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3.26-3.27Exclusive strategy for gold and crude oil, latest analysis and solution of Shanghai gold and silver market

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Message: Friday(3month26日)亚洲时段,现货黄金小幅几乎持稳,交投于1727Nearby. Thursday(3month25day)金价冲高回落,小幅收跌0.45%,因美债收益率小幅上扬,美元触及四个月高位,华尔街三大stock market index也都录得上涨,这些因素削弱了无收益黄金的吸引力。另外,初请数据及鲍威尔略带鹰派的发言也打击了金价。不过由于世界重要航道苏伊士运河仍处于瘫痪状态,且欧洲疫情再度爆发,市场避险情绪为金价提供部分上涨动能。劳工部周四公布的数据显示,在常规的州失业救济计划中,随着企业重新开门营业和疫苗接种资格范围扩大,企业裁员情况正出现缓和。这是新冠疫情开始以来首次申请失业救济人数首次降到70万人以下。由于交易者寻求明确的方向信号,金价一直停留在每盎司1730美元左右的横向交易区间内。过去几个月来,各国央行对经济注入大量流动性,支撑了黄金牛市理论,但不确定性仍可能转瞬就到,因为股市任何重大修正都可能触发黄金的新反弹。另一方面,通胀和紧缩都是令黄金市场担忧的两大词汇。

  技术面:周四价格整体偏震荡回弹,连续多次测压5、10Daily line1735But in the end, it did not make it to the station. The daily line received a small yang, and in terms of daily structure, although the yang line was closed yesterday, it did not make it to the station5、10Above the daily line, it is still near the pressure of the medium rail. Currently, the market is trading within the middle layer of the moving average. According to the technical structure, although its performance is relatively strong, there is no effective rebound momentum, making it difficult to get rid of the overall weak situation. The smooth downward trend of the medium rail has laid the foundation for a decline. The technical indicators of the daily lineKDJThree line bonding downwards,MACD动能缩减,价格有进一步下行趋势,

  4From an hourly perspective, the current price trading is near the middle track, with signs of downward development in the moving average oil, with the Bollinger band facing downwards and upward1740Becoming a key resistance during the day, with attention below1720Short term support, currently gold is still in a narrow range of fluctuations. Can we take a new direction and pay attention to the situation of range breaking, technical indicatorsKDJThree line bonding upwards,MACD绿色动能柱缩减。综合分析操作上李潇翰个人建议以反弹高空为主,回调做多为辅,上方重点关注1745-1752Frontline resistance, focus on below1720-1715Frontline support.

  crude oil价格数据分析:

  消息面:欧洲时段,美油大幅上涨,现报59.81dollar/Ounces, increase2.13%,因一艘巨型集装箱船卡在苏伊士运河,令人担心这条海运要道可能堵塞数周,从而挤压原油和精炼油品的供应。不过油价预计仍将连续第三周下滑,因欧洲新的防疫封锁措施遏制需求前景。这艘被困的集装箱船阻碍了苏伊士运河的交通。苏伊士运河是全球最繁忙的运输通道之一,是亚欧之间石油、精炼燃料、谷物和其他贸易的运输要道。周四所有船只被禁止进入运河,目前相关各方正在努力让该船重新浮起,但参与救援的一家公司表示,这可能需要数周时间。潇·翰认为;由于重要的苏伊士运河仍被这艘巨型货轮卡住,供给紧俏的担忧升高,压过了对欧洲及亚洲防疫封锁导致的需求疲软忧虑。


Crude oil4小时随着反弹高点61.30下移,暂时处于临界点62.0之下收盘转弱,小台阶通道未改变,而昨日下探后也未直接跌破57.30.由于波动基数大,上探和回落的基数大,使得短线拉锯的区间幅度也比较大,今日暂时还是看在区间60.30-57.30区间内拉锯,趋势而言,在探高中择机选择高空。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上李潇翰个人建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注62.3-61.8Frontline resistance, short-term focus below58.3-57.5Frontline support.

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