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Wang Decheng:18Fundamental Interpretation and Market Analysis of the Main Futures of Japanese Coke Egg White Sugar

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   I haven't written an article for a week because of some things. Through communication with some investment friends this week, I discovered a99%The fatal mistake that all investors make is to only operate in the short term. The author can confidently tell investment friends that any trader who only operates in the short term will definitely lose, and it is basically impossible to make a profit. Only by focusing on medium to long term trading and supplementing it with short-term trading can you have a profitable opportunity. Otherwise, you will find that in the end, all of your principal has become transaction feesfuturesFortunately, the first-hand handling fee is only a few tens of yuan. If you do itgoldforeign exchangeThe handling fee of 300 or over 600 yuan per day is too high for frequent short-term transactions. Investment friends who have been trading for a long time must have a deep understanding of a phenomenon, which is that earning three orders is not enough to offset the loss of one order. However, once you turn an order into a medium to long term profit of several hundred points, you will find that the profit of one medium to long term order can offset the loss of about ten short term orders. This is the flaw of pure short term trading. So I advise everyone to stay away from the kind of teacher who makes you frequently operate short-term orders every day. You must adjust your mindset and learn to gradually turn short-term orders into medium to long term orders. Futures products such as coke, coke, coal, iron ore, apple glass, etc. are now in a unilateral market, which is a good opportunity to layout the medium to long term.

Wang Decheng:18Fundamental Interpretation and Market Analysis of the Main Futures of Japanese Coke Egg White Sugar830 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1596234

   Egg Main Contract:
     egg2105合约,鸡蛋整体趋势走强上攻行情,鸡蛋连续区间整理波动洗盘强势行情,王德诚建议鸡蛋回调4600Support the upper level's batch entry and multi order strategy, with short-term attention4676and4695分批止盈减仓,趋势波段单带好利润保护持有。


Wang Decheng:18Fundamental Interpretation and Market Analysis of the Main Futures of Japanese Coke Egg White Sugar622 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1596234
   White Sugar Main Contract:
  有关消息称,近期印度内阁批准一项补贴,鼓励资金短缺的糖厂在10month1日开始的2020/21年度出口600万吨糖,补贴将转入甘蔗种植户的账户,种植户将获得每吨6000卢比的现金补助,近来主要由于受到广西等地雨雪天气炒作以及未来榨季乐观预期等因素影响,白糖价格出现反弹,但整体供大于求的格局不太可能因此快速扭转,所以短期来看,白糖价格或有回调,中长期随着榨季需求的乐观预期,存在回暖可能。未来10天,除青藏高原及其云南西部平均气温较常年同期偏高1-4℃外,全国其他大部分地区气温偏低1-3℃。根据天气预期情况,国内产区近来低温多雨天气多,或对白糖添支撑利好。20/21榨季全球预计出现缺口,主要由于需求恢复及泰国、欧盟等减产,这样新榨季供需形势好转。而目前主要要关注印度出口情况,一季度国际贸易流偏紧,需要印度出口来补充。而印度出口平价也在15美分以上,所以要满足全球供应原糖需要维持在15美分以上,给出印度出口利润。在全球宽松背景下,美元持续走弱也将提高crude oil和原糖估值,这也将影响远期巴西生产前景。短期预计原糖仍将偏强震荡。
 白糖走势调整,供需相矛盾,走势调整为主,操作上以5000reach5350Between high selling and low buying, rolling operation, gradually moving profit protection.

Wang Decheng:18Fundamental Interpretation and Market Analysis of the Main Futures of Japanese Coke Egg White Sugar781 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1596234

    写在文末:做交易我一直在强调理性投资,何为理性投资?笔者一直认为理性投资的第一点就是要认识到投资理财的风险性,不管你是做黄金Foreign exchange transactions还是期货交易,他都有很大的风险,所以你们一定不要投入太多资金去玩这东西,炒外汇或者炒期货没那么好赚钱,特别是你们在什么都不懂得情况下,就更不要投入太多钱去交易。我看见有些业务员的文章里今天晒单盈利几千美金,明天翻倍多少资金,I feel embarrassed when I look at it myself. A simulated transaction created by a simulated account is deceiving people. It's not like making so much money when it comes to trading. If it were to make so much money, wouldn't it be like becoming a multimillionaire long ago? Why bother writing articles here. So all investment friends must remain rational, open their eyes to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and use a small amount of funds to trade. Do not let investment affect your normal family operation, let alone be forced to increase funds and continuously lose money when the position is about to explode.

   Refuse the temptation of high profits and persist in rational investment. Investment and financial management are high-risk things, not as easy to make money, and maintaining rationality is the most important. Respect laws and regulations, avoid financial traps, and stay away from "high yield" scams. Investors must learn more relevant knowledge to distinguish between real and fake platforms, and learn the most basic knowledge of investment. Author Wang Decheng Futures Qualification Qualification NumberT329796Qualification certificate number of financial planner:CICFPAGC1161851Contact WeChat Sync on your phone:15851503763。

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