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Zhou Jinrui11.27黄金还会跌吗?外汇黄金原油走势分析及多空策略

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Article Summary:11.27goldSilverTD、crude oiltechnical analysis.11.27How to stir fry gold for beginnersTDCrude oil?11.27goldTDWhat to do with losses on crude oil investment?11.27Analysis of the Trend of Gold and Crude Oil.Recommendations for Operation of Gold Crude Oil.11.27Gold crude oil strategy.Investing in international gold, crude oil, and silverTDHow to analyze the market situation?11.27Today's Gold, Crude Oil, SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free?11.27How to recover losses from investing in spot gold?11.27goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line?11.27What are the current gold resistance and support levels?11.27Novice investing in gold and silverTDHow should I make the order?11.27Will London gold prices continue to rise today? silverTDWill it still fall?11.27What recent news will affect gold and silverTDTrend?11.27What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold?11.27Gold, crude oil, silverTDAnalysis of today's market trend and operational suggestions.11.27Will spot gold continue to rise today? US crude oil silverTDWill it still fall?11.27International Gold and SilverTDHow to operate today?
Mastering the market situation requires absolute patience and persistence. When operating, one must have a confidence of around 80% to place an order, not just 50% to place an order. 50% is just luck, not a reason to make money in the market. In Zhou Jinrui's case, it is a trend to make steady and long-term profits, seize opportunities that can be grasped, and make profits while maintaining the principal steadily, This is the true way to win in investment! Is it seeking wealth insurance? I think it's a success in detail. No matter what you have grasped before, it has become a past tense. Knowing Zhou Jinrui is a new start, new contacts have begun, everything is back to zero, and we set sail from a new beginning!
Daily gold, silver, and crude oil investment strategies [add Zhou Jinrui's personal guidance micro Letter;zjr8527】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
Analysis of Gold News: Friday(11month27日)亚洲时段,现货黄金小幅上涨0.08%; (11month26日)金价几乎持平, 美国感恩节假期令交投清淡,受病例激增及其经济影响引发投资者对更多财政和货币支持措施的预期。美元指数从近三个月低位反弹,涨0.03%,美元稍早因悲观的美国经济数据和对病毒疫苗的乐观情绪而处于守势,但稍晚因关键的近期不确定性抑制了方向性交易,美元则获得支撑收复失地。 当下金价连续第四个月下跌,因疫苗进展一直打压避险需求,川普宣布称下周起疫苗开始交付,或将早于预期开始全面接种。 因疫苗方面传来好消息等因素,金价从11月中旬开始出现下滑,一度逼近1800美元,目前有所企稳,交投于1810美元附近。虽然疫苗方面不断传出好消息,德意志银行上调全球经济预期,但能否控制疫情方面仍存在不确定性。此外,各国极端的货币和财政刺激可能导致金融市场崩溃。因全球经济复苏仍面临这两大风险,市场风险不散,中长期仍有望给予金价支撑。关注公众号“金油周金瑞”即可实时获得最新的操作策略。
  黄金技术面:黄金日线图来看,黄金整体波幅较小,日线回测了1818跌破的三角形通道下轨阻力,日线最终以十字星收录,经过两天的震荡,日线的跌势已经逐步放缓,1800关口也惊险守住,预计金价很难在走出新低,跌破1800关口。需要注意的是日线的收线情况,若金价能够收在1818上方,则预计金价走震荡调整的概率将加大,调整区间还是关注38.2-50%斐波那契回调位即1837-1760区间。日线初步阻力关注1818Further resistance1837,关键阻力在1850,此位置也是多空分水岭的位置。

Gold4小时图来看,金价沿着1800震荡上行以来的上升趋势线反弹,上方1818位置两次测试皆未突破。从k线结构上也可以发现,有阳线后总是会有阴线回调,k线呈阴阳交错状态,没有很好的大阳线支撑,说明金价的反弹动能较弱,指标方面MACD红色能量柱延续放量,快慢线向零轴上方运行,虽然金价的反弹动作较弱,但是指标显示,金价的反弹还未结束。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主。上方关注1830-1835One line of resistance, pay attention below1790-1795Frontline support.
Friends who have just entered the market for gold, silver, and crude oil may not be able to access the top news or news in the international market due to work, life, and other issues. This is a great problem for us to do gold, silver, and crude oil. Therefore, Zhou Jinrui welcomes investment friends to come to me and communicate and progress together, so that everyone can stay informed of the international market trends anytime and anywhere, and make the most stable orders. Guiding WeChat:zjr8527
Analysis of crude oil market trend
Analysis of crude oil news: Friday(11month27day)亚洲时段,美原油窄幅震荡,交投于45.01dollar/桶附近;周四国际油价下跌约1.66%,因在OPEC+讨论推迟增产的会议召开前,该组织一些成员国产生了分歧,打压了市场对OPEC+下周推迟增产计划的预期,而且新冠疫情仍在肆虐,部分多头如期趁感恩节假期获利了结。OPEC主席、阿尔及利亚能源部长在电话采访中说,尽管本周原油价格在纽约涨至八个月高点每桶45美元,但这股飙涨势头可能被证明是脆弱的。必须保持谨慎,因内部数据表明明年年初可能出现新的石油过剩,到目前为止,根据今年早些时候一项协议所削减的产量大部分已经恢复,这对于油价是不利的。
  原油技术面:原油从日线来看,多方市场;KDJ金叉,显示超买,MACD金叉,双线上冲,红柱缩短,多头占强势地位却面临短线回调压力,中短期继续看多。中短期多方掌握盘面,但仍需警惕因动能不足导致的回调或高位震荡。不过1小时图经过连续的放量之后,开始出现局部浪形的三重高。如果把这波上涨当作一个浪形上涨的话,目前处于该浪形上涨的局部尾端,通常出现三重之后,小周期显示多头量能稍有放缓,会伴随一定的回踩修正再重新蓄势上涨。目前处于这种局部慢涨逼空,回踩不到位,每冲出一个新高位就伴随长时间整理修正。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主。上方短期重点关注46.5-47.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below43.5-44.0Frontline support. Currently, friends who have nested orders in their positions are unable to provide corresponding unwinding strategies due to the author Zhou Jinrui's lack of knowledge about the location of your nested orders and the specific situation of your positions. Friends who need to unwind can use WeChatzjr8527obtain.
Regarding unpacking:
At this point, there is no need to waste time searching online for strategies that have only one solution. Friends who really need to solve the problem can contact Professor Zhou Jinrui with your order. To solve the problem, you need to provide specific and real-time solutions based on your funds, positions, position risk rates, etc., combined with market trends, in order to effectively solve the problem in a short period of time. Analysts often say that when it comes to trends, you should take advantage of the trend. For those of you who are hedging, most of you are short-term traders. With such deep hedging, is it going with the trend or against the trend?
In the investment market, no one will directly give you prosperity, only opportunities and platforms. In this era, there is nothing lacking, only a vision like an eagle, a spirit like a wolf, courage like a bear, and speed like a leopard. Opportunities never wait for those who hesitate, those who wait, those who slack off, and those who are weak.
Author's Message: I hope my article can bring you valuable insights and ensure smooth sailing in future investments. If you need to learn more about spot investments, trading techniques, operational techniques, and long short solutions τ as well asKYou can contact Zhou Jinrui by phone.
This article is provided by Zhou Jinrui. I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, and analyze the impact of crude oil, gold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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