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Zhou Jinrui3.12Will gold continue to rise? Analysis and Operation Suggestions for Futures Gold and Silver Market

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Article Summary:3.12goldGold and SilverT+D、crude oiltechnical analysis.3.12How to stir fry gold for beginnersTDCrude oil?3.12goldTDWhat to do with losses on crude oil investment?3.12Analysis of the Trend of Gold and Crude Oil.Recommendations for Operation of Gold Crude Oil.3.12goldTDCrude Oil Strategy.Investing in international gold, crude oil, and silverTDHow does Jinrui analyze the market?3.12Today's Gold, Crude Oil, SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free?3.12How to recover losses from investing in spot gold?3.12goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line?3.12What are the current gold resistance and support levels?3.12Novice investing in gold and silverTDHow should I make the order?3.12Will London gold prices continue to rise today? silverTDWill it still fall?3.12What recent news will affect gold and silverTDTrend?3.12What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold?3.12Gold, crude oil, silverTDAnalysis of today's market trend and operational suggestions.3.12Will spot gold continue to rise today? US crude oil silverTDWill it still fall?3.12International Gold and SilverTDHow to operate today?
In the market game of gold, silver, and crude oil, it emphasizes a process of learning and participation, as well as the results of long-term stable profits in the later stage. Once a loss occurs, it is necessary to promptly summarize the reasons behind it and allow the lost funds to generate their value. I think that with every transaction you make, it is easy to achieve the goal of long-term stable profits by entering the market with a sound and well-founded approach, strictly following the rules of the market, and under the correct guidance. Accurate trend analysis, professional team technical analysis, responsible guidance teachers, real-time tracking of the entire market, can profitability still be far away from you! Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, but they are also reserved for those who can choose to showcase their true strength and make you happy with tangible profits! If you encounter difficulties on the investment road and cannot find a direction and are in long-term losses, you can talk to Zhou Jinrui. Success does not rely on luck, choice is greater than effort! May you know me from words and in character,Trapped in technology, long after kindness, finally character.
Daily Gold, Silver, and Crude Oil Investment Strategies [Add Zhou Jinrui's personal guidance on WeChat;zjr5857】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
Analysis of Gold News: Thursday(3month11日)现货黄金上涨,因美债收益率在低迷通胀数据公布后回落,且拜1.9万亿美元刺激案在众议院成功通过,此外对美国债务问题的担忧施压美元也支撑金价。另外,拜马上将启动更加庞大的基建计划,这有望给金价带来新的动能。但机构担忧大规模纾困金将推升股市,这将削弱避险需求。短线金价可能筑底成功,日内或将进一步反弹,不过不排除二次筑底可能,上方阻力仍然较大。关注公众号“周金瑞”即可实时获得最新的操作策略。

  1小时的上行结构现在处于完整的状态,而从上涨幅度来看,相比前一天是有衰减的现象的,那么这个便是上涨节奏的问题,预计来讲,金价此次的上涨很难走强阳连续拉升式的,因为短线上涨动能没有很足,那么就有一定的概率会是慢涨,或者形成阻力平台调整后,进行小突破,用时间换空间。从今天早盘金价向下测试阻力的反应来看,金价预计可能还会有一个小高点。至于操作方面来讲的话,其一,可以关注1小时顶底转换位的关键防守位置1720的得失,围绕1723入场多单的布局,其二,可以考虑在1737-1740区间布局空单。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主,高空为辅。上方关注1740-1745One line of resistance, pay attention below1700-1705
Friends who have just entered the market for gold, silver, and crude oil may not be able to access the top news or news in the international market due to work, life, and other issues. This is a great problem for us to do gold, silver, and crude oil. Therefore, Zhou Jinrui welcomes investment friends to come to me and communicate and progress together, so that everyone can stay informed of the international market trends anytime and anywhere, and make the most stable orders. Guiding WeChat:zjr5857
GoldTDTrend analysis
GoldTD:日线昨日收取一根带上影线的实体小阳柱,昨晚开盘,金价继续反弹,最高反弹至364.7, did not reach our short selling point, daily line Bollinger belt andMACDThe indicators continue to develop downwards;4The hourly line has a short-term upward trend, with support below yesterday's low point360Nearby; The hourly distribution belt shows an upward closing trend,MACDThe golden fork decreases in volume, and the upper resistance level is369;综上,沪金今日是先涨后跌的趋势,今日行情操作建议:建议反弹至369Intervention of nearby empty players, defense3Points, see362-360; Callback to360Multiple nearby players intervene and defend3Points, see363-365;
SilverTDTrend analysis
SilverTDYesterday, the daily line collected a small cross star with a shadow on it. When the market opened last night, the market continued to rebound, but did not test the high point5454The daily distribution belt still has a downward trend;4The hourly line Bolin takes away the development of the flat track, and the lower support is on the middle track5300;小时线布林带呈现向上收口趋势;综上而言,今日银价以先涨后跌为主,今日行情分析建议:建议反弹至5450Intervention of nearby empty players, defense40Points, see5390-5370; Callback to5300Multiple nearby players intervene and defend40Points, see5450-5480;目前仓位有套单的朋友,由于笔者周金瑞不知道你们套单的点位以及仓位的具体情况,不好给出相应的解套策略,需要解套的朋友可单线zjr5857obtain.
