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[Abstract] Investment Internationalgoldcrude oil怎么分析行情?今日黄金原油多空怎么看?做现货黄金投资亏损怎么挽回损失?黄金原油短线怎么操作?当前黄金阻力位和支撑位在哪里?新手投资黄金原油该怎么做单?今日伦敦金还会涨吗?原油还会跌吗?近期有哪些消息面会影响黄金原油走势?



  黄金基本面:周三(1month20day)欧市盘前,美元指数下跌,耶伦讲话后市场风险情绪有些回升,避险美元遭抛售。欧元兑美元上涨,一方面美元下跌,一方面欧元区自身基本面消息面则进一步好转。现货黄金小幅上涨,耶伦敦促国会议员进行更多新冠纾困支出提升了黄金在通胀对冲方面的吸引力。亚洲时段,现货黄金上涨,现报1851.24dollar/Ounces, increase0.59%,因耶伦敦促国会议员进行更多新冠纾困支出之后,美元走软,提升了黄金在通胀对冲方面的吸引力。耶伦周二称,在新冠救助支出上“采取大规模行动”的经济利益远远超过债务负担加重的风险。耶伦还说,如果不采取进一步行动,我们现在恐面临更长、更痛苦的衰退,之后将陷入长期的经济困境。GoldMining Inc.执行副总裁Jeff Wright认为,黄金价格的上涨明显与美元下跌有关。因为准财长耶伦呼吁未来几周或几个月内实施更多刺激计划,引起美元走跌。

  黄金技术面:目前黄金依然属于偏强势,4小时图短期均线金叉向上,布林带上轨开口,有冲击1863的势头,今晚的关键点依然是在1863一线的得失,如果越过这个点位,大概率将会冲击1880.操作上李潇翰依然偏向于黄金回踩1848-1851区域去布局多单进场,损放在1841Frontline, target oriented1863.Break the position to see1875-1888。 The operation suggestions in the article are for reference only, and specific suggestions are given at the current price of the actual offer. Friends who are not ideal in operation or cannot grasp the market direction can add Li Xiaohan's official WeChat account:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.

  =======TDGold and Silver Market=======

  TD黄金技术分析:上周国际黄金冲高回落,自然TDThe trend follows clearly, and now the pressure is concentrated393Area. If the daily adjustment continues, then it's better to continue to be short and rebound today. First time387reach390Regional Short Space393Loss target380reach375就好,多单等企稳信号暂时回避。

  白银技术分析:上周白银反弹前期25.8缺口附近再次冲高回落显示25.8上压力明显, 在有黄金开始调整,自然带动白银下跌,所以今日继续反弹做空即可,后期如果黄金企稳白银上涨幅度也是大,因为伴随疫苗出现全球经济发展,工业需求白银提供支撑,短线白银反弹继续做空就好,多单暂时回避。综合上述操作思路如下;


Rebound25.8reach26Area Empty26.3The loss targets are all24.3reach23区域,对应白银TD就是压力5350区域空止损5450The goals are all4900reach4850区域就好。

  纳斯达克技术分析:今日大选顺利移交,作为新官上任三把火,市场肯定要支持下上涨,同时还有预期更大宽松救助,所以三大stock market index上行更多是一个信号,支持短暂的蜜月期,后期如果低于市场预期就是一地鸡毛。上周纳斯达克冲高回落,显示多头动能不强,做多暂时回避,13100上压力明显。毕竟自2008Annual increase13年了没有必要再这个位置去追多,当然在开盘价格上涨200点可以分批做空,至于做多一定是开盘回落500点才可以参与,比如今日开盘13050那么就是13250挂空和12550挂多等待就好。

  =======In terms of crude oil======

  原油基本面:周三(1month20day),国际油价扩大隔夜涨幅,因美元走软,且市场预计即将上任的美国拜登政府将提供大量财政支出,刺激燃料需求进而降低库存。尽管国际能源署下调需求预估,但OPEC+减产已经引发消费国的不满。亚洲时段,美油上涨,现报53.35dollar/Barrel, increase0.7%,因市场预期美国即将上台的新政府将推进大规模刺激支出措施,而这将提振燃料需求,压低原油库存。美国当选总统拜登提名的财政部长耶伦周二敦促议员们在新冠救助支出上“采取大规模行动”,增强了市场对于美国大规模支出以刺激经济的希望。澳洲国民银行(NAB)的大宗商品研究主管Lachlan Shaw表示,“当然,期望是那将支持美国获得更好的增长和更好的需求”。不过,国际能源署(IEA)周二表示,在疫苗推广和刺激措施在今年下半年有所帮助之前,全球石油需求将受到新冠病毒病例激增的打击。

  原油技术面:日线收盘中阳线,高点破前高,低点没有破前低,出现了出头走势,日线级别出现了二连阳,进一步表现了多头上涨格局。上方阻力位关注前期高点57.3dollar/桶,然后我们需要关注这波上涨推动浪加速点位63.0dollar/桶位置,下方支撑关注53.0-52.8dollar/桶,进一步下破就需要考验这波上涨浪震荡平台突破点位52.4dollar/桶水平。综合来看李潇翰认为,今日操作上考虑回撤布局多单为主,上方关注54.0-57.3dollar/Bucket, follow below53.0-52.4dollar/桶。文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.


At the same time, I also give a warning to all friends. The teacher can only guide you and cannot walk on your behalf. Young people do not pay for their dreams. What can we say when we get old? We raised our glasses to celebrate when we won, but if we lose, we will only rise again. A single flower withers and becomes barren, and one failure cannot replace the entire life. Many people's sadness is just to show that they are sad, and many people's joy is just to let others see that they are happy. The path of success is always wrapped in loneliness. To succeed, one must get used to it and accept it. Learn to enjoy the joy of making profits and soothe the pain of losing. Xiao Han can temporarily serve as your life mentor, but you must always be strong on your own. It's up to you to decide whether to be someone else's post dinner conversation or a successful person to look up to.

Most spot traders have experienced losses, which is actually an inevitable thing in spot trading. To do a good job, you always have to pay some tuition fees. But smart traders will summarize their experiences and lessons after paying tuition fees to continuously improve themselves. This is also the reason why some people, after exploding their positions, reorganize their thoughts and start over again, can gradually expand in the market, while others do not accept the lessons, and ultimately explode and lose everything. Li Xiaohan has summarized three reasons that can easily lead to investors' short positions here as a reference for everyone.

This article is written by Li Xiaohanlxhq281Original submission, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and have in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Due to the delay of network push, the above contents are personal suggestions. Since the network documents are timely, the suggestions are only for reference, and operational risk is borne by yourself!

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