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Li Lianying:11.23黄金今日行情趋势抉择,黄金原油晚间走势操...

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  When you see my article, Lian Ying can understand that you are looking for a teacher who can lead you to make stable profits. In complex market emergencies and institutional crashes, we cannot predict, but what we can do is to strictly stop losses on orders and maintain a calm attitude towards them. With Teacher Li present, you will not feel lucky to carry orders and will not be lost when you cannot judge the market. The sudden change in the market is not terrifying, but what is terrifying is that you cannot react quickly, wait blindly, or even make wrong judgments, ultimately missing the best opportunity to recover losses, even leading to further losses, and also missing the opportunity to profit with the trend. Time is like flowing water, fleeting. Seize the moment and do not be overwhelmed by fear and surprise. It takes patience to unravel orders, and it is even more important to have a unique unraveling plan that is suitable for your order, and all the solutions you need are available with Teacher Li! Don't sit idly by! No matter how powerful Zhuge is, Liu Bei's search is also needed. To win in a league, all it takes is good cooperation and trust, as well as a willingness to refuse and lose. It's just that simple. If a friend is afraid to take action on their own because they are not sure about the market, Teacher Li is your best guide! I, Li Lianying, will always be there, but if you don't even reach out, how can I help you? (Free group entry experience, provided daily3-5Single)

   =====goods in stockgoldMarket trend analysis=====


  黄金技术面来看,日线级别横盘小幅震荡;MACD双线交缠,KDJbe in50下方有交合趋势,黄金仍处于暴跌后的震荡反复格局,中长期来看,100Daily moving average and200日均线继续上行,多头格局不变,短期均线相交紊乱,继续关注1890The long and empty competition at the level, while also below1850处支撑也较为明显。短期仍震荡为主,多空变化频繁。综合来看,今日短线操作思路上李联赢建议以反弹做空为主,回调低多为辅,上方短期重点关注1880-1885Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1848-1853Frontline support. The market is constantly changing, and the entry points are for reference only. If there is a break, you can also consult Li Lianying to learn about the latest market situation. For specific order making strategies, the entry points can be found on Li Lianying's WeChat account:yy57564Based on actual offer guidance!

  =====internationalcrude oilMarket trend analysis=====

This week(11month23Solstice11month27日),投资者需注意感恩节期间美国相关交易所的休市或日前交易结束公告。本周焦点是美联储11月货币政策会议纪要和欧洲央行10月货币政策会议纪要。数据方面需关注欧美11monthMarkitmanufacturingPMI初值,美国10Initial monthly rate of durable goods orders, actual third quarter in the United StatesGDP数据、美国截止11month20Day and WeekAPI原油和汽油库存变动,以及EIA原油和精炼油库存变动。投资者还需关注澳洲联储副主席、英国央行行长和财长的讲话,以及多位美联储官员就疫情发表的讲话。大事方面需继续关注英国和欧盟的贸易谈判,以及美国新一轮经济刺激计划谈判。

  原油技术面来看,日线级别通道震荡走高,通道上线在43.8一线,下线在36Nearby;KDJThree line intersection,MACD两线平行,多头暂处强势,KLine in40大关处寻得较强支撑,不过多头上方面临8Month high point43.78的强压力位,且近期K线上影线较长,暗示上方阻力较强,空头或将反击。综合来看,今日短线操作思路上李联赢建议以回调低多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方短期重点关注42.3-42.8Frontline resistance, short-term focus below40-40.5Frontline support.

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    Every time we enter the market, we have sufficient profits. Moreover, we have provided illustrations to our solid customer base when providing strategies, making it clear at a glance why we enter the market, why this is the opening point, and where our expected goals are! Enter without hesitation, hold positions with confidence, and exit without hesitation! Victory will not come casually, but prepared transactions can be seen from the strategy before entering the market to determine the chances of victory!

If you are currently struggling with losses, or if there are so many strategies to follow, you can choose to observe the operations within our group and present real-time, open, and fair current price calls through communication within the group. There are investment friends from all over the world in the group who can learn and communicate with each other, so that you can better learn. (Unconditionally enter the group) May I exist today, and your trading will not be lost! If you are disappointed with the market I show you hope!

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Real time market push within the group (Asian, European, and American markets) and summary of current price order transactions (personally) are welcome for review: Profits have been made (entry is reasonable, public, and open, and can be reviewed)

This article is written by Li Lianyingyy57564As a contributor, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Technical Director Li Lianying provides online solutions, loss recovery, and one-on-one real-time guidance. Due to the delayed nature of online push, the above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only and at my own risk. Please indicate the source for reprinting.

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