善有限,终端需求仍略低于往年平均水平。不过随着干散货市场的回温,预计船燃需求也将逐渐回暖。高硫燃料油方面,随着时间进入二季度中东与南亚等地电力需求将逐步走强,或对市场提供一定支撑。进入2季度,尽管高低硫燃料油供应或有边际增加,但是高低硫需求也将开始走强,尤其是高硫燃料油的夏季发电需求驱动将逐渐明显。
   On short-term operations, fuel2109合约,燃油逐渐疲软下挫行情为主,笔者王德诚建议燃油冲高2514and2550压力下方分批进场空单思路策略。

Wang Decheng: Be optimistic about the long-term layout of ethylene glycol! Short term market analysis of glass fuel and silver766 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1602583

   今日白银冲高回落洗盘80Multiple point reporting5432小阴线行情,中美诸多经济数据即将公布,特别是中国一季度GDP可能会大幅度超出市场预期,有利于提升市场乐观情绪和预期,对金银价或不是很有利。结合美元仍存在反弹之势,金银价周度走势有望偏弱。另外,随着美PPIRebound to a relatively high level in recent years, and the market may pay attention in the later stagePPIIs it possible toCPIEspecially the coreCPIThe issue of conduction. If it can driveCPIIf the rebound continues, then the recent turmoil in industrial products is indeed feeding back the logic of the market's inflation expectations, and market preference will further increase.

     Investment is risky and entry into the market requires caution. The analysis is for reference only. The publication of articles is delayed, and friends who need real-time guidance and suggestions can do so. Persist in rational investment, don't think about getting rich overnight, and don't feel like you can't make any money at all. The market is there, and there will always be strong winners. Trading is a process of continuous growth. By constantly learning and summarizing experiences through trading, one day you will also become a person on the top of that tower. Author Wang Decheng, professional futures analyst, contributor to multiple financial media, futures industry qualification certificate numberT329796Qualification certificate number of financial planner:CICFPAGC1161851Contact WeChat Sync on your phone:15851503763。

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