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1.12The bullish trend of gold is imminent, and the prediction of the bearish trend of gold still has the final downside...

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[Abstract] Investment Internationalgoldcrude oil怎么分析行情?今日黄金原油多空怎么看?做现货黄金投资亏损怎么挽回损失?黄金原油短线怎么操作?当前黄金阻力位和支撑位在哪里?新手投资黄金原油该怎么做单?今日伦敦金还会涨吗?原油还会跌吗?近期有哪些消息面会影响黄金原油走势?美元涨跌对黄金有什么影响?黄金原油今日行情走势分析及操作建议现货黄金今日还会涨?美原油还会跌吗?国际黄金原油今日如何操作?


  =======Analysis of Gold Market Trend=======

  黄金消息面:周一(1month11day)美元创出9月份以来最大三天涨幅,10年期美债收益率连续飙升,以及美国财政刺激规模加大提振经济成长前景为美元提供支撑;大宗商品货币领跌。现货黄金小幅收跌,报1843.89dollar/盎司,从稍早触及的六周低位反弹逾26美元,因美元上涨的影响被经济刺激预期有所抵消。受累于新一轮封锁措施,WTIcrude oilfutures基本持平,美元升值和美股下跌也抑制了油价上涨动能。现货黄金收报1843.74dollar/Ounces, down5.12USD or0.28%The lowest touch in the plate1816.76dollar/Ounces, highest touch1856.78dollar/盎司。上周,现货黄金下跌49.42USD or2.60%Last year11月以来最差一周。


  黄金技术面:上周在非农夜暴跌近65美元,“成就”周K线从红盘变绿盘,最终收盘长上影中阴线,周线出现强烈看空预警信号。周k线后期估计要继续回落一波,周线关注一线阻力1908,也可以理解为趋势线下破回抽确认,周k线关注下方1777一线支撑,也可以是最近的多空分水。1777不破还会大区间横盘,一旦有效破位,下方空间就打开了,再跌100-200美金也不出意外。上周五日K线均线系统遭断头铡刀,过去8个月以来的金叉瞬间被跌穿,反向意义需要重视。日线收长下影小阴,macd 0轴上方缩量运行,弱势运行,但创低后下探阻力较大,预计修复盘整;60分钟线多条均线粘合运行,macd 0轴下方运行,趋势偏弱,暴跌后修复态势,日k线上关注压力1856-1865美元,关注支撑1817-1826USD.4hourk线,最后一跟大阴线的起跌点,触及可以空一波,一根大阴线下打,全部吞没早盘上行空间,收出形态看跌。1hourk线来看,趋势上以高点1959为启动点的1小时下跌趋势目前并没有改变,在目前低点1815未跌破之前,其阻力点在1865,从低点的反弹企稳1860,整体趋势依然保持看多为主。当前价格距离上方阻力区1865reach1876一带尚有空间;技术指标上,MA20Mean Square andMA60均线一致偏弱,但价格偏离均线较远,存在反弹需求。短线操作李潇翰建议先空后多,上方关注1856-1865Resistance, pay attention below1833-1826支撑;文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.

Suggestions for short-term operation of gold:

Empty Order Strategy: Suggestion1853-1855Short in batches, stop loss1858, Objective1830-1826;(主攻策略)

Empty Order Strategy: Suggestion1865-1868Short in batches, stop loss1876, Objective1845-1830;(备用策略)

Multiple order strategy: recommendations1833-1828Long in batches, stop loss1824, Objective1848-1853-1863;(主攻策略)

  黄金裸K分析:(认清趋势,别再问我下跌了怎么办?什么点位还能空吗?)目前行情极弱势下跌,极弱势的空头趋势,价格很少会有反弹动作,而一旦产生反弹,就往往会是筑底的反转。周五的大幅下跌后,行情从1828运行到1849位置,上涨20美金,已经靠近了阻力位置,重点就在于,价格突破1856-1865企稳后才能确认反转,同时如果只是侧破,也要考虑承压1956-1965直接杀跌,延续空头。市场目前关键的多空分水岭在1956-1965区域,行情突破该区间则空头终结,价格回调后可以关注多单机会,行情还会再次上涨到1900附近。但若价格守住1956-1965,那么我们就可以先直接做空看空,向下先看1820-1818. stay1818以下就不要再追空了,行情在1764-1959The Golden Section of0.618支撑附近,并且又是1818的前期顶底转换支撑,在1818以下一旦企稳上涨,我们还可以关注波段多单的布局。综上所述,黄金短线先看1856-1865区域的多空得失,守住不破,短线先做空,去看1830-1825、1820-1818,价格运行到1818以下,再关注企稳后的波段多单机会。若价格直接突破1856-1865,警惕行情再次V型反转,回调后可直接做多去看1900目标。文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.

