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Zhou Jinrui3.10Will gold continue to rise? Analysis of the Trend of Gold and Silver in the Evening and Operational Strategies

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  goldMarket trend analysis
  黄金消息面:周三(3month10日)拜的刺激案即将进行众议院投票。尽管没有任何共和党人同意他的法案,但民主党凭借着一府两院在手的优势,仍能强行通过法案。为了配合拜刺激案大规模的现金需求,财政部本周狂发1200亿美元债券,周二发行的3年期国债需求强劲,周三周四的债券需求或取决于今晚的美国2monthCPI数据,届时黄金多头恐再迎挑战。美国债市周二通过本周三道考验的第一道,财政部标售3年期国债需求强劲,国债收益率大幅下滑,指标的10The yield of one-year treasury bond bond is from13个月高点回落。但这只是财政部本周预定发行1200亿美元的第一笔,债市是否再遇乱流要看能否克服其余两道关卡。财政部周二标售580USD100mn3年期国债,得标利率0.335%,虽然海外需求低于平均,但整体需求仍强劲,投标倍数为2.69,减轻市场对美债需求下降的疑虑,收益率回落。密集的发债若到头来无人问津,可能再度引发美债收益率狂飙,进而打击本以疲软不堪的黄金价格。

  在接下来行情短线操作上,金价短线支撑先看1700关口,其次是1696;若连续回落破位这两道支撑位,那么金价下行会再去测试1700Gateway and1696、1686and1780-1676区域;上方金价已经突破了周一高点1714reach1720关口附近,那么按照此前的布局短线阻力先看关注1720关口得失以及上方的1724压制,有效突破这两道阻力位,金价上行目标1730-1736-1740区域。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主,高空为辅。上方关注1725-1730One line of resistance, pay attention below1685-1690Frontline support. At present, friends who have nested orders in their positions are unable to provide corresponding unwinding strategies due to the author Zhou Jinrui's lack of knowledge about the location of your nested orders and the specific situation of your positions. Friends who need to unwind can use a single linezjr5857obtain.
GoldTDTrend analysis
GoldTD:金价周初低位震荡止跌后,昨日晚盘高开359.80element/克,一度触及10日均线阻力上方,延续至今日白盘,走势虽有所回落,但仍保持反弹力度,KDJandMACD整体仍偏向反弹,交易仍偏向低多。点位上,下方关注355.60Yuan, and351.10元支撑附近;上方关注366.90Yuan, and369.40Meta resistance.
SilverTDTrend analysis
SilverTD:银价自昨日晚盘高开超60Yuan to5305element/千克后,先行反弹触及10日均线阻力附近的5383元高点,随后遇阻回落,延续至今日白盘,回撤的力度有回补隔夜缺口的趋势,但指标上仍偏向看涨,故此回补后仍可进多看涨。点位上,下方关注5220元附近支撑,以及5140元附近支撑;上方关注5390Yuan, and5470Yuan, further attention5530元阻力。行情瞬息万变,更多实时行情分析与及时操作策略添.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr5857)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.
  crude oilMarket trend analysis
Crude oil news: Wednesday(3month10day),国际油价连续第三个交易日下跌,因投资者获利了结。全球主要进口国在当前高油价之际动用库存原油,以及预期伊朗将恢复供应,这些因素也令油价降温。石油输出国组织及其盟友(OPEC+)决定基本维持4月份的减产,上周支撑了油价。周一在也门胡塞武装袭击沙特的石油中心地带后,布伦特原油价格飙升至70dollar/桶上方,随后随着供应恐慌情绪缓和,油价有所回落。包括印度等主要进口国以目前的高价格从库存中提取原油,以及伊朗恢复供应的预期等因素,也令油价降温。当前美国原油的价格远远高于能刺激美国石油增产的水平,根据达拉斯和堪萨斯城联储的调查,这个水平是每桶56美元。高于这个门槛时间越长,刺激美国和其他非OPEC+产油国增产的动力就越大。
Technically, from a daily perspective, the Bollinger belt runs upwards with a three track opening,MA5Mean Square andMA10The closing of the moving average golden fork,KLine intersection at Bolin Middle and upper track reductionMA5Near the moving average,MACDFast slow line0The golden fork closure above the axis is closed, and the red kinetic energy is weak and significant,KDJThe golden cross rose, while daily crude oil fell for two consecutive trading days, and the overall performance of the market was bearish,4On the hourly chart, the three tracks of the Bollinger Belt tend to run flat,MA5/MA10The closing of the dead fork on the moving average,KLine intersection between the middle and lower tracks in BolinMA5Above the moving average,MACDFast slow line0轴上方死叉略微收口运行,绿色动能减量,短线表现偏震荡。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以高空为主,低多为辅。上方短期重点关注65.5-66.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below62.0-62.5Frontline support.

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