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Zhou Jinrui3.17Will gold continue to rise? Analysis and operation of futures gold and silver market

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Article Summary: Why Investgoldcrude oilAlways losing money? Is gold bullish or bearish in the future? Will gold continue to rise in the future? Where will gold rise? Will gold still fall at the opening? Where will gold fall today? How to operate the rise and fall of gold? goldXAUUSDOperational strategy, crude oilXTIUSDMarket trend analysis; What should beginners pay attention to when frying spot gold? How to learn how to stir fry gold?How to avoid risks and reduce losses in spot gold trading? How to grasp the correct entry time for spot gold investment? What common sense do beginners need to know to stir fry gold?Gold and SilverTDHow to operate gold and silver? How to layout the gold and silver medium and long term lines? Gold and SilverTDWill it continue to rise? Gold and SilverTD还会跌吗?周金瑞告知新手投资黄金白银TDWhat about losses? Gold and SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free? Gold and SilverTDHow to operate the short line? Gold and SilverTDWhere is the support resistance? What is the impact of the US Index on gold and silver? Gold and SilverTD短线行情走势分析及操作建议?国际黄金白银周金瑞在线解读?黄金白银TDHow to analyze the future trend? Novice investing in gold and silverTDWhat should I pay attention to? Investing in gold and silverTDHow to quickly recover losses? News Faced with Gold and SilverTDWhat is the impact? Gold and SilverTDHow to make a single operation? goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line? How to operate London Gold? Domestic gold and silverTDAnalysis of the latest operational recommendations and trends.
In an investment career, everyone may fall into confusion at times. Since you are fortunate enough to understand the charm of investment, don't give up easily, even if you only try at the minimum cost. The person who gains often perseveres until the end. Rich people's thinking: using others' abilities to make money for oneself; Poor people's thinking: only thinking about earning money based on their own abilities. Now there is an opportunity before you to choose to continue watching, but your life will still remain unchanged. I am Zhou Jinrui, whether it's extraordinary or earthly, choosing between you.
Spot gold, silverTDLondon Gold, Analysis of Gold Trends [Zhou Jinrui Official WeChat:zjr8527】Recommendations for crude oil and silver operations, gold and silverTDMarket, daily analysis of gold and silver, latest strategies, and techniques for unwinding long and short orders!
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
Message analysis: Tuesday(3month16day),国际金价第三日走高,因美债收益率延续隔夜跌势,收益率曲线趋平。由于美联储本周三决议之前市场交投谨慎,金价整体波动有限。但美国股市标普500指数和道琼斯工业指数周一(3month15day)均创下纪录高位,限制金价升幅。不过,由于美国拜更多基建措施的预期升温等因素,金价仍然面临不小的下行压力。目前市场焦点都集中在北京时间周四凌晨的美联储利率决议。更多解套、投资、操作策略关注公众号“周金瑞”获取实时指导。
  技术面:黄金目前处于4In the hourly level rebound correction, from the perspective of technical trends, the rebound has always been under pressure1740If the first line suppression fails to break through, as long as there is no breakthrough, it will still be a range correction pattern, and only after the breakthrough can the market continue to rise. Therefore, currently, the market is still defined as a low level bottoming correction. From a long-term perspective, the weekly chart shows that gold prices are under pressure5日均线压制,而日线图上已经完成了空转多的转换,但周线图空转多,必然需要时间,需要反复修正来完成指标的转换。指标MACDstay0轴上方翻红,日线也是金叉,所以整体仍然是看多的思路不变。回落低点1720依旧是短线多空分水岭,回落不破此点位,依旧延续看多思路,若直接突破了1738高点,短线回落还可以继续跟多。上方关键阻力在前高点1740位置,这里是关键压制位。重点关注此位置的压制,破位理论可见1750-1760一线,若不破则继续低位盘整。

