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Xiao Qiansheng:3.4 Gold and SilverTD反弹趋势未改,

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    国际goldLatest Market Analysis

  3month3日纽市盘中,现货黄金跌逾2%,刷新去年6month9Since the low point of the day1702.06dollar/盎司,因美债收益率上升和美元走强削弱了黄金的吸引力;此前10年期美债收益率一度涨超10个基点,升至1.494%;而目前ETF遭遇的资金持续外流也对金价构成重要阻碍。金价重拾跌势,COMEX 4Monthly goldfuturesClosing down1.0%Report1715.80dollar/盎司,创近九个月收盘新低。道明证券商品策略师Daniel Ghali表示,随着实际利率继续上升,这对黄金构成了挑战。利率市场也给所有资产类别的估值带来压力,因此黄金成为牺牲品。新冠疫苗的迅速接种推动了经济快速反弹的希望,也导致黄金等避险资产从投资者的投资组合中流出。美国1.9万亿美元经济刺激计划的进展几乎没有带来喘息的机会,因收益率上升增加了持有黄金的机会成本,威胁到黄金作为通胀对冲工具的吸引力。

  黄金技术面:黄金在本轮下跌行情中出现过多次的反弹动作,但每一次的反弹,对整个下跌并没有构成太大的影响,反弹之后,继续下跌,他只是下跌中的一个折返行情,并不足以改变趋势,形成反向运行。那么本轮触及1707一线之后的反弹依旧不能改变修正的形态,这种反弹就是反弹,而不是反转。黄金反抽到1741/1740附近,刚好靠近1744前期的一个起跌口,这也是对前方的一个测试,那么今天的关注点就是,如果亚盘不在刷新1740这个高点,那我们继续维持高空思路就可以,如果刷新了这个高点,我们在重新选择机会择机进场依旧主空,记住一点,整体的下跌趋势不改变!日内依旧主空,反弹不能改变短期下跌的趋势结构,反抽遇阻机会依旧主张空头看回落!综合来看,今日黄金操作思路上萧乾升建议反弹做空为主,回调做多为辅,上方重点关注1744-1750Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1700-1695Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, and it is necessary to obtain daily online real-time guidance on operational strategies and unpacking strategies. You can directly add your own one-on-one guidance and communication【xqs59168】I will try my best to help you solve your problems.


  日线昨日收取一根带上影线的实体小阴柱,目前多头迎来翻转希望不打,昨晚开盘,行情再次出现下跌,低点在5285,高点在5435,行情整体波动非常小,小时线MACD死叉还在放量发展,4小时线技术指标均是利空方向发展;小时线布林带向下收口发展,上方阻力位在中轨5455nearby;整体而言,今日白银是先涨后跌的趋势。今日时段关注反弹5448Under pressure; Focus on Bolin Middle Rail5220.5附近的支撑;指标MACD死叉势能增量,短线偏震荡的格局整体而言,今日白银TD依旧是震荡趋势,操作上萧乾升建议反弹做空为主。文章只能给你一时的方向和思路,至于具体进场的点位和止盈时机,萧乾升会实时给出,咨询萧乾升获取实时指导提示。


  1Control emotions - Investors must be calm and control their emotions. They must calmly respond to sudden changes in the market, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities due to indecision. It is best to be prepared to deal with various possibilities before entering the market, so that when encountering sudden changes in the market, one may not feel too surprised and at a loss.

  2Starting with small-scale trading - For beginners in the market, it is necessary to start with small-scale trading, gradually grasp trading patterns and accumulate experience, and then gradually increase positions.

  3Avoid being eager for quick success and instant benefit - there should be no desire for quick success and instant benefit in transactions. Investors should not enter the market based on their subjective desires in trading. Successful investors generally strictly separate their emotions from trading activities, and bear heavier risks based on the opposite market trend and personal wishes.

  4Be prepared to accept failure at any time - Gold investment carries risks, and trading failure is inevitable throughout the entire transaction. It is also an important way for investors to gradually learn from and accumulate experience. When faced with investment failure, only by carefully summarizing can investors gradually improve their investment ability, avoid risks, and strive for profitability.

    国际黄金、crude oil、沪金、沪银、纸黄金、纸白银、黄金白银TD全方位在线指导与分析;萧乾升专注国际黄金(上海TD金银,期货金银)、美原油(上海期货原油)行情分析与指导!准确率和利润是检验实力的唯一标准!每天都会有现价单,萧乾升微信(xqs59168)可以前来体验!

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