Analysis of crude oil market trend
Analysis of crude oil news: Thursday(3month11day)美布两油集体上涨,拜刺激案通过国会提振了油市需求的复苏,尽管EIA原油库存暴增1379.80Ten thousand barrels, butEIA汽油库存大降抵销了原油库存大涨的不利影响。美国能源信息署(EIA)As of3month5日当周,美国汽油库存上周减少1186.9Ten thousand barrels, to2.316Billion barrels, estimated to decrease416.7万桶。原油库存却增加1379.8Ten thousand barrels, to4.984亿桶,调查分析师预估为减少83.3万桶。汽油库存下滑这提供了多头因素,终端油品需求强劲与经济复苏带动油价上涨,有鉴于美国复苏前景的强烈讯号,这仍暗示着油价阻力较小的方向为上涨。不过,沙特2The monthly reduction in production is only60万桶,这限制了油价进一步的涨势。短线油价涨势稍缓,可能进行高位盘整。
  原油技术面:原油从日线上来看,周三日线以短下影线的阳柱收尾,说明油价在MA10The daily moving average has gained support and the downward trend has come to an end. The daily moving average is still in a long position, but the indicatorsmacdThe high gold fork oscillation, coupled with the three track leveling of the Bollinger Belt, and the short-term bias towards oscillation, remains a concern below today10Daily moving average62.9Support, further focus on China Railway61.7Supports bullish sentiment, with upward focus on the upper track66.1Nearby resistance, further focus on high points67.9resistance!中线来看仍处于上涨趋势中,如果油价能够守住中轨,在后市仍有震荡走高的机会。四小时来看,油价自高点67.9After falling back below the mid track, the current four hour rebound has stopped near the lower track, and the indicator is upKDJThe golden fork opens upwards,MA5/10The moving average is dead cross, butMA5The turning of the moving average pierced upwardsMA10The moving average shows signs of forming a golden cross,MACDThe fast and slow lines are dead crossed, but the green energy begins to shrink,4There is no clear bullish direction for the development of the hour, but after yesterday's rebound, today's focus is on the medium track65.5得失情况,若能有效突破中轨则进一步看涨,反之仍有可能再次回落!综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注67.5-68.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below64.0-64.5Frontline support.
Zhou Jinrui's WeChat:zjr5857】International gold, crude oil, Shanghai gold, Shanghai silver, paper gold, paper silver, gold silverTDComprehensive online guidance and analysis; Zhou Jinrui focuses on international gold (ShanghaiTDGold and silver,futuresAnalysis and Guidance on the Market of Gold and Silver and US Crude Oil (Shanghai Futures Crude Oil)! Accuracy and profit are the only criteria for testing strength! There is a current price list every day, you can come and experience it! Doing trading involves multiple actions and mistakes, and the more diligent one is, the more negative they become. Getting rich through hard work is a false proposition in trading; Wolf hunting, most of the time waiting instead of constantly kicking! Zhou Jinrui has many years of practical experience! Advocate for the central line as the main approach and short-term assistance; Eliminate frequent operations and lay out light warehouses; Risk control is the king, in order to achieve stable profits!
This article is provided by Zhou Jinrui. I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, and analyze the impact of crude oil, gold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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