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Li Lianying:1.6今日黄金是否会下跌呢?贵金属白银TD行情最新...

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  Every time I write an analysis, I always hope to see friends who can gain something. In this market, under calm performance, the dark waves are actually surging, and many investment friends easily enter, often covered in bruises. Every day, many friends come to me for help, but most of them just quickly find the next article to continue reading after reading the analysis. I hope I can help more people, just like my own positioning for this job is service. People are mutual, and trust is the beginning of cooperation. If you are confused or confused on the investment path, you can talk to me. Perhaps this will make your investment journey much easier.!!! I, Li Lianying, will always be there, but if you don't even reach out, how can I help you? (Free group entry experience, provided daily3-5Single)

   随着市场开始反映民主党掌控国会两院的概率上升,一些分析师预计市场波动将加剧,佐治亚州周二围绕两个参议院席位进行决胜轮选举,结果可能在当地时间周三上午见分晓。周二美国股市上涨,佐治亚州正在进行的关键选举即将决定参议院控制权的归属。美国股市周二开盘走低后反弹,标普500指数在创下2016年以来最差新年开局后反弹,市场交投清淡;追踪小盘股的罗素2000The index surged1.7%,能源股大涨,进一步削弱了美元的吸引力,佐治亚州决选的前景吸引了大量关注。由于企业的foreign exchange对冲和不断升温的通胀预期,美元指数再度走低,接近2018year4The lowest level since the beginning of the month.

  1month5daygoldETFsData display, as of1month4The largest gold in the world todayETF-SPDR Gold TrustGold holdings1187.95Tons, increased from the previous trading day17.21吨,增持数量为2020year9month21日以来最多。周二(1month5day)受助于美元走软、ETF持仓大幅增加和对新冠疫情的担忧加剧等因素,金价震荡走高。

  黄金技术面,周二黄金表现的没有周一强势,周一亚欧盘连续上涨破高,周二稍微温和一点,日线一根大涨站稳在5日均线之下,并且拉开了布林上轨,促使布林暂时开口,这个形态上的细节表现多头方向才刚刚开始,日线连阳之后多头上涨空间很大,周线内可见前期高点1980,所以,近期黄金继续保持长多短空。4hourK线来看,移动平均线呈较为规整向上发散排列,短期金价维持较为强劲多头技术指标指引形态,短期金价还较难形成大幅单边。1hourkLooking at the line,MACD快慢线在高位形成了死叉迹象,绿色能量柱大幅增量,说明金价短线的回调已经开启,操作方面可以围绕1965一线阻力布局空单,下方关注自1871以来的斐波那契23.6%回调位即1928一线支撑,目前30Minute level,KLine andMACD指标顶背离,限制了金价涨幅空间,综合来看,后市黄金操作思路上李联赢建议回踩做多为主,高空为辅,上方重点关注1955-58Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1930-28Frontline support.


  silvertd参考策略:5630/5600Long, stop loss5560, look at the goal5700/5720,做空策略我们盘中格局具体走势来布局。

  沙特阿拉伯意外宣布将在2、3月份自愿大幅减产,其他OPEC+成员国则保持产量稳定或小幅增产。沙特的减产承诺和油价上涨可能给美国页岩油产业提供一些抢占市场份额的空间,尽管大流行病带来的财务困难和投资者的期望仍然将对该产业构成障碍。纽约crude oilfuturesUp4.9%,并且盘中短暂突破每桶50美元,是大流行病引发广泛的封锁措施并导致燃料需求暴跌以来首次。OPEC+联盟在经过两天的磋商之后达成协议,决定在未来两个月控制石油供应。与会代表称,其他成员国将保持供应稳定或小幅增长。2Month and3月份,俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦将被允许每天合计增产7.5Ten thousand barrels.

  周二原油日内先震荡走高,冲破前期49.3压力,但测压至49.8一线后承压回落,目前原油再度跌回至49下方,且向着48附近靠近。冲高回落的状态很显然表明原油虽然偏强,但是实际上涨动能还是偏弱的。今日原油继续重点关注5、10Daily line50的争夺,此位得失在技术上,尤其是中线结构上都有着关键性的引导作用,如果今日50失守,则行情或将展开期待已久的技术性活络调整。如果原油价格围绕50整数关口震荡,可能会走时间换空间的态势,所以综合来看,今日原油操作思路上李联赢个人建议以回调做多为主,上方关注50.8一线阻力,破位继续持有多,下方关注48.5Frontline support.

   (点击头像查看资料进群,yy57564Free application for direct group experience. Daily current price order3-5Single)

   1Daily updates: trend analysis, order making reminders, and timing of position building

   2Featured columns: troubleshooting, solving problems, and real-time analysis of trends

   3Welfare delivery: Real time call out for daily current prices and real-time analysis of entry reasons

   4New Fan Welfare: Trading War Law "Bollinger Belt War Law",Teach you how to make good investments

Here is my current price order within the group. I usually have real-time layout of current price orders for everyone to keep up with. As a straightforward person, I won't keep accurate market trends. As long as I have accurate orders, I will use the group's current price orders to enter the market for everyone!! Everyone mainly focuses on their private real-time layout, and I don't have any reserved guidance!!! Because the big market needs to be grasped in a timely manner, if not grasped, it may result in a loss order! I believe everyone has experienced this!!!

  The market is constantly changing every day, and we have a strong analysis team who makes every order through thoughtful judgment, ensuring that every order can be profitable and out of the market! The operation of two to three orders every day does not require overnight wealth, only the safety of falling into the bag! The profit is very high, I take nine points alone, one point depends on luck, and eight points depends on strength! A day or two is luck, what about a week? How about two weeks? Whether it's internal or group posting strategies, or major financial websites, team teachers are all bidding for orders at current prices! Daily analysis team technical guidance group, real-time announcement of daily market trend push, real-time current price call out Every entry is reasonable, evidence-based, publicly available, and free for group experience and inspection!

  Every friend who enters this market does not want to become rich overnight, because this is an impossible dream. Long term and stable profits are the foundation. This is a market that is blooming everywhere to collect money, and it is also a battlefield that can be turned around and destroyed. Your funds, I will escort you! Stable platform+Layout of strength=Profit. I am analyst Li Lianying, an analyst who can accompany you to fight until the market stops!

  This article is provided by Li Lianying. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Technical Director Li Lianying provides online solutions, loss recovery, and one-on-one real-time guidance. Due to the delayed nature of online push, the above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only and at my own risk. Please indicate the source for reprinting.

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