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  2.24黄金今日走势预测区间震荡,黄金趋势变化如何分析附...341 / author:lxhq281 / PostsID:1597577
  goldMessage: Tuesday(2month23day),现货黄金日内维持窄幅震荡格局,美元指数自日内触及1month13The lowest point since the beginning of the day89.941反弹,限制了金价涨势。但随着经济从新冠疫情冲击中复苏,投资者仍押注美元将持续下跌。目前建议投资者的目光关注焦点转向美联储主席鲍威尔将如何评论通胀预期回暖局面。



Gold Technology: Dailyk线来看,三连阳上涨,实时金价已经开始试探布林带中轨阻力1817Point,MA5Mean Square and1794附近开始勾头,强势拉伸过后MA10Moving up the moving average1802附近变成有效支撑,既然强势上破,那么思路低多看新高即可。

  4hourk线上来看各均线指标以及布林带呈现多头排列,布林带开口向上延伸,指标上MACD金叉发散,但KDJ随机指标与STO时间指标都处于超买区域,交投过程中需要留意暴涨前夕的空头洗盘行情出现。30minutek线明显的顶部结构,顶部的看跌吞没,头肩顶的结构比较明显,布林带轨道明显向下倾斜,开口向下继续加大,连续大阴线击穿布林带中轨,50均线出现明显的放缓的迹象,向上倾斜被强势终止,反弹高位空单进场。综合来看,黄金今日行情上方关注1818-1823One line of resistance, pay attention below1795-1793一线支撑,操作上李潇翰建议高位遇阻做空为主,低多为辅。1793-1823区间震荡的策略.The market is constantly changing, and the entry points are for reference only. If there is a break, you can also consult Li Xiaohan to learn about the latest market situation. The specific entry points for order making strategies are subject to the guidance of the actual market! Li Xiaohan's WeChat:lxhq281。


  (1)Stop the loss by cutting through the chaos with a sharp knife. We are about to sell all of our spot gold holdings to avoid further losses due to the continued decline in gold prices. Adopting this hedging strategy is mainly suitable for short-term investors who aim for speculation. Because in a bearish market that is in a downward trend, the longer short-term investors hold it, the greater the losses it will bring to investors.

  (2)Operate by shifting gears. That is, first stop the loss and settle it, and then make up for it at a lower price to reduce or flatten the losses caused by the upper gear unwinding.

  (3)Adopt the operation method of spreading downwards. That is, as the decline in gold prices increases, it increases the buying price and averages the cost, waiting for the gold price to rebound and make a profit. However, adopting this approach must be based on the premise of confirming that the overall investment environment has not deteriorated and that the market has not shifted from a long market to a short market. Otherwise, it is easy to fall into more and more difficult situations.

  (4)Adopting a "no sell no compensate" approach that responds to changes with immutability. After the order is tied up, as long as it has not been sold, it cannot be considered that the investor has lost money.

If the order in hand has development prospects, and the overall investment environment has not deteriorated, and the market trend has not yet deviated from the unknown market, there is no need to panic for a temporary hold up. At this time, the method to be adopted is not to sell the hold up order and the market, but to remain unchanged and respond to changes, waiting for the gold price to rebound and unwind. Different situations have different ways of unwinding.

This article is written by Li Xiaohanlxhq281Original submission, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and contribute tocrude oilThere is in-depth research on commodities such as gold and silver. Due to the latency of online push, the above content is personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, the suggestion is for reference only. Any operation based on this is at your own risk!
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