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Investment speculationforeign exchange, point difference/手续费大小直接关系到盈利多寡。相对来说外汇点差多半平台会在相应页面贴出来,但手续费多少则很难确定。为更好的帮助投资者了解清楚外汇手续费相关知识,以下我们以ATFX外汇为例,简单了解下ATFX外汇手续费要多少钱。

come fromATFX外汇专家的解释是外汇手续费不一而定,具体根据每个平台的各方面决定的。投资炒外汇一定要选择正规可靠的交易平台,不要受到非法黑平台“喊单返现/入金返现”的诱惑,正规外汇平台资金安全有保障,交易稳定畅通可靠。

大众熟知的ATFX外汇平台采取纯点差交易,所有交易产品均不收取手续费,手续费为0。现如今市面上的主流外汇平台都没有交易手续费,ATFX外汇平台自然也没有手续费,不仅如此,ATFX外汇平台开户同样不收取手续费(备注:外汇保证金作为在Foreign exchange transactions建仓的时候需要支付的成本,在投资人平仓的时候,会退还给投资人,因此严格上讲算不上成本)。
ATFX外汇手续费要多少钱890 / author:atfx2019 / PostsID:1596638

ATFXThe rules for foreign exchange handling fees are as follows:
1、ATFXForeign exchange platforms do not charge handling fees,0Handling fees, as stipulated by the platform, only include spot differences, overnight interest, etc., excluding handling fees;
2、ATFXForeign exchange platforms collect margin for transactions, and the margin varies depending on the product, leverage, and real-time price. If the lever is200If multiple times, the minimum deposit is required500USD;100The minimum margin for double leverage is1000USD.
3、ATFXThe foreign exchange platform adopts floating spreads, with spreads as low as1.8This is relatively low among many foreign exchange platforms and also in line with investors' expectations.

Based on the above three points, I believe you have a good understanding ofATFXI have a clear understanding of foreign exchange transaction fees. In summary,ATFXThe handling fee for foreign exchange transactions is0The main transaction cost is the spread, overallATFXThe cost of foreign exchange trading on the platform is relatively low. If you are interested inATFXThere are doubts about the platform, welcome to visitATFXPlease consult the official website and customer service for satisfactory answers to any doubts you may have.

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