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Zhou Jinrui3.15Will gold continue to rise? Analysis of Futures Gold and Silver Trends and Operational Strategies

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  goldMarket trend analysis

  短线上,黄金价格最终在1676-1740The Golden Section of0.618附近企稳回升,并且在周五晚间直接暴涨30美金空间。同样又是直接上涨的极强式行情,从1699进行的拉涨,短周期仅仅只形成了1725-1720的回调,对应的多头趋势支撑在1723位置,若周一守住1723不破,行情走极强式拉涨,并且朝向1740以上运行。若行情跌破1723位置,极强式的行情就难以保持延续,而是继续走大区间宽幅整理洗盘动作。重要支撑依旧是1700-1690区间,行情只要不破该区域,下跌空间就打不开,操作上以逢低做多为主。黄金周一先关注1723的多空得失,守住不破看极强式上涨至1740-1743,重点关注1760多空得失,是日线周期的多空分水岭。若价格先下跌破位1723,则看短线回调至1715附近。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主,高空为辅。上方关注1740-1745One line of resistance, pay attention below1700-1705. The market is constantly changing, with more real-time market analysis and timely operational strategies added.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr5857)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.

GoldTDTrend analysis
GoldTD:日线收取一根带上影线的实体小阳柱,上周五开盘,金价继续反弹,最高反弹至364.7,没有到达做空点位,日线布林带和MACDThe indicators continue to develop downwards;4The hourly line has a short-term upward trend, with support below yesterday's low point358Nearby; The hourly distribution belt shows an upward closing trend,MACDThe golden fork decreases in volume, and the upper resistance level is369;综上,沪金今日是先涨后跌的趋势,今日行情操作建议:建议反弹至369Intervention of nearby empty players, defense3Points, see362-360; Callback to358Multiple nearby players intervene and defend3Points, see363-365;
SilverTDTrend analysis
SilverTD:日线收取一根带上影线的十字星小阳柱,上周五开盘,行情继续反弹,但是没有试探高点5454The daily distribution belt still has a downward trend;4The hourly line Bolin takes away the development of the flat track, and the lower support is on the middle track5230;小时线布林带呈现向上收口趋势;综上而言,今日银价以先涨后跌为主,今日行情分析建议:建议反弹至5450Intervention of nearby empty players, defense40Points, see5390-5370; Callback to5230Multiple nearby players intervene and defend40Points, see5450-5480;目前仓位有套单的朋友,由于笔者周金瑞不知道你们套单的点位以及仓位的具体情况,不好给出相应的解套策略,需要解套的朋友可单线zjr5857obtain.
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
  原油消息面:周六(3month13day)国际油价本周收低,因中东地缘威胁程度可控,产油国给油市降温。NYMEXCrude oil closed down1.09%to65.56dollar/Barrel,ICE布伦特原油收跌0.63%to69.25dollar/Bucket.OPEC(3month11day)也表示,石油需求的复苏将集中在今年下半年,因全球疫情大流行的影响挥之不去,不利于该组织及其盟友支撑市场。OPEC在月度报告中表示,下调对上半年的预期,并称:今年的需求增长将无法弥补2020年的重大缺口,因为预计2021年全年的流动性仍将受到影响。石油输出国组织及其合作伙伴(OPEC+)At the beginning of this month, it was agreed to extend most of the oil production cuts to4月,进一步鼓舞了市场人气,但也给市场埋下了过热隐患,有可能加剧未来的市场震荡。
Technically, from a daily perspective, the Bollinger belt runs upwards with a three track opening,MA5Mean Square andMA10The closing of the moving average golden fork,KLine intersection at Bolin Middle and upper track reductionMA5Near the moving average,MACDFast slow line0The golden fork closure above the axis is closed, and the red kinetic energy is weak and significant,KDJThe golden cross rose, while daily crude oil fell for two consecutive trading days, and the overall performance of the market was bearish,4On the hourly chart, the three tracks of the Bollinger Belt tend to run flat,MA5/MA10The closing of the dead fork on the moving average,KLine intersection between the middle and lower tracks in BolinMA5Above the moving average,MACDFast slow line0The dead fork above the shaft slightly closes and runs, reducing the green kinetic energy. The short-term performance tends to fluctuate. Overall, last week, Jinrui personally suggested that the short-term operation strategy for crude oil today should focus on low highs and supplemented by high highs. Top short-term focus67.5-68.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below64.0-64.5Frontline support.

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