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Preface: When making investments, reading articles is not just about analyzing the market and providing operational suggestions. The market is constantly changing, and most articles have lag and timeliness from analysis to completion. The specific operation should still be based on the real time point of the actual market. Moreover, the amount of investment funds varies, and the methods of making orders will also vary. Therefore, when reading the article, the focus should be on learning, understanding why the market needs to be analyzed in this way, and determining the operational approach. In order to integrate and learn from one's own practical operations to form one's own operating methods, no longer rely on others, have one's own trading ideas, improve one's trading sense, and achieve one's ability to trade!

Every day is a starting point, there must be some progress every day, and there must be some gains every day!Don't complain about why it wasn't you who succeeded. If you want to satisfy your desires, sink your heart. Expect victory, don't retreat when faced with setbacks. There is no success for nothing and no occasional profit. The best state is to stick to your dreams, listen to professional advice, and avoid making a few mistakes. Let time be the best proof.


  黄金基本面分析:周二(1month19day)亚洲时段,现货黄金小幅上涨,目前交投于1841Nearby. Monday(1month18day)金价探底回升,涨0.51%to1837.75dollar/盎司。因对美国出台额外财政刺激措施的预期提振了黄金作为通胀对冲工具的吸引力。不过美元的强势一度让黄金跌至一个半月以来新低,而即将到来的财长听证会上,预计耶伦将放弃寻求弱势美元,这将打压金价下跌。另外,周三(1month20day)拜登即将宣誓就职,华盛顿国民警卫队荷枪实弹戒备森严,投资者需密切关注当日进展情况。周四(1month21day)的欧央行利率决议对欧元及美元的未来走势将产生一定的前瞻性指引作用,投资者需密切关注进一步的货币宽松情况。

  黄金走势图分析:日线昨日收报较长下影启明之星,有短期见底信号,按照回补原理来讲,今天应该是先回测一波,回补部分影线,再上涨破高延续,如此才有更好的上行动能,也修正了昨日亚盘的涨幅;但价格一直抗跌于1830上方,也就没有太大回补空间,那么想要延续上涨跟多,只能先以1830上方去择机试探;阻力是1843-44,再突破往上,会测试下1850-1860区域,重新回到上周的区间震荡内;若1836-1832支撑都未坚守,那么短线就会下探,回补日线长下影部分,届时1826、1818是下一个低多参考点,也有机会给到再次波段做多时机;1hourk线位于布林带中轨上方,k线始终稳住在中轨上方,强势支撑,布林带轨道向下倾斜明显被扭转成放缓,上扬是必然的,k线目前看似不动,实则暗流涌动,多头一触即发,k线目前缠绕50均线一带,震荡上行是必然的。黄金先以1832作为防守,1835上方逢低试探短多,目标1843-1847; if1832失守,则等待1826-23、1818两支撑企稳短多,短线目标1835即可;空单暂不建议,晚间美盘我们以空头为主布局。文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.

  ========Gold and SilverTDtechnical analysis=======

GoldTDThe gold price opened last week at396.30element/After conquering, it directly rebounded and rose, reaching above the resistance of the middle track in the Bollinger Belt, and recorded402.29Yuan high point, but touching38.2%The significant pullback was caused by the pressure of retracement and the impact of international gold bearish sentiment, which touched392.26Yuan collection bearishK线。先至开盘运行,走势上,自开于392.20After a significant decline in the yuan, the lowest point reached380Yuan, final payment received381Near Yuan. Based on the strength, it is expected that there is still room for decline, but there is strong technical support below, so the downward space is also limited. It is expected to tend to rise and rebound after reaching the limit. Key focus below375.10element/Ke Support, Follow Above386.60element/Gram resistance.

SilverTDLast week, silver prices surged and fell, with a bearish trend of a long upward shadowK线,先行开盘于5514element/After the kilogram, it dropped significantly and then returned to its original state38.2%At the same time as the retracement line supports below, it also falls below the middle track and30The daily moving average supports and closes below it to5098In terms of indicators,KDJandMACDIt has also turned into a bearish signal as a whole. The trend focuses on further support, while the rebound focuses on the resistance that changed from support this week. Follow above and below the point4940element/Support around kilograms, pay attention to above5335element/Kilogram resistance.

  ======todaycrude oilaspect======



  原油走势图分析:日线小阳报收,收5Below the daily line,macd 0轴上方粘合运行,上涨动能减弱;4小时级别上看,油价在二次触及53.8附近阻力位后出现了震荡回撤走势,价格逐步走低,油价这波下跌向下运行了一个震荡两次下行走势,最低给到了51.8水平出现企稳,油价运行在区间窄幅震荡,上方强弱分界线在53.3dollar/桶,进一步站上后,油价有望继续维持强势,下方支撑位置关注51.2dollar/Barrel,1小时线:均线粘合运行,macd 0轴下方金叉运行,反弹修复态势。综合看:原油短期仍有走弱迹象,但下跌后短线反弹修复态势。今日操作建议:先看反弹,上方承压再空。文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.


  1Seize opportunities well. The gold and crude oil market is24小时交易的市场,但在亚盘市场金价的波动不大,而在欧盘市场,特别是美盘市场价格波动比较剧烈,所以潇翰提醒手里有单子的投资者一定要盯市,以免由于晚间价格波动带来不必要的损失。

  2Strict stop loss. It is better to not only make profits, but also to stop losses. Stopping losses can prevent risks from expanding and ensure the safe and long-term survival of funds. Without funds as the foundation, all profits are empty talk. In daily trading, regardless of the size of market fluctuations, we need to set good stop loss points for ourselves. When the market fluctuates significantly, we strictly place orders to stop losses. This is also an important factor in the strict implementation of hedging policies.

  3Take advantage of the situation. At night, when trading is active, it is also the time when gold fluctuates the most. At this time, as long as we grasp a small trend, it can be comparable to a month, half a year, or even a year of returns in the stock market. Therefore, there is no need to take a high-risk pullback market, just follow the trend.


My name is Li Xiaohan (WeChat:lxhq281)I am born for trading, and if you have any questions, you can always follow me. This article is exclusively written by Li Xiaohan. Investment is risky, and trading needs to be cautious. Rushing into the market is a fool, finding the right person is a wise person. A small boat is drifting in the sea, if you don't set sail, then you will always drift in the sea. Currently, global financial markets (such as international gold,TDGold and silver, crude oil,foreign exchangeandfutures市场)具有深入而独特的见解。每次分析都不是一种情感游戏,也不是一种情感释放。每个开仓和平仓都是专业表现。李潇翰认真写好每份分析报告,并传达了宝贵的投资思想,希望物有所值,值有所得。

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