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Tan Xinsheng:3.4黄金触低反弹趋势未改 早间行情走势操作见解

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Wednesday Beijing Time21:15,美国小非农数据公布,录得增加11.7Ten thousand people, lower than expected17.7万人,前值上修至19.510000 people.ADP数据公布后,现货黄金跌破1710dollar/盎司,日跌幅达1.63%, falling back to1708附近。值得注意的是,在数据公布前,现货黄金就出现了一波明显急挫,黄金市场惊现砸盘,COMEXMost Active GoldfuturesContract in Beijing Time21:09一两分钟内成交量为2688手,交易合约总价值超4.6亿美元。在ADP数据公布之前金价短线已下跌10美元,数据公布之后累计下跌17USD.
投资者将密切关注美联储主席鲍威尔周四(3month4day)将在华尔街日报的就业峰会上发表的讲话,这是联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)3month16-17日开会前,鲍威尔的最后一次公开讲话。另外,美国2月非农就业报告将于周五(3month5day)公布,目前市场预计新增就业人数为19.5Ten thousand, previous value is4.9万人;市场预计失业率为6.3%, previous value is6.3%;市场预计美国2月平均每小时工资年率5.3%, previous value is5.4%。
Tan Xinsheng:3.4黄金触低反弹趋势未改 早间行情走势操作见解654 / author:Jinshan Jiepan / PostsID:1598330
Technical analysis of gold:
from1-4小时级别看,黄金走势在周三属于单边下跌的一个行情。最高1740, minimum1701,周三亚市早盘黄金承压1740回落寻找1730支撑点,随后围绕1730-1735这一区间反复横盘修正。进入下午盘黄金在1733开启震荡式下跌,进入欧盘时段波幅都不是很大,在晚间19点后金价下行至1721一线测试1720关口的支撑力度,随后反弹至1726附近缺乏继续上行的动能,至此反弹的动能开始枯竭,空头开始发力。小非农数据公布前后金价直线下跌连续破位1720、1710reach1708附近测试前低1707支撑位。之后小幅反弹但一直在1707-1717区域内震荡徘徊无法冲破1720关口的压制。到达午夜黄金空袭发力,瞬间破位1707关键的支撑位下跌至1701附近测试1700关口的支撑未破,此后金价开启多头回补的反弹模式,瞬间拉升超20美金止步于1726Suppression.
Reference suggestions for gold operations:
1Gold rebound1720or1726受阻空,止损7Points, target1715-1707-1700Area, break hold
2Gold Callback1707or1700区域出现止跌布局多单,止损7Points, target1715-1720-1726Area, break hold
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Full day real-time online guidance WeChat:txc296】This article was written and released by Tan Xinsheng. Please indicate the source for reprinting. Because of the delay of network push and the timeliness of sending documents, the above content belongs to personal analysis. Real time market risk control needs to be flexible to deal with, and eliminate the risk of carrying orders. The content is only for reference. Investors should bear their own operational risk accordingly!
May all the waiting come unexpectedly in the end. As long as you are willing to wait. Just like a snowy country waiting for the sky to clear, like us waiting for the end of profit. Waiting for the wind, also waiting for you!There is a kind of waiting that is better than wanting, and there is a kind of expectation that is out of shock. In a rapidly rising and falling market, many people must have seized the opportunity, or perhaps some have missed it. Anyway, the market has always been here. As long as you are still in this market, your persistence and waiting will eventually bring unexpected gains. Today's profits cannot represent tomorrow, and today's losses cannot continue until tomorrow. It takes an instant to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, they are the person you should see in your life, not by chance. Every time Tan Xinsheng writes an article, he also hopes to meet like-minded people and I can help him. Buddha has a destiny, I have a heart!
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