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Abstract of this article:2021.1.23Investment Internationalgoldcrude oilHow to analyze the market situation?1.23What do you think of gold and crude oil being bullish today?1.23How to recover losses from investing in spot gold?1.23How to operate gold and crude oil in the short term? What are the current gold resistance and support levels?2021.1.23新手投资黄金原油该怎么做单?今日伦敦金还会涨吗?2021.1.23原油还会跌吗?近期有哪些消息面会影响黄金原油走势?2021.1.23美元涨跌对黄金有什么影响?黄金原油今日行情走势分析及操作建议现货黄金今日还会涨?美原油还会跌吗?2021.1.23国际黄金原油今日如何操作?2021.1.23Why do you always set orders in your operations? How to solve the problem of gold and crude oil being set orders.Set?2021.1.23如何防止爆仓?
Daily International Gold, International Crude Oil, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, Gold SilverTDComprehensive online guidance and analysis 【 Guidance WeChat:lxhq281】Suggestions for the operation of the gold and silver series, real-time consultation and interpretation of gold and silver, and early layout of short-term and medium to long-term plans.
Euro: At the beginning of Friday's European market, Euro/USD opened on1.2156。欧洲时段起伏不定,目前位于1.2165. The short-term initial support for exchange rates is located at1.2119The preliminary resistance level can be seen1.2187。
GBP: At the beginning of Friday's European market, GBP/USD opened on1.3667。欧洲时段下行,最低触及1.3635. The short-term initial support for exchange rates is located at1.3607The preliminary resistance level can be seen1.3769。
JPY: At the beginning of Friday's European market, USD/Japanese yen opened on103.67。欧洲时段持续上行,最高触及103.86. The short-term initial support for exchange rates is located at103.31The preliminary resistance level can be seen103.99。
Daily International Gold, International Crude Oil, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, Gold SilverTDComprehensive online guidance and analysis 【 Guidance WeChat:lxhq281】Suggestions for the operation of the gold and silver series, real-time consultation and interpretation of gold and silver, and early layout of short-term and medium to long-term plans.
  黄金基本面:下周四凌晨3:00Federal ReserveFOMC利率决议重磅来袭,随后03:30美联储主席鲍威尔召开新闻发布会。预计美联储将继续保持超宽松政策,且在拜登时代,美联储可能会被要求推动解决种族不平等和气候变化问题。
  黄金技术分析:周k线上看,黄金仍然处在大的上升趋势中的震荡修正阶段,K线收了一根带上下影线的中阳线,并对上周K线形成吞没;日kOnline viewing,MACD绿柱缩短,空方势力减弱,多头有所反扑,尤其是在周三,多头力量迎来集中爆发,但在周四陷入空头围剿压制,说明多头对后市上涨仍然有所犹豫和顾忌。另外,指标显示一定的超买,且上方面临下降的通道线。
  4hourk线来看,在金价小幅新高回落后,MACD指标的红色能量柱已经严重缩量,快慢线均勾头向下运行,预示着进行了将近一周的底背离指标修正将要结束,1hourkLooking at the line,MACD指标绿色能量柱已经开始二次放量,所以短线金价将面临下行的风险。金价两次未能企稳1870后,短线已经于此位置形成了双头的形态,1855便是颈线位置,跌破颈线后的下跌目标在1845附近,布林带中轨支撑在1833,短线操作方面建议关注1865附近做空机会,目标下看1850一线。综合来看,下周黄金延续震荡修正偏下行的走势仍然是大概率事件,上方关注1865-1870One line of resistance, pay attention below1820-1825Frontline support.
Daily International Gold, International Crude Oil, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, Gold SilverTDComprehensive online guidance and analysis 【 Guidance WeChat:lxhq281】Suggestions for the operation of the gold and silver series, real-time consultation and interpretation of gold and silver, and early layout of short-term and medium to long-term plans.
  从美油周五的走势来看:整体还是符合预期的,5、10日线失守后,长期被积压的调整需求得到释放,且如预期是短时的报复式下跌释放。根据此前预期,美油下方可进一步下看20Daily line51附近争夺,当然目前行情也有可能会处于52上下争夺,但只要今日行情收在5、10日线下,则后期行情技术上就具备了转空的条件,下看20Daily line51附近只是初步目标,未来主要目标可看50附近争夺,一旦50也失守,则美油或将展开中线级别的调整预期。
  原油技术指标:周k线图上周收出第二根十字星,虽然价格仍处于布林带上轨运行,但上涨动能明显不足;日线图价格处在震荡盘整中,形成了高点下移、低点抬高的三角形整理形态,油价昨日下跌击穿下边沿,触及51.4,指标方面MACD快慢线形成死叉,绿柱放量,短线下行风险明显,下周如果实体突破51.4,之前的看涨趋势就将此步,且打开进一步下行的空间。因此,下周建议以反弹高空为主,上方重点关注52.5-53.0区域阻力,下方重点关注50.0-50.5Regional support.