  1小时级别,现在行情依旧呈盘整走势,波段则处于小幅的震荡偏多态势之中,但行情的短期承压风险并未完全褪去,看多依旧不可大意。当前黄金整体维持1740-1700区间内运行,突破前可以高抛低吸。下方先关注昨日低点1720The support of the gateway, followed by1707-1710区域附近;上方先关注1737Secondly1740-1745附近,金价只要不重回1720下方,则看涨思路仍旧不变,若是重回1720下方思路需要重新调整了。黄金操作参考建议:黄金持续在1737as well as1740-1745区域受阻做空,目标先看1726-1724-1720区域,破位持有。黄金持续企稳于1720关口则在其上方布局多单,目标1730-1740区域,破位持有;反之,下破1720则需重新调整思路.综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主,高空为辅。上方关注1750-1755One line of resistance, pay attention below1710-1715。
Friends who have just entered the market for gold, silver, and crude oil may not be able to access the top news or news in the international market due to work, life, and other issues. This is a great problem for us to do gold, silver, and crude oil. Therefore, Zhou Jinrui welcomes investment friends to come to me and communicate and progress together, so that everyone can stay informed of the international market trends anytime and anywhere, and make the most stable orders. Guiding WeChat:zjr8527
GoldTDTrend analysis
GoldTD:昨日黄金小幅冲高至366上方承压回落,于四小时Ma10均线和中轨362附近得以支撑,在小区间内震荡整理,四小时,布林向上收口,Ma向上拐头,macd金叉运行,行情整体走势震荡偏强,关注布林上轨368阻力突破情况,依次是370多空转折点压制,下方关注360、358、355支撑,短线可在360-368区间高抛低吸。建议,回撤360/358Long, stop loss354Next, look at the target366/367Above367/368Short selling, stop loss396.5, look at the goal363/362。
SilverTDTrend analysis
SilverTD:昨日白盘回撤5370附近企稳反弹,晚盘延续反弹势能冲高至5488区域,于四小时,布林上轨5500附近承压,K线走出V型反转形态,运行在中轨和MaAbove the moving average,Ma向上拐头,macd金叉二次放量,说明白银走势震荡偏强,操作上逢低买入为主,关注5500/5530日线中轨附近先阻力压制,突破则上看5600/5700区域,反之继续在5200-5500区间震荡横盘。建议回撤5280/5260Long, stop loss5230, look at the goal5480/5500First sight5510做空附近,止损5550, look at the goal5400/5375。 At present, friends who have nested orders in their positions are unable to provide corresponding unwinding strategies due to the author Zhou Jinrui's lack of knowledge about the location of your nested orders and the specific situation of your positions. Friends who need to unwind can use a single linezjr8527obtain.
Analysis of crude oil market trend
Analysis of crude oil news: Tuesday(3month16day)美原油小幅走弱。因美国库存上升加剧了对需求风险的担忧,此时德国和法国等国家暂停了病毒疫苗接种。在美国,库存也有所增加。这令油价承压。因上个月的寒潮导致炼油厂作业中断,需要时间才能完全恢复。德国、法国和意大利计划暂停阿斯利康疫苗接种,此前有报告称可能存在严重的副作用。不过世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,还没有确定副作用与疫苗之间有关联。油价短线上涨动能衰竭,短线面临较大的下跌风险。
Technical aspects of crude oil: 原油从日线上来看,冲高回落,继续承压于66上方,虽然昨日收在5日线上方,但日K线的连阴状态还是能够说明当前行情的上涨意愿并不强,如果基本面不出现利多消息干扰,那么技术上的看调整预期会逐渐得到加强,后期调整还是很可期的。根据日线结构,日内上方关注5Daily line65.5争夺,下方关注10Daily line64.0争夺,目前行情处于均线夹层内运行,也还是有很大的下倾跌破预期的,届时下方可再看20Daily line63附近支撑看涨!四小时来看,隔日原油由下轨反弹中轨再度承压,也表明短线结构重心在下移,当前布林带走平,MAThe moving average is about to break out of its double dead cross,KDJ随机指标三线即将并拢向上,MACD指标绿色动能柱持续放量,快慢线死叉向下,暗示上方压制较强,短线有进一步回落需求,下方关注下轨63.5支撑得失情况,若失守则进一步回落,反之则继续区间震荡,上方关注中轨65.5初步阻力,进一步关注上轨66.4阻力!综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注65.5-66.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below62.0-62.5Frontline support.
Write this article today. I also hope to meet someone who is destined. I can't make others believe me directly. I'm just a technical man, and I don't have this ability just because of my stupid mouth. I can only believe that fate is right, I believe. It's fate that you can finish my long tirade. Investment is mostly based on fate. If you believe in fate and believe that I can do something for you with my heart, you can try to communicate with me. No one can accompany you to the end, perhaps one day you will need me? Cooperative consultation with Zhou Jinrui, the only guiding official WeChat account:(zjr8527)
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