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Zhou Jinrui11.23黄金横盘整理多空抉择 黄金行情分析美原油策略

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Article Summary:goldcrude oil白银最新走势分析、11.23How to handle the sudden rise and fall of gold?11.23What else does it take for the economy to recover to pre pandemic levels?11.23Will gold continue to rise?11.23What skills are needed to stir fry gold?11.23Why does investing in gold and crude oil always result in losses?11.23Is gold bullish or bearish?11.23What should beginners pay attention to when frying spot gold?11.23How to learn how to stir fry gold?11.23How to grasp the correct entry time for spot gold investment?11.23What common sense do beginners need to know to stir fry gold?11.23黄金暴跌后还会暴涨?
  前言:因为专业,所以领先、没有尔虞我诈,只有一颗真诚的心;没有百分百的准确,只有稳定的盈利;不做马后炮,让每一个盈利都真切并真实的让你感受并为之受益。如果我始终都找不到你,那我就只能站在最显眼的地方,让你找到我。周金瑞专注分析现货黄金、白银黄金T+D, US crude oil, London goldforeign exchangeFinancial investment products such as gold and crude oil. A professional team conducts online analysis and provides one-on-one real-time guidance to help investors avoid risks, expand profits, and keep you informed of international market trends anytime and anywhere, making the most robust orders. Cooperation is only the starting point, service has no end!
  现货黄金,白银、伦敦金,黄金走势分析【周金瑞微信:zjr8527】Suggestions for crude oil and silver operations, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold and silver, latest strategies, and techniques for unwinding long and short orders!
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
  消息面解析:周一(11month23day)国际现货黄金价格连续第五个交易日走软,交投于1865Near the US dollar, the weekly trend is expected to decline for the second consecutive week, with gold's charm being hit by optimistic prospects for vaccines and news that the US Treasury has ended its emergency loan program. Previously, US Treasury Secretary Nuchin called on the Federal Reserve to end some large-scale lending, sparking uncertainty about the stimulus plan, which played a key role in calming financial markets. US Treasury Secretary Nuchin Demands Fed Return3Unutilized in the large-scale epidemic rescue plan for the month4000More than a billion dollars in funds, so that Congress can redirect these funds to stimulate the economy. These funds were originally used as emergency loans for enterprises, non-profit organizations, and local governments. The Treasury's move means that it is considered a key crisis response plan by the Federal Reserve to maintain economic stability, with most of it expected to12month31日画下句点。周金瑞认为如果美联储确实开始缩减其援助计划,可能再度对金价构成阻力,支撑金价的货币贬值论调可能会降温。更多解套、投资、操作策略关注公众号“金油周金瑞”获取实时指导。
  技术面:日线上看,价格目前正处于布林带下轨运行,下方支撑布林带下轨1838Main imageKFrom an online perspective,KLine continuity3日收阴线,预示着目前空头处于强势地位,布林线开口逐渐向下扩张发散,均线交叉发散。附图指标上,KDJ快慢线处于平行发散趋势,MACD快慢线在价格下方平行发散,绿色动能柱略微放量,预计价格将会小幅度反弹。
Short line4On the hourly chart, the price is currently at the 5-day moving average1862上方,均线略微收缩发散,布林线开口扩张趋势增大。附图指标KDJ快慢线交金叉后向上发散,MACD快慢线开口逐渐缩小,绿色动能柱缩量。小时图结构来看,短线行情下跌至1860It is expected that there will be competition on the front line, but the market actually drops to a small low point in the early stage1852一线反弹,也属于合理范畴内的调整,且小时图级别指标超卖,所以整体走势结构并未被破坏,1860一线还是有可能提供一些回弹动能的。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主。上方关注1895-1899One line of resistance, pay attention below1850-1855Frontline support.
Analysis of crude oil market trend
  消息面解析:周一(11month23day)American crude oilfuturesPrice trading42Near the US dollar, the weekly trend is expected to close higher for the third consecutive week, with hopes of an effective vaccine coming out this week and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies(OPEC+)Factors such as the possibility of further production cuts have supported oil prices, but concerns about energy demand caused by the increase in virus infections and the implementation of lockdown measures by several countries have limited the upward space for oil prices. Overall, with the worsening of the European and American pandemic, the current recovery rate of global oil trade is slower than previously expected. Short term oil prices may still fluctuate and linger. Zhou Jinrui believes that the current calm is before the storm, and the vaccine is about to arrive. However, there will be fluctuations in the near future, and the epidemic is undoubtedly suppressing the market. But especially for the crude oil market, there may be new OPEC organizations(OPEC)Price war.
  技术面:原油昨日探高回落收出带有上影线的小阳线。日线仍处于高位震荡当中,此前的高点未能突破,拉锯震荡格调不改。昨日上探42.50附近轻微承压收盘在41.50.收盘价相对较低,使得今日上扬力度不足。亚盘延续昨日的高位回落。重新寻求低位支撑。4小时上探至布林道上轨轻微压制,早盘开盘在中轨附近,若是下破中轨则会向下轨寻求支撑。由于K线实体连阴走弱。使得早盘相对偏回落一些。也就是说大概率会先向下轨回落寻求支撑。但整体还是震荡的节奏,只是由昨日的高位区间下移一些。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主。上方短期重点关注43.5-44.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below40.0-40.5一线支撑。目前仓位有套单的朋友,由于笔者周金瑞不知道你们套单的点位以及仓位的具体情况,不好给出相应的解套策略,需要解套的朋友可单线微信:zjr8527
  1Control your desires well, don't listen to people telling stories randomly, choose a legitimate platform and reliable teachers, a good mentality is more important than anything else.
  2Trend trading, only focusing on the right market and band, if not available7I am confident and would rather not do it.
To borrow a sentence from Shakyamuni: "It takes only an instant to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, they are the person who should appear in your life, not by chance. Every time Zhou Jinrui writes an article, he also hopes to meet like-minded people and give back more of my knowledge to society. He hopes that I can truly help you who appreciate Zhou Jinrui's articles.
This article is written by Zhou Jinrui (WeChat:zjr8527)Contributing, I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, and analyze the impact of crude oil, gold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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