Daily International Gold, International Crude Oil, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, Gold SilverTDComprehensive online guidance and analysis 【 Guidance WeChat:lxhq281】Suggestions for the operation of the gold and silver series, real-time consultation and interpretation of gold and silver, and early layout of short-term and medium to long-term plans.
  =======Domestic gold and silverTDaspect======
GoldTD:金价当周震荡十字阳星,走势自开于385.21element/克,最高触及389.88element/克的5均线压力位置,最低触及379.90element/克的短期上升趋势线支撑位置后反弹,收于385.75element/克。本周五又先行下周开盘于385.75元,走势收涨于387.61元,指标上整体偏向震荡,多空信号不明,主图上形态显示上有空间但有阻力,下有空间也有支撑,故此震荡对待,哪边先到做哪边。李潇翰策略:上方关注389.75element/克初步阻力,进一步关注393.70Yuan; Follow Below383.10Preliminary support from Yuan, further attention380元关口。
SilverTD:银价当周也收震荡十字阳星,走势自开于5206element/千克,最高触及5周均线压力的5385Yuan, lowest hit5076元,收于5236元。本周五晚间又先行下周开盘于5235元,表现反弹收阳于5267元。指标上,多空信号不明,主图形态上方压力较为偏强,有偏承压走低风险。李潇翰策略:上方关注5360element/Resistance near kilograms, and5430element/Kilogram resistance; Follow Below5160element/Kilogram support, and5040element/Kilogram support.
Daily International Gold, International Crude Oil, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, Gold SilverTDComprehensive online guidance and analysis 【 Guidance WeChat:lxhq281】Suggestions for the operation of the gold and silver series, real-time consultation and interpretation of gold and silver, and early layout of short-term and medium to long-term plans.
  AProfit is a product of risk rather than desire. Risk always comes first, and risk can be controlled and avoided on its own, but not avoided, because any gain in profit is a return that can only be obtained by taking on a certain level of risk. As long as the trading mindset is correct, we should take risks that should be taken calmly.Correct analysis and prediction are only the first step towards successful investment,The foundation of successful investment requires strict position management and stop loss management,Rigorous self psychological and emotional control.
  BPsychological control first, risk management second,The importance of analytical skills is paramount, and traders must overcome excessive focus on asset equity or incorporate personal subjective needs into their trading, leading to increased greed and fear, resulting in tactical confusion,Strategic deviation ultimately leads to a complete failure of what needs to be done, and trading can only yield more when there is no desire. Doing what needs to be done is not what you want to do the most. The market is not a place for you to seek stimulation, nor is it your withdrawal machine.
  CIn market fluctuations, there are70%About the time is volatile, only30%If the time left or right is a unilateral upward or downward trend, then accumulating small victories is the key to long-term success. Don't be too greedy in trading, enter in batches. When entering and replenishing positions, the position should be small. Although the profit is relatively small, accumulating small victories is a big victory, which can lead to long-term success.
Message: In this unpredictable market, there are still people who can make money, and many friends who are not ideal enough. When it is time to short, they are afraid of rising, and when it is time to long, they are afraid of falling. In fact, this is human heart, this is technology, and human heart is the greatest technology. Sometimes you will know that what really affects you is not the price, but the excessive imagination in your heart. Li Xiaohan is willing to be your guide. The trend is in your heart, and the operation is guiding. When the market arrives, if you cannot grasp or are not sure, or if you are hedging, locking, or losing money, you can always find me to point you in the direction of the confused investment market! You're here, I'm here! You win, I accompany you to conquer the world; If you lose, I will accompany you to make a comeback! Investment and financial management are like a golden mountain, containing countless wealth. We don't need or can't keep its wealth in our pockets day and night. Why can't we let go of our eagerness to get rich and work hard, step by step, to earn wealth? I have always adhered to this investment philosophy: the most important thing in gold trading is not how much you can earn at once, but whether you can steadily profit and survive for a long time. This is like rolling a snowball, the longer the time, the larger the snowball will be, and ultimately the stronger one's ability to withstand external interference.
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