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3.30Will the Golden Waterfall still rise after falling? Gold trading strategy for multiple orders

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Preface: Article Abstract: Why Investgoldcrude oilAlways losing money? Is gold bullish or bearish in the future? Will gold continue to rise in the future? Where will gold rise? Will gold still fall at the opening? Where will gold fall today? How to operate the rise and fall of gold? goldXAUUSDOperational strategy, crude oilXTIUSDMarket trend analysis; What should beginners pay attention to when frying spot gold? How to learn how to stir fry gold?How to avoid risks and reduce losses in spot gold trading? How to grasp the correct entry time for spot gold investment? What common sense do beginners need to know to stir fry gold?Gold and SilverTDHow to operate gold and silver? How to layout the gold and silver medium and long term lines? Gold and SilverTDWill it continue to rise? Gold and SilverTDWill it still fall? Li Xiaohan informs beginners to invest in gold and silverTDWhat about losses? Gold and SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free? Gold and SilverTDHow to operate the short line? Gold and SilverTDWhere is the support resistance? What is the impact of the US Index on gold and silver? Gold and SilverTDShort term market trend analysis and operational suggestions? International Gold and Silver Li Xiaohan's Online Interpretation? Gold and SilverTDHow to analyze the future trend? Novice investing in gold and silverTDWhat should I pay attention to? Investing in gold and silverTDHow to quickly recover losses? News Faced with Gold and SilverTDWhat is the impact? Gold and SilverTDHow to make a single operation? goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line? How to operate London Gold? Domestic gold and silverTDAnalysis of the latest operational recommendations and trends.


Daily Gold, Silver, and Crude Oil Investment Strategies [Add Li Xiaohan's personal guidance on WeChat:lxhq281】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.


  上周纳斯达克也是高位调整后在12600reach13000区域震荡,全球开启资本争夺。加息货币政策紧缩都是对stock market index利空,而且全球制裁蔓延防止股指恐慌闪崩,因为故意打压以后成常态。个人看纳斯达克最好反弹去前高附近构筑双顶后期才能更好看。按照以前的经验反弹两到三天也就是再次做空机会,现在开盘价格12950那就是反弹200点走势挂空分批布局13150附近做空,如果做多那一定开盘下跌500点以上也就是12450附近参与短线博弈做多就好,毕竟现在全球股指都是在相对历史高位横盘,宽松不能一直持续不断,而且连续上涨13年的纳斯达克技术也需要调整,毕竟以前历史经验牛市基本延续13reach15年必有30%以上调整,所以我们拭目以待。

Analysis of Gold Price Data:

  周日(3month28day)当周金价震荡小幅走低,金价下跌12.71USD, decline0.73%, closing at1732.52dollar/盎司。金价下跌,主要受到以下几方面因素的影响。首先,美债收益率持续维持高位,这削弱了非孳息资产金价的吸引力,不利金价;美国疫情局势向好,但全球疫情局势严峻,这推升美元,不利于金价。此外,一些新兴市场国家央行升息、拜的基建计划预期以及美联储官员对经济的乐观言论都给金价带来压力。展望下周,投资者仍然需要密切关注美债的最新动态。同时,美国方面也会公布3月份的非农就业报告,而美联储诸多重量级官员也会发表讲话。此外,有关疫情进展和疫苗推广的相关动态都有可能给市场指引方向。

  技术面:从日线上可以看出,金价在上周五再次测试了下方1721附近,连续8Trading days5次测试该位置未破,同时该位置也是斐波那契0.382拓展位,支撑较强,可以考虑在1720-1723附近接多。而下方1715附近的支撑情况也同样值得接多的各位关注,这里是上升趋势线附近,别忘了黄金就是从上破了趋势线后开始由快速反弹变为横盘的,这里也是斐波那契0.236拓展位,同时也是1676反弹到1755of50%位置,是多头最后需要关注的支撑,这里下破的话意味着反弹的一半被吞并,那么金价短期下探到1700以下的概率会大大增加。一定要关注这里的支撑情况。

  黄金最近的横盘加弱势反弹走势使得压力下移1743-1745,也是下行趋势线附近,这里跟斐波那契黄金拓展位1738几乎重合,是我们关注的首要目标位,对于短线来说近期的横盘使得有时候接多的位置非常尴尬,所以如果不想等回撤接多的话,实体突破1745附近再去轻仓追多也可以,但以现在这种弱势的走势,上方压力重重,突破1745追进去,上方目标也没有太多,1755附近即可,也是我们日内关注的天花板位置。需要提醒的是:盘面布林带出现了缩口,变盘的信号越来越强了,意味着金价走出震荡后将是非常卓越的行情,因此无论你做的哪个方向,都强烈建议带好保护,别等走出震荡的时候追悔莫及。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上李潇翰建议反弹做空为主,回调做多为辅,上方重点关注1733-1738Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1700-1705一线支撑。每日黄金、白银、原油投资策略【添加李潇翰本人指导微信:lxhq281】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.

GoldTDTrend analysis

GoldTD:金价走势近期维持在中轨支撑上方震荡运行,不过在隔夜高位回落,以及今日的走势延续下表现的长上影线,暗示偏涨信号有所减弱,后市有进一步回落下探中轨支撑的风险;故此,只是短线操作上需要考虑反弹的因素,日内短线操作上逢高空布局为主,上方关注369.30Yuan, and371.50Element resistance; Follow Below360.10element/G support, and358.90Yuan;

SilverTDTrend analysis

Silvertd:银价则连续走低,顺利下探给出的5110元一线支撑,根据目前的反弹力度,以及支撑的线的密集程度看,走势偏向反弹延续,但不能说明行情回落完毕,上方反弹至中轨以及30日均线阻力仍然是再度看空的。只是短线操作上需要考虑反弹的因素,日内短线操作上逢高空布局为主,上方关注5280Yuan, and5370Element resistance; Follow Below5050element/Support around kilograms, and5000元支撑;每日黄金、白银、原油投资策略【添加李潇翰本人指导微信:lxhq281】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.


Full guidance time: early6:00In the early morning of the next day2:00; (available for consultation on weekends)

Comprehensive guidance teacher: Li Xiaohan's analysis team;

This article is written by Li Xiaohanlxhq281Original submission, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and have in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Due to the delay of network push, the above contents are personal suggestions. Since the network documents are timely, the suggestions are only for reference, and operational risk is borne by yourself!

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