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Zhou Jinrui3.3Will gold continue to rise? Analysis of the current price trend of crude oil and gold, silver operation

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Article Summary: Investment InternationalgoldSilvercrude oil怎么分析行情?做现货黄金投资亏损怎么挽回损失?黄金、白银、原油短线怎么操作?当前黄金阻力位和支撑位在哪里?新手投资黄金、白银、原油该怎么做单?近期有哪些消息面会影响黄金、白银、原油走势? What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold? 为什么你的操作总是套单,黄金、白银、原油被套单如何解.套?如何防止爆仓?黄金后市如何稳健布局?
Spot gold, silverTDLondon Gold, Analysis of Gold Trends [Zhou Jinrui Official WeChat:zjr5857】Recommendations for crude oil and silver operations, gold and silverTDMarket, daily analysis of gold and silver, latest strategies, and techniques for unwinding long and short orders!
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
Message analysis: Tuesday(3month2日现货黄金跌创八个半月新低,至1707dollar/盎司随后反弹。因美元走强且美国制造业强劲复苏。美国2月份制造业创三年来最快增长水平,而材料成本指标创2008年以来最大增幅,因供应短缺令制造业面临挑战。消费价格的上涨将快速推升通货膨胀的上涨,引发市场对美联储提前加息的担忧,最终将打击金价的上涨。美国参议院民主党领袖舒默周一表示,参议院本周将开始就拜1.9万亿美元的病毒援助议案进行辩论。更多解套、投资、操作策略关注公众号“周金瑞”获取实时指导。
  技术面:日线级别来看,目前均线空头排列,MACDDead fork,KDJ死叉,后市明显偏向空头,金价存在进一步下行风险,早间分析初步支撑在上周五低点1717附近,但是现在已经跌破,空头走势比预料的干脆,现在下方关注的是1700整数关口附近支撑;进一步支撑在1451-2075Upward trend61.8%Step back1689.32附近,该位置的得失将是金价长线走势的重要参考。如果金价能够守住1689.32附近支撑,则中长线金价仍有机会重拾涨势;但如果失守1689.32附近支撑,则后市金价或将在中长线进一步跌向1451Near.
  短线级别4HourlyK线结构表现来看,横向整理之后的单阴放量,同时尾盘时段配合了一根上影线的反抽确认。起到了修正指标的作用。那么今天还会继续延续这种弱势下行,而昨日凌晨反弹的高点1742就是今日的空头临界点,临界点不收复,短线顺势看空。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议高空为主,低多为辅。上方关注1750-1755One line of resistance, pay attention below1700-1705Frontline support.
Friends who have just entered the market for gold, silver, and crude oil may not be able to access the top news or news in the international market due to work, life, and other issues, which is a great challenge for us to do gold and crude oil. Therefore, Zhou Jinrui welcomes investment friends to come to me and communicate and progress together, so that everyone can stay informed of the international market trends anytime and anywhere, and make the most stable orders. Guidance Officer WeChat:zjr5857
GoldTD:金价周一探底回升,昨日晚间低开于364.60元,继续跟随国际市场再度走低,延续至今日白盘,走势在刷新上日低点的同时,下行力仍然保持强势,KDJ死叉再度转强,MACD空头信号持续增加,暗示走势仍偏向下行。仍高空为主。点位上,上方关注363.60element/G, and365.80Element resistance; Follow Below353.80Yuan, and347.10Meta support.
SilverTD:银价周一探底回升转阳,昨日晚间开于5480后,先行走高触及5507元,但仍面临中轨线压力而再度转跌,延续至今日白盘,在持续运行其中轨下方的同时,也跌破30日均线,同时也初步破位自4562元而起的上升趋势线支撑,指标上,KDJandMACD仍保持死叉的看跌信号,暗示后市仍偏向走低。点位上,上方关注5415element/Kilograms, and5490element/Kilogram resistance; Follow Below5250element/千克支撑,5190element/千克支撑。行情瞬息万变,更多实时行情分析与及时操作策略添.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr5857)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.
Analysis of crude oil market trend
Message analysis: Tuesday(3month2day)美油或录三连跌,因市场预期OPEC+本周会议将同意增加全球供应。周金瑞认为对OPEC+供应增加的担忧,以及沙特本月结束自愿减产10010000 barrels/日的决定,均令油价承压,油价仍然承压,因投资者在OPEC会议前调整仓位。不过,美国经济数据强劲,美国股市上涨,拜仍在积极推进新一轮刺激计划,投资者还需留意中长线逢低买盘的支撑情况。
  技术面:原油昨日探高不破高,由于上周周线的冲高收低,本周短线倾向于先走回高位回调修正,且此前连续上涨后,短线图上行量能不足,昨日日线探高收在低位,今日依托昨日高点适当看回调。4小时三重点之后明显的上行乏力。短线回撤破首个台阶防守点。短线相对开始倾向走回调修正。4小时目前还处于上涨台阶中运行,但开始出现了三重高的形态。也就是每次出现一个高点后都伴随回踩,且高点相离不远,三次以上的迂回容易造成指标的高位背离。同时也是上涨浪形的尾端。短线谨防探高回落修正。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注61.5-62.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below58.0-58.5Frontline support.
Write this article today. I also hope to meet someone who is destined. I can't make others believe me directly. I'm just a technical man, and I don't have this ability just because of my stupid mouth. I can only believe that fate is right, I believe. It's fate that you can finish my long tirade. Investment is mostly based on fate. If you believe in fate and believe that I can do something for you with my heart, you can try to communicate with me. No one can accompany you to the end, perhaps one day you will need me? Cooperative consultation with Zhou Jinrui, the only guiding official WeChat account:(zjr5857)
To borrow a sentence from Shakyamuni: "It takes only an instant to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, they are the person who should appear in your life, not by chance. Every time Zhou Jinrui writes an article, he also hopes to meet like-minded people and give back more of my knowledge to society. He hopes that I can truly help you who appreciate Zhou Jinrui's articles.
This article is provided by Zhou Jinrui. I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, and analyze the impact of crude oil, gold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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