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      各位投资朋友们,大家好,周末愉快!陈鼎昭本着负责,专注,诚恳的态度用心写每一篇分析文章。10余年goldTrading experience, striving to accurately and reliably analyze daily market trends, helping you avoid detours and go straight to the path of wealth and freedom!
  关于每日的操作,陈鼎昭在线指导cdz885已经公布在朋友圈,每天会在指导微信上给出亚盘、欧盘、美盘行情分析和操作方向,准确率百分之九十以上,全是免费。今日利润,你错过了吗?另外,目前仓位上有单的朋友,由于陈鼎昭不知道你们套单的点位以及仓位的详细情况,不好给出相应的解-Set strategy, need to solve-You can consult me about the set.

  美元指数靠近支撑企稳拉涨,黄金冲破高点后重新回归震荡区间,短线似乎强弱不定,实际上市场已经给出了方向选择,1740的跌破,意味着空头介入了市场,陈鼎昭建议下周行情先以逢高做空为主,低吸做多为辅。目前手上有低位空单和高位多单不知道如何处理或者近期出现严重亏损可添加陈鼎昭老师威辛cdz885Seeking help, I will take the time to give my fans the greatest help.
  1、美元指数的重要支撑91.87位置并未跌破,并且企稳回升已经有了止跌信号,后期美指大概率会延续上涨,并且有望启动波段拉涨行情。而黄金向下跌破1740, from1759一路暴跌到1731,行情明显见顶,因此下周先关注阻力逢高做空。
  2、目前市场最主要的阻力在1750附近,是从1758进行下跌过程中的反弹小高点位置,又是1759-1731Corresponding golden ratio0.618-0.764的区间,黄金下周只要触及1750附近,便可以直接做空,守住1758位置不破,向下去看1740、1730-1725Goal.
  综上所述,黄金下周看空做空为主,触及1750Direct empty, stop loss1758Look at the target of stopping profit1740、1730-1725。
Wen/Chen Dingzhao (Guiding Weixin:cdz885)
This article is exclusively planned by Chen Dingzhao. Please indicate the source for reprinting! Due to the delay in online audit push, the above content is personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, the suggestion is for reference only. It does not constitute a specific operation, and based on this operation, one is responsible for their own profits and losses. Investment is risky, and entering the market requires caution.
If you are lost, unable to grasp the market, unable to find direction, and don't know what to do, come to me. Regarding today's strategy, Chen Dingzhao has already announced it on Pengyou Circle, where he provides daily analysis and operational directions for the Asian, European, and US stock markets. They are all free, and you can first add your own understanding. If you recognize the teacher's ability, follow the instructions. If you have any questions, you can communicate together. Perhaps a sentence from Xu Dingzhao can make you suddenly enlightened. Chen Dingzhao suggests that you bring your order with you. As long as I find Chen Dingzhao, I will definitely use the most suitable method to solve your problem and assist you in getting out. Do you want to recover your losses? So give yourself a chance now, let's start with fate and not let it die. Full day guidance time: morning7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00 We never stop on weekends and can consult for free at any time.

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