  ========Gold and SilverTDtechnical analysis=======

GoldTDThe gold price opened last week at396.30element/After conquering, it directly rebounded and rose, reaching above the resistance of the middle track in the Bollinger Belt, and recorded402.29Yuan high point, but touching38.2%The significant pullback was caused by the pressure of retracement and the impact of international gold bearish sentiment, which touched392.26Yuan collection bearishKLine. On Friday evening, it also started to operate until the opening, and in terms of trend, it opened from392.20After a significant decline in the yuan, the lowest point reached380Yuan, final payment received381Near Yuan. Based on the strength, it is expected that there is still room for decline, but there is strong technical support below, so the downward space is also limited. It is expected to tend to rise and rebound after reaching the limit. Key focus below375.10element/Ke Support, Follow Above386.60element/Gram resistance.

SilverTDLast week, silver prices surged and fell, with a bearish trend of a long upward shadowKLine, Friday evening trading also opened first at5514element/After the kilogram, it dropped significantly and then returned to its original state38.2%At the same time as the retracement line supports below, it also falls below the middle track and30The daily moving average supports and closes below it to5098In terms of indicators,KDJandMACDIt has also turned into a bearish signal as a whole. The trend focuses on further support, while the rebound focuses on the resistance that changed from support this week. Follow above and below the point4940element/Support around kilograms, pay attention to above5335element/千克阻力。文中操作建议仅供参考,具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.

  ======Analysis of crude oil market trend=======

Crude Oil News: Tuesday(1month12day)亚市盘初,美原油交投于52.21dollar/桶附近,油价在上周强劲上涨后周一企稳,因世界各地实施严厉的封锁措施重新引发了人们对全球燃料需求的担忧,而美元走强也令油价承压。原油今年开局表现强劲,高盛预计布伦特原油期货到今年夏季将升至每桶65美元,受助于沙特减产以及美国权力移交给民主党的影响。比此前预期更快,沙特上周意外宣布自愿减产10010000 barrels/日,还提高了对亚洲的原油售价。继续多头盘整,目前疫情的严峻仍旧是短期压制需求的关键因素,但随着疫苗的投入使用,中长线关注继续反弹,短线预计维持缓慢爬升态势。

  原油技术面:原油开盘之后原油就在52.6一线一路下行,最低下探至51.5一线开始反弹,上周受沙特意外减产承诺影响,持续震荡拉升反弹,上周五更是冲破趋势线压力最高在52.7一线,为近一年来的最高点,周线大阳线收高,日线周内形成连阳上涨,原油从走势来看,价格站上50美元上方后,向上的空间进一步的打开,多头强势向上,价格基本不见明显的回调,价格目前运行在上涨趋势线上方,多头震荡向上的局势并未发生改变,上方关注高点52.7位置的压力,该位置上破将进一步走高。日线均线多头排列,日线收小阴,macd 0轴上方金叉运行,多头态势;60分钟线均线多头排列,macd 0轴上方金叉运行(但上涨动能不足)多头盘整态势。4小时上,上周五原油依托MA5日均线不断上行,当前布林带即将开口,MAMoving average three lines up,KDJThree lines forward for random indicators,MACD指标红色动能柱持续放量,快慢线金叉向上,原油目前短期内有回落需求,待回撤完毕后会再次上涨,原油突破上行通道加速上涨,多头趋势明显。建议投资者可考虑做多机会。操作思路上李潇翰建议上方阻力关注52.7-53First line, support attention from below51-50.8一线。原油短线操作建议:多单策略:回踩51.5附近企稳多,保护51.3 target52.15----52.5 突破上看52.7---53.1。 The operation suggestions in the article are for reference only, and specific suggestions are given at the current price of the actual offer. Friends who are not ideal in operation or cannot grasp the market direction can add Li Xiaohan's official WeChat account:lxhq281Obtain guidance slots.

  =======Li Xiaohan's team's investment risk management======

Step 1: Clarify goals. The so-called clear goals refer to planning the amount of funds you plan to invest in gold and crude oil trading, how much profit you can earn, and the approximate range of losses you can bear. Only through these basic goals can you make a reasonable fund management plan. However, we also need to remind the general publicforeign exchangeInvestors, although foreign exchange is a low-cost and high-yield investment with a hundred times leverage to gain, they should also pay attention to cost control and avoid frequent transactions that increase costs.

Step 2: Plan the steps, such as what trading mode to use to gain profits, whether you are good at frequent short-term trading or prefer a long-term fishing model to make orders, how much trading to stop every day, how much money to withdraw from the market when losing, and how much money to close positions when earning, all of which need to be well planned.

Step 3: Test the plan. No matter how perfect the theory is, it cannot be determined whether it is effective without combining it with practice. After roughly formulating your trading strategy, you can use the mini account provided by the platform to test whether the formulated strategy is available and see if it can bring stable profits to yourself.

Step 4: Strictly implement. This step is the core of the entire plan, and the losses caused by any random operation can be fatal,Foreign exchange transactionsUnable to withstand any deviation. Planned trading is necessary to better control risks, accurately follow market trends, and achieve profits. Investment carries risks, and caution is necessary when entering the market!



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