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[Abstract] Investment Internationalgoldcrude oilHow to analyze the market situation? What do you think of the bullish and bearish outlook for gold and crude oil today? How to recover losses from investing in spot gold? How to operate gold and crude oil in the short term? What are the current resistance and support levels for gold? How should beginners make orders when investing in gold and crude oil? Will London gold continue to rise today? Will crude oil continue to fall? What recent news will affect the trend of gold and crude oil? What impact does the rise and fall of the US dollar have on gold? Analysis of today's market trend of gold and crude oil and operational suggestions: Will spot gold continue to rise today?

Every time I write an analysis, I always hope to see friends who can gain something. In this market, under calm performance, the dark waves are actually surging, and many investment friends enter rashly, often covered in bruises. Every day, friends come to me and seek help. I hope I can help more people, just like my own positioning for this job is service. People are mutual, and trust is the beginning of cooperation. If you are confused or confused on the investment path, you can talk to Xiaohan. Perhaps this will make your investment journey much easier.!!! I, Li Xiaohan, will always be there and have a heart to help everyone, but if you don't even reach out, how can I help you? (Free group entry experience, provided daily3-5Single)


  黄金基本面:周四(1month21day),现货黄金价格续创1month8New high in recent days1875.17dollar/盎司,因美国新总统拜登有望进一步推出新的大规模刺激措施,美元指数走软,但多头获利回吐限制了金价涨势。



  黄金技术面:昨天收出一根光头大阳线,多头力度比较强劲,亚盘破除新高后转跌,说明1875压力山大,这个位置美盘前如果不能进一步收复,下方还将有更大的调整空间,支持关注1862and1856,这两个点位都是前期的顶底转换位,相对来讲,形成止跌的概率会大一些。周线级别,也是大阳探底拉升,目前形态再次阳包阴构造,上方趋势压力1888一线,也是中轨压力,同样的,必须收盘远于压力位之上,才能有效走出2075压制以来的这一波调整,转为中期级别的上涨;日线级别,昨日大阳收报,且收盘价格有效站上了1863节点位置,那么意味着短期内价格会走强延续一波,上方阻力位当前是中轨1875一线压制,再往上就是趋势压力1882-83,能否进一步的走强,在于趋势阻力的突破站上情况,一旦强攻收盘于上方,那么波段指向1940就是一个大的概率;4Hour level,MACDandRSI均有不同程度的涨势衰竭,既然选择了欧盘开始调整,那么短期均线已经展站稳,且金叉支撑上涨,关键半年线阻力也终突破站上,1857-58会成为一定强支撑; 2小时级别,年线压力1876-77, 分割压力也是1884-85,因而其实上方压力位集中两处:1875-77as well as1883-1888;1小时级别,先回测,就应该继续去跟多,这是常讲的一个技术点,依托1862上方逢低企稳找位置继续多即可;可以发现,当前走势其实在走逼空上涨,和前期1764是一个走法,单日单边大幅上涨后,第二日或第三日走震荡逼空破高,速度虽缓慢,但一直抗跌不下,破新高后也不是很干脆,短周期也是酝酿顶背驰,因而,当价格触及上方有效压力后,还会震荡回测到日内起涨点或刺破下,再拉升破高,只要把握这个节奏规律,还将目前处于布林带中轨支撑,可以留意此位置的破位情况,跌破将加速,激进的投资者可以选择加仓。反之,如果继续上破1875,那么上方留意1885-90的压力区。


  白银方面: short-term24.6上逢低延续看涨,目标26.2-26.3; 波段方面,以24.9作为止损,看一轮上攻,目标26.65-27and28,能突破28Ability to impact30前期关口;底部21.8多单,长线继续持有;

  原油方面:这两日原油再次步入高位的震荡酝酿,昨日趋势阻力位成功压制,下探一波,不过力度还是不大,今日仍旧关注53.7阻力点,这里无法突破站上前,价格还是存在冲高回落,短期支撑关注52.5-52Support; 至于波段方面,还是坚持54.5周线和月线双重压力下,看一波调整;

  ===== 如何正确投资黄金、白银=====

  1Control emotions - Investors must be calm and control their emotions. They must calmly respond to sudden changes in the market, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities due to indecision. It is best to be prepared to deal with various possibilities before entering the market, so that when encountering sudden changes in the market, one may not feel too surprised and at a loss.

  2Starting with small-scale trading - For beginners in the market, it is necessary to start with small-scale trading, gradually grasp trading patterns and accumulate experience, and then gradually increase positions.

  3Avoid being eager for quick success and instant benefit - there should be no desire for quick success and instant benefit in transactions. Investors should not enter the market based on their subjective desires in trading. Successful investors generally strictly separate their emotions from trading activities, and bear heavier risks based on the opposite market trend and personal wishes.

  4Be prepared to accept failure at any time - Gold investment carries risks, and trading failure is inevitable throughout the entire transaction. It is also an important way for investors to gradually learn from and accumulate experience. When faced with investment failure, only by carefully summarizing can investors gradually improve their investment ability, avoid risks, and strive for profitability.

  5Better miss than make mistakes - opportunities are always present, and seizing them requires a pair of bright eyes rather than quietly waiting for an empty opportunity.

  6Develop investment plans that are suitable for oneself - life requires planning, investment requires planning, and investment is not an overnight process. Only by strictly executing can one profit from it. So how to become a profiteer in the gold investment market is crucial.

Message: International Gold, Crude Oil, Shanghai Gold, Shanghai Silver, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, Gold SilverTDComprehensive online guidance and analysis; Li Xiaohan focuses on international gold (ShanghaiTDGold and silver,futuresAnalysis and guidance on the market trends of gold and silver and US crude oil (Shanghai futures crude oil)! Accuracy and profit are the only criteria for testing strength! There will be a current price list every day for you to come and experience! Doing trading, being active and making mistakes, the more diligent one is, the more negative it becomes. The proposition of becoming rich through hard work in trading is a false one; Wolf hunting, most of the time waiting instead of constantly kicking!10Years of practical experience! Advocate for the central line as the main focus and short-term assistance; Eliminate frequent operations and lay out light warehouses; Risk control is the king, only then can stable profits be achieved!

This article is written by Li Xiaohanlxhq281Original submission, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and have in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Due to the delay of network push, the above contents are personal suggestions. Since the network documents are timely, the suggestions are only for reference, and operational risk is borne by yourself!

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