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Zhou Jinrui2.23Will gold continue to fall? Analysis of the current price trend of crude oil and gold, silver operation...

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Article Summary:2.23goods in stockgoldGoldTDSilver, Beautycrude oilLatest trend analysis2.23How to operate Jinrui when gold suddenly rises and falls?2.23What else does it take for the economy to recover to pre pandemic levels?2.23Will gold continue to rise?2.23What skills do you need to invest in gold?2.23Why does investing in gold, silver, and crude oil always result in losses?2.23Is gold bullish or bearish?2.23What should beginners pay attention to when frying spot gold?2.23How to learn how to stir fry gold?2.23goldTDHow to grasp the right timing for investment entry?2.23What common sense do beginners need to know to stir fry gold?2.23Will gold continue to plummet after its collapse?
In the market game of gold, silver, and crude oil, it emphasizes a process of learning and participation, as well as the results of long-term stable profits in the later stage. Once a loss occurs, it is important to promptly summarize the reasons behind it and ensure that the lost funds generate their value. I believe that with every transaction you make, it is easy to enter the market with reasonable evidence and strictly abide by the rules of the market. Under the correct guidance, achieving the goal of long-term stable profits is easy to achieve. Accurate trend analysis, professional team technical analysis, responsible guidance teachers, real-time tracking of the entire market, can profitability still be far away from you! Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, but they are also reserved for those who can choose to showcase their true strength and make you happy with tangible profits! If you encounter difficulties on the investment road and cannot find a direction and are in long-term losses, you can talk to Zhou Jinrui. Success does not rely on luck, choice is greater than effort! May you know me from words and in character,Trapped in technology, long after kindness, finally character.
Spot gold, silverTDLondon Gold, Analysis of Gold Trends [Zhou Jinrui Official WeChat:zjr5857】Recommendations for crude oil and silver operations, gold and silverTDMarket, daily analysis of gold and silver, latest strategies, and techniques for unwinding long and short orders!
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
Message analysis: Monday(2month22日)现货黄金小幅上涨,创三日新高,因美元走软,不过美债收益率上升限制金价涨幅。 美元指数下跌,令金价在持有其它货币的投资者看来变得便宜。10年期美债收益率触及近一年新高,持有非孳息资产黄金的机会成本因而升高。美国拜推动出台1.9万亿美元疫情援助计划的努力在周五更进一步。美国众议院一个委员会公布了一份议案,民主党人希望该议案在本周五的表决中获得通过。美联储上周五在提交给国会的半年度货币政策报告中表示,尽管美国经济正在摆脱疫情大流行的影响,未来企业倒闭的风险仍“仍然相当大”。市场关注的焦点是鲍威尔周二在参议院听证会上的讲话,市场期待鲍威尔重申维持目前的货币政策不变。更多解套、投资、操作策略关注公众号“周金瑞”获取实时指导。

  短线图上,短线下方支撑1777表现明显,这里是小时图上升趋势线支撑位。强支撑关注1770~1772Nearby, this is1760-1791The Golden Divide of61.8%位置,也是周三低点,不排除还会回落这里构筑头肩底后在开启上涨,上方压力位关注1800整数关口,一旦上破这里多头反攻的号角就不会停歇将直冲1830压制位了。所以我们先要关注的第一支撑在前分水岭也就是1790区域,再此位盘旋激进则可考虑直接多进去,稳健者可待回落1780-1785区域去开多即可,今日的主要思路就是围绕1780开多就好。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主,高空为辅。上方关注1815-1820One line of resistance, pay attention below1775-1780Frontline support.
Friends who have just entered the market for gold, silver, and crude oil may not be able to access the top news or news in the international market due to work, life, and other issues, which is a great challenge for us to do gold and crude oil. Therefore, Zhou Jinrui welcomes investment friends to come to me and communicate and progress together, so that everyone can stay informed of the international market trends anytime and anywhere, and make the most stable orders. Guidance Officer WeChat:zjr5857
GoldTD:金价连续两周冲高回落,收取长上影线,不过,回撤下行的长上影线则有止跌反弹的信号,本周也自上周五先行开盘于369.34element/克后即走上行,延续至本周周一走势保持趋势,指标上,MACDandKDJ空头信号有所趋向持续减弱,多头也有增强迹象,暗示本周有一定的反弹空间。点位上,上方关注379.30Yuan, and383.60element/Gram resistance; Follow Below370Meta support, and365.30element/K support.
SilverTD:银价跟随国际白银的走势表现坚挺,国际白银虽面临30美元关口的压力,但整体仍趋向走高,如突破阻力则迈向36USD or45美元的高点。白银TD则近期也表现强劲,走势稳健运行于周线级别的中轨和其他均线上方,指标信号也偏向看涨,故此银价仍偏向看涨。点位上;上方关注5770element/Kilograms, and5840element/千克;下方关注5520element/Kilograms, and5450element/千克支撑。行情瞬息万变,更多实时行情分析与及时操作策略添.Author Zhou Jinrui(zjr5857)Daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout are all included.
Analysis of crude oil market trend
  技术面:原油上周探高回落修正。连续惯性上扬释放空间后,触及62.20高位承压走回落,日线两连阴进行回踩修正。2月以来多头更是火力全开,加速了油价冲顶的进程,也为后面的回调行情做了铺垫。周线收盘带有上影线的阴星K线,显示短线局部有回调修正需求,本周周初先在上周高点62.20下方看修正,突破再调整思路。4小时连阴回落后伴随阳K线反弹,但没有快速收复失地,显示短线多头量能有所衰竭。短线处于高位整理修正当中。短线先当作震荡修正对待。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以高空为主,低多为辅。上方短期重点关注63.0-63.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below59.0-59.5Frontline support.
Write this article today. I also hope to meet someone who is destined. I can't make others believe me directly. I'm just a technical man, and I don't have this ability just because of my stupid mouth. I can only believe that fate is right, I believe. It's fate that you can finish my long tirade. Investment is mostly based on fate. If you believe in fate and believe that I can do something for you with my heart, you can try to communicate with me. No one can accompany you to the end, perhaps one day you will need me? Cooperative consultation with Zhou Jinrui, the only guiding official WeChat account:(zjr5857)
To borrow a sentence from Shakyamuni: "It takes only an instant to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, they are the person who should appear in your life, not by chance. Every time Zhou Jinrui writes an article, he also hopes to meet like-minded people and give back more of my knowledge to society. He hopes that I can truly help you who appreciate Zhou Jinrui's articles.
This article is provided by Zhou Jinrui. I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, and analyze the impact of crude oil, gold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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