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Zhou Jinrui4.16Will gold continue to rise? Analysis and Operation Suggestions for Futures Gold and Silver Market

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  goldMarket trend analysis
Message analysis: Friday(4month16日)现货黄金小幅下跌,尽管美国经济数据好于预期,但美国国债收益率仍下滑,推动投资者买入黄金对冲未来可能出现的通胀风险。另外,美俄间关系骤然紧张也刺激部分投资者寻求避险。不过,公布的几大数据都远好于市场预期,美股再创历史新高,这些因素限制了金价进一步的涨势。美国大规模财政和货币政策支持,疫苗接种及家庭、企业表现出的韧性,都表明今年下半年经济将加速增长,并持续取得进展,尽管因为一些行业复苏快于另一些,进展会不平衡。美国经济向好意味着美元可能继续走强,这将拖累金价走势。
  技术面:黄金日线收阳,从盘面来看,金价已经有效的形成突破,目前价格上涨从结构和形态上已经形成有效的趋势点位,强势的过程中价格会在很高的位置形成回落修正。交易者操作要注意这个点的形成,在形成趋势点的过程中,不要以为是价格反转,因为当下日图突破了箱体和趋势线,但是四维图表靠近了上线,收盘于上线下方,在突破中重点关注它的持续性,否则很难形成强有力的单边上行,但是趋势形成在未真正转势前尽可能的回落买入为主。从四小时图表来看,价格至破99天线后价格出现反复至昨天突破,目前上行形态完好,四维表图突破了上线在加速线压制,日内重点关注上线的支撑和速线的有效上破,而小时图早盘出现弱空信号,所以暂时不去盲目追多,一是回落多,二是四小时突破加速线配合小时图二次转多再买入。从数据量化上来看,支撑1756-48-42pressure1778-84-91操作上看多不追多,一回落53-55区域买入,二是有效突破70以四小时的收线为基准,回抽65-66继续买入,看1778-84-91. Overall, the short-term operation strategy for today's gold market. Last week, Jinrui suggested a pullback and a long position as the main focus, supplemented by a rebound and short position. The top focus is on1760-1765Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1715-1720Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, with more real-time market analysis and timely operational strategies added.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr8527)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.
GoldTDTrend analysis
GoldTD:黄金在366附近企稳反弹,跟随国际黄金震荡上行,在突破370关口后扩大多头势能,日线呈现中阳线短线于布林上轨承压,MaAbove the moving average,Macd金叉持续放量,短线黄金处于多头强势格局,四小时,黄金突破365-370震荡箱体走强,K线连阳排列,各指标多头趋势保持良好,macd死叉转为金叉开口,红柱扩大,说明黄金处于强势上涨格局中,短线建议回撤支撑位布局多单。建议回撤367/366Long, stop loss365.5, look at the goal374/375, hold against the limit.

SilverTDTrend analysis
SilverTD:白银下探回升,日线呈现连阳排列,短线于上轨承压,Ma均线上移,macd金叉放量,红柱扩大,白银在企稳5300后行情转强,可以此为分界线布局多单,四小时,白银突破V型反弹颈线走强,布林向上张口,Ma5Move up to5360附近,各指标多头排列,macdGolden fork operation,K线形成的头肩底右肩势能持续扩大,短线白银处于多头强势格局中,操作上逢低买入为主。建议回撤5280/5260Long, stop loss5230, Objective5430/5450, take a break to see5500.
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Message analysis: Friday(4month16日)美原油震荡,油价突破一个月来的交易区间,因有更多迹象显示美国正加速反弹。纽约原油futures伴随更广泛的市场涨势触及一个月高位。美国首次申请失业救济人数降至疫情时代新低,零售销售增速为10The fastest recovery in the past month further proves the economic recovery. The positive results of the two major data in the United States indicate economic recovery, providing support for oil prices, and the severe relationship between the United States and Iran is also conducive to boosting oil prices. The increase in vaccination numbers and the easing of concerns about the epidemic provide a good opportunity for the market to steadily rise. howeverOPEC+Announce from5Starting from this month, gradually reducing production cuts may limit the potential for oil price increases, and relevant news still needs to be carefully monitored.
  技术面:原油4小时图上看,昨日维持在62.5-63.5区间反复拉锯,虽然收取小阳线相比前期大阳线,动能上明显较弱,属于大阳线之后的高位盘整形态,K线上看原油在无利空的基本面情况下基本就是小回调就做多的,毕竟原油目前在基本面上面还是占据了上风,基本形态多头也是偏强势,后续回调先关注62.2一线支撑,在关注是否出现筑顶信号,看低点与高点有没有出现抬升情况。建议:回调62.4-62.0Long, stop loss61.5, look at the goal63.2-63.5(回调要注意动能强弱与筑底信号方可进场)。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注65.0-65.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below61.2-62.0Frontline support.

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