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Wang Decheng:Refuse the temptation of high interest rates, adhere to rational investment, and choose legitimate and legitimate futures

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     做交易我一直在强调理性投资,何为理性投资?笔者一直认为理性投资的第一点就是要认识到投资理财的风险性,不管你是做goldforeign exchange交易还是futures交易,他都有很大的风险,所以你们一定不要投入太多资金去玩这东西,炒外汇或者炒期货没那么好赚钱,特别是你们在什么都不懂得情况下,就更不要投入太多钱去交易。我看见有些业务员的文章里今天晒单盈利几千美金,明天翻倍多少资金,I feel embarrassed when I look at it myself. A simulated transaction created by a simulated account is deceiving people. It's not like making so much money when it comes to trading. If it were to make so much money, wouldn't it be like becoming a multimillionaire long ago? Why bother writing articles here. So all investment friends must remain rational, open their eyes to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and use a small amount of funds to trade. Do not let investment affect your normal family operation, let alone be forced to increase funds and continuously lose money when the position is about to explode.

Wang Decheng:Refuse the temptation of high interest rates, adhere to rational investment, and choose legitimate and legitimate futures62 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1595532

    1Regularity :期货交易所是经过国务院和证监会批准成立的。正规期货公司都是受证监会监管,安全性毋庸置疑。期货公司也只能赚取交易者的手续费,不会和交易者对堵吃交易者的亏损。
   2、资金有保障:交易者资金通过银期转账,资金全部由第三方银行托管,绝对不会说入金到某个私人账户或者对公账户。交易者自己的每笔交易自己都可以在中国期货市场监控中心查到 。
   4、 市场透明:期货市场的透明度比较高。交易在交易所集中进行,大家交易的主要是标的商品的价格,市场“三公”容易得到保证。

Wang Decheng:Refuse the temptation of high interest rates, adhere to rational investment, and choose legitimate and legitimate futures996 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1595532
    8Low transaction costs: 除了上述的交易手续费很低一歪,期货交易没有隔夜利息和库存费。


Wang Decheng:Refuse the temptation of high interest rates, adhere to rational investment, and choose legitimate and legitimate futures750 / author:Wang Decheng / PostsID:1595532


    13Trading method:t+0交易,当天可以进行无数次交易。
    Refuse the temptation of high profits and persist in rational investment. Investment and financial management are high-risk things, not as easy to make money, and maintaining rationality is the most important. Respect laws and regulations, avoid financial traps, and stay away from "high yield" scams. Investors must learn more relevant knowledge to distinguish between real and fake platforms, and learn the most basic knowledge of investment. Author Wang Decheng Futures Qualification Qualification NumberT329796Qualification certificate number of financial planner:CICFPAGC1161851Contact WeChat Sync on your phone:15851503763。

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