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Abstract of this article2021.1.22Investment Internationalgoldcrude oilHow to analyze the market situation?1.22What do you think of gold and crude oil being bullish today?1.22How to recover losses from investing in spot gold?1.22黄金原油短线怎么操作?1.22What are the current gold resistance and support levels?1.22How should beginners make orders when investing in gold and crude oil?1.22今日伦敦金还会涨吗?1.22Will crude oil continue to decline?1.22What recent news will affect the trend of gold and crude oil?1.22What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold?1.22Analysis of today's market trend of gold and crude oil and operational suggestions. Will spot gold continue to rise today?1.22美原油还会跌吗?1.22国际黄金原油今日如何操作?1.22Why do you always set orders in your operations? How to solve the problem of gold and crude oil being set orders.Set?1.22如何防止爆仓?




  黄金走势图:昨日黄金亚盘行情金价回撤到1862Bounce to1871附近,欧盘行情金价回落1866附近,反弹至1875Backfall1868附近,美盘行情金价冲高至1871Fall back to1858, rebound to1867受阻,1862-1867区间震荡,暂收线于1860上方,日k线上来看,黄金上个底部是1764,随后一路上涨至1960附近止涨,回落至1800附近,上涨幅度200个点,如果此波段底部在1800附近,那么黄金将触及2005区域,黄金黄金处于多空博弈趋势分界线,今年最高点2074见顶,回落1863止跌,再次上涨至2006区域。由此可见1863区域对多空趋势的重要性,也是多空中长线布局的黄金点位,李潇翰个人中长线布局建议正式起航,4hourk线来看,连阳向上爬升,MACD快慢线上穿0轴,红色能量柱持续放量,但是中间穿插几个阴线,上涨动能有所减弱。1hourk线来看,昨日黄金下引线深远,下探布林道下轨支撑启稳收复性上升顶开上轨,而中轨则成为短线多头临界点,金价不破1843坚决看涨,综上所述,李潇翰建议上方关注1880-1890区域一线阻力,下方关注1843-1833Frontline support. The operation suggestions in the article are for reference only, and specific suggestions are given at the current price of the actual offer. Friends who are not ideal in operation or cannot grasp the market direction can add Li Xiaohan's official WeChat account:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.

  操作策略:短线:建议1855-58Multiple orders entering, stop loss5USD, target1880上方,中短线:建议1843Multiple entry targets1890Above, stop loss1833Below.


  原油基本面:周四(1month21day)American crude oilfutures价格震荡走低交投于53美元附近,此前美国石油学会(API)数据显示,上周美国原油库存意外增加,重燃由新冠疫情引发的需求担忧,但美国经济刺激计划的希望限制了油价的下行空间。导致油价走软的原因为市场持续担忧需求疲软。随着主要新兴市场国家新冠肺炎病例增多导致有针对性的封锁,人们的担忧有所加剧。

  原油走势图:日线来看原油从今年低点以来启动上涨,整体来看可能启动新的推动浪,目前已经向上突破50The integer level is expected to continue to push the wave structurally.1Hour chart shows how crude oil47.18Initiate an upward trend, this wave of upward movement53.93可能已经结束,原油开始向下走调整,目前看多次在高位受阻,操作上李潇翰建议短期逢高做空原油,今日考虑在53.10-53.20Short selling, stop loss53.50, Objective52.40-51.60。 The operation suggestions in the article are for reference only, and specific suggestions are given at the current price of the actual offer. Friends who are not ideal in operation or cannot grasp the market direction can add Li Xiaohan's official WeChat account:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.


  1Seize opportunities well. The gold and crude oil market is24小时交易的市场,但在亚盘市场金价的波动不大,而在欧盘市场,特别是美盘市场价格波动比较剧烈,所以潇翰提醒手里有单子的投资者一定要盯市,以免由于晚间价格波动带来不必要的损失。

  2Strict stop loss. It is better to not only make profits, but also to stop losses. Stopping losses can prevent risks from expanding and ensure the safe and long-term survival of funds. Without funds as the foundation, all profits are empty talk. In daily trading, regardless of the size of market fluctuations, we need to set good stop loss points for ourselves. When the market fluctuates significantly, we strictly place orders to stop losses. This is also an important factor in the strict implementation of hedging policies.

  3Take advantage of the situation. At night, when trading is active, it is also the time when gold fluctuates the most. At this time, as long as we grasp a small trend, it can be comparable to a month, half a year, or even a year of returns in the stock market. Therefore, there is no need to take a high-risk pullback market, just follow the trend.


This article is written by Li Xiaohanlxhq281Original submission, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and have in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Due to the delay of network push, the above contents are personal suggestions. Since the network documents are timely, the suggestions are only for reference, and operational risk is borne by yourself